Now that racism has been making a comeback, when would you say that racism in western society was at an all-time low in the last 100 years?
Now that racism has been making a comeback...
60s, peak at 80s and dead around 2010
Good riddance
I'd say 1960s Italy.
Motherfucker you are dumb. Racism has only been decreasing throughout the last 100 years (in most of the west anyways). What has been increasing is society's sensitivity and ability to recognize it. There was never a "golden age", shit was just perceived and reported differently.
Also, racism is something that is strongly localized and very specific so you can't really talk about it as a global, or even national concept.
This is a thread made by someone that isn't a regular here so please fuck back off to where you came from.
>racism is decreasing
So all those stormtards who say "day of the rope soon" are deluded? Why do you think they're so detached from reality? Low IQ? Social isolation? Mental illness? Poor social skills?
I dunno man racism is de facto dead, people don't even racially bants each other in person, people who express a whiff of genuine racism lose their jobs. racism is as dead as it's going to be in meatspace and people saying nigger in the toilets of the internet behind closed doors don't count.
They make up an incredibly small minority of the population, their opinions might as well not matter, considering none of them will amount to anything beyond their mothers basement
>So all those stormtards who say "day of the rope soon" are deluded?
If you are a total loser and you see a wom, black, or jew in a sweet position in society you probably feel endangered. As more non white dudes succeed in a multi-ethnic society more losers will sperg out on Veeky Forums about white genocide.
Also what you see here is not representative of normal society.
You're stupidly ignorant of the opinions of racists, they don't care about ethnics in "high positions in society" and express hatred for the generality of said ethnics out of jealousy, they mostly shit on under class American blacks - both Europeans and Americans, and Europeans shit on various ethnics populating inner cities and council estates. I know many people in my country who have expressed distaste at the rapid increase in foreigners practically taking over certain neighborhoods in working class areas, never at them in "high positions", because the foreigners haven't been here long enough to permeate to such a degree.
A fringe group that has been given a louder platform for voicing their opinions thanks to the internet.
>making a comeback
it never left. It was simply snuffed out until only one ember remained. Trumpism is just the tinder that reignited it
Reality doesn't exist, spergo.
Probably the 90's
Then Obama became president and blamed whites for Ferguson.
"Race relations have never been better"
t. Obama while Ferguson and Baltimore were burning from the race riots.
I'm not gonna argue that Obama fanned the flames, but the Rodney King shooting and OJ trial really brought out racial tensions
Yeah Rodney was bad, I don't think tensions were that high though. They were probably above poaching but probably not at simmering yet.
Outside of violent riots in California the Rodney King thing wasn't too bad and OJ brought out racial tensions but a big part of that was because of the miscarriage of justice
Literally never.
I would say the 90's too but Rodney King and OJ reminded me niggers have been dindu nuffining even then while the media built pop culture on the foundation of a dindu nuffin to reinforce all the ones down the road.
>when would you say that racism in western society was at an all-time low in the last 100 years
Early 00s? The least racist period is necessarily the moment preceding the start of the comeback.
>1960s Italy
Top kek.
Lowest racial tensions maybe, but that's just because 100% monoethnic country whose only contact with other races is through east african prostitutes/porn actresses.
Late 90s early 00s, then Obama started blaming whites for shooting blacks (when it goes overwhelmingly the other way) and the college retards were busy inventing made up shit like white peivilege and whites responded to this fire with fire.
Early 2000's, after the older generations have died and before left and right brought back identity bullshit.
>then Obama started blaming whites for shooting blacks
Obama was just pointing the obvious to people who willingly ignore it
"redpilling" you on it if you will
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Righto mate
No honestly, you're in denial if you think there isn't a racist movement growing very quickly in america.
And it's made up of young men often from places that aren't typically thought of as racist.
Please post some numbers backing that up.
Humanities is still a science after all.
Racism is reality.
To deny race realism is to deny reality.
Most people feel the way they feel. They just don't publicly say it.
If that negro or woman is in their position because of some institutional racism aka affirmative action the anger is justified.
White genocide is real, just look at europe.
I think blacklivesmatter chipmouts helped.
Most racism in America is push back from black racists who push policies that are due to their race and success envy.
my opinions are reality
to argue with me is to deny reality
It's not my opinion, it's genetics, history and science.
You fucking retard, racism has not made a comeback you idiot. 6000 racists or how many are in the KKK or the tens of thousands of racists out of 330 million Americans does not mean racism is making a comeback. What you think jackbooted thugs are going to knock down your door and take you away or some shit?
All of the above actually.
>So all those stormtards who say "day of the rope soon" are deluded?
Ah, yes. The same stormtards who were doxxed, fired from their jobs and disowned by their own families when they thought their drivel will be accepted by the masses of society.
You guys should talk more with people outside the west, racism it's only growing. Lots of africans think the village over the next hill are literal sub-humans. In Nigeria it's hilarious, Hausa or Igbo are at each other throats for petty shit.
Asians are hilariously racist too, talk to Hindus and what do they think about nagas and other North-east people.
>Now that racism has been making a comeback
t. never traveled abroad
If the "west" is truly getting more "racist" it is because hordes of racist third worlders have infested it.
please don't move the goalposts
>If the "west" is truly getting more "racist" it is because hordes of racist third worlders have infested it.
Do you believe this statement is racist? Can you see why some people would construe this as racism?
>black cops are every bit as likely to shoot a black person as a white cop, if not more so
>blacks massively disproportionately kill whites
Where's the pill?
'Third worlder' isn't a race. So maybe if you're retarded, you can construe it as racism all you like, fact of the matter is first world western countries are literally the only people in the world who give a shit about racism.
The cultural marxists for decades have been utilizing marxist-esque rhetoric to achieve racial division, cutting all the "non-whites" into "people of color", under one brush to concentrate them into one voting bloc for the Democrats.
This is why diverse societies fail, all the other shit aside, it is the racial marxists who are why we must be one homogeneous ethno-state.
Weren't the actual numbers more like a couple hundred?
>it's a Veeky Forums pretends stormfags are the only racist group gaining prominence
you're part of the problem
Veeky Forums has gone full leftist, what did you expect?
Leftypol wants white people to be weak, and to be the slaves of non whites. Thid is why they are so scared of whst the alt right could be
We want no one to be slaves. We're just annoyed with "people" who praise their masters because at least they're the same color!
right now.
most "racism" is just young people who are upset at the establishment culture and system favoring some minority groups based on the actions of generations that are mostly dead.
Why do leftists cuckolds want tobbe to be the slaves of niggers?
Didn't really think that much about race as a teenager from 07-2010. Gradually people became more and more obsessed with it or it could be a part of growing up when you start to face the uglier sides of the world
Either way I think the "racist revival" took place when more made up labels from western unis started to emerge. Since this gathered attention in the mainstream these retarded ideas got countered by other retarded ideas which fueled even more idiocy from the other side and so on.
Could be a symptom of having it so good you have to create problems so life becomes less boring. If/when we face a major crisis in the western world there will be no time to even care about whatever it is we're bickering about today
No whites kill the most whites, are you retarded or something?
No racial revival, racism was always a thing, and though it's is falling from the Jim Crow days it's still a big thing that the higher classes seemed to deluded themselves in thinking it was fixed (just like war, poverty, liberty, economics, etc.).
>just look at europe
Whiter than 'murrica will ever be, Cletus.
>60 %
can't make this shit up
>We're just annoyed with "people" who praise their masters because at least they're the same color!
You're talking about blacks and Obama?
>100% monoethnic country
sorry we invaded your hugbox
Why do you anti white cucks wanr a safespace?
To plot the destruction of the white race.
Ironically anti-semitism in modern Europe cones from its ethnic minority groups.
So does most of the sexism and homophobia.
>yfw the jews will put all minorities into camps soon to prevent anti-semitism
>the ethnic minorities that are thriving and invading are the ones who didn't give up anti-semitism and ethno-nationalism
That's joggin the noggin
I don't think racism is making a comeback as much as progressives have changed the meaning of "racism" to be much broader. Traditionally racism was the belief that other races are inherently inferior to ones own whereas today people get labeled racist for suggesting that races are different without even making value judgments about superiority/inferiority. In 2017, if you don't buy into the "we are all the same and planet earth is a global village :)" meme then you get labeled a racist and naturally a lot more people fall under this (((definition))) of racism than the traditional meaning of that word.
Why do you /pol/tards want a safespace ?
So we can discuss political issues free from fact or reason.
>the anti white cuck think that he has fact or reason
>he thinks reason is a good thing
Nice try lefty/pol/
MSM is stirring up this racism narrative. How are people falling for this?
>today people get labeled racist for suggesting that races are different without even making value judgments about superiority/inferiority
It's gone past that. You have "white privilege" for saying you don't care about race.
>western society
is not a thing
I don't know where you're from. But in the Netherlands that is exactly what the far-right says
But user, you have 'white privilege' for being white, it has no relevance what your personal opinions on race are.
Nosadays saying "I don't think immigration is a good idea" is racist.
Yeah. I was basing my number 6,000 off of how many I think are in the KKK or are in far-right Neo-Nazi groups. I don't know the number off hand of how many are considered neo-Nazis or white nationalists etc. There were hundreds at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville but I was basing on how many are in the KKK.
The KKK is literally controlled opposition.
Remember when they tried to make an arrest and it turns out the grandmaster was FBI and all the members were undercover cops?
i wonder the same thing everyday, i fucking despise the media.
If they don't like the low class ones, of course they're not gonna like the high class ones either.
Racism isn't making a comeback overall. You spend too much time on Veeky Forums, but off the internet the tolerance for racism is lower than it ever was.
I think you mean "on the internet the tolerance for racism is lower than it ever was".
IRL everyone is becoming more and more racist due to the jews flooding every country with shitskins.
>immigrants from Africa and Middle-East have elevated crime lev-
>But here's official stats from the poli-
>But most inmates in ie. France are im-
>Bataclan, Manchester, Madrid, Barcelona, Stockholm, Turku?
>votes for far right because the other side doesn't even want to address grievances and instead spebds its time shutting down discussion like a pidgeon on a chessboard
racism was invented by capitalists in the 19th century. Fuck Trump!
Not racism per se, but anti-immigrant sentiment is making a comeback due to constant terror strikes.
Can you give me examples of this?
I'm from Ireland, non-Europeans are only coming to my country in the last few decades, besides a few meme raids by arab pirates a ways back.
>it's genetics, history and science.
based retard
Racism went down in the 90s and 2000s. The problem is that the children in that era were taught in school to be liberal and SJW so they kicked up a million notches and the retarded ones started getting triggered at everything. Now they want globalism.
>he thinks a statistically irrelevant number of people now being in continent, is genocide
>he thinks this statistically irrelevant number isn't statistically relevant locally
>he thinks this statistically irrelevant part of population isn't statistically relevant in crime and terrorism
early 00s and mid 00s was when racial tensions were at their lowest in America.
Back then the idea was to strive towards colorblindness and not noticing or caring about race, which works and is fair as a paradigm.
but around 09 leftist agitators started gaining ground at a much accelerated rate stirring up racial resentment at the same time as calling on white people not to be colorblind but instead to flagellate themselves and be deferential to anything a "person of color" says.
this increases resentment and racial tension in both white people and black people (and to a much lesser extent other non-white people)
>all these leftists whining about racism in the west
>meanwhile actual institutionalized racism in the form of affirmative action in education and employment is being utilized to directly discriminate against whites (and sometimes Asians or other "overachieving" ethnic group), especially white males, while literally bestowing privileges on others
I love the left, it's the best thing that could've happened to the right.
enlighten me as to what other ethnic groups existed in 1960s italy
When white people held the power.
so a chinese saying 'fuck white people' is reality to you, check.
There isn't really a unified "italian" ethnicity, this is most apparent in the south/north divide but basically every region/city has an identity of its own where people speak "dialects" which are basically languages in their own rights.
I'm just a spaniard but the north and south of Italy are very different ethnically, there's also Sardinia, you have to be a genuine fucking retard to not notice that
Most people will have racial biases or thoughts. But very few people are actually waiting for the day of the rope.