Why are those two great nations treated so unfairly here?
They are the main contributors to science and western culture
Why are those two great nations treated so unfairly here?
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Germany because "le /pol/ maymay", Britain because they deserve it.
No one denies Germany's greatness here
Their military prowess between 1860 and 1945 were impressive
Britain however is overrated garbage that only ever won wars against savages or when carried by allies as part of huge coalitions
>contributors to science
>western culture
all memes aside, what did french contribute to science? Brits have newton's mechanics and evolutions, germans theory or relativity and quantom mechanics.
I don't think French can compete with that to be honest
Because they are white.
Checklist of white countries: Germany, Britain, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Iceland
Pasteurization is the reason we have modern agriculture. The Lumieres are the reason we have modern television and film.
Snownigger tier, the world would be a much better place if anglos did not exist, and G*rmans are just autists.
The only worthy of being called the main contributors to science and western culture and Italians, Greeks and French
That's the best you can come up with, against evolution or theory of relativity?
*list of countries living in mudhuts while the Mediterranean race was building civilization
>theory of relativity
Pretty sure the jews did this
But anyway, movies and vaccines are much more relevant to everyday life than evolution and relativity
Those are fundamental theories that completely changed how man views himself and the nature around him
I could come up with thousands of German or British inventions, but I wanted to stick to the big stuff, and quiet frankly, France doesn't have to offer much in that regard
>t. one-eighth sicilian american
>and quiet frankly, France doesn't have to offer much in that regard
In transportation alone, France shaped our modern world
meh, thats all small ball crap
give me something major, something that completely revolutionized our world view
Are you fucking retarded?
Cars, airplanes, helicopters are in there
Cars and photography/movies (and all that derived from it like video games, the internet...etc) are like the definying deatures of our era
is english not your native language? I am talking about fundamental scientific theories, not about specific feats of engineering.
Veeky Forums has a fr*nch problem
Disgusting ideology
>western culture
Disgusting-er ideology
No, it changed how worthless seculars viewed.
>inventions arent science
so we agree that france hasn't contributed any scientific theories that could match evolution, newtons physics, relativity or quantum mechanics?
>Who was Blaise Pascal?
Hey ho people
Can't we just all get along and hate on non-westerners together?
a mathematician
It's from the retarded memeing /int/shitters who, shockingly, are also historically illiterate.
The meds were definitely white before they got ARAB'd
>Germany because "le /pol/ maymay"
>after Sweden, Germany is the most ridiculed and bashed nation on /pol/
What did Veeky Forums mean by this?
I'd say:
18th century: France
19th century: England
20th century: Germany
when it comes to who was the most important contributor.
>20th century: Germany
Contributor to what? Mass murder?
Are you listing the nations responsible for the most wholesale destruction and slaughter in their respective centuries?
>The French invented the airplane
>t. Eternal Gaul
They contributed a shitton when it comes to "medical" achievements, especially in the field of surgery
Sure movies are more important than the technology they are based on.
Do you have any idea how to describe a transistor without quantum mechanics?
>Gunpowder powered ornithopter
ma bite
Like the fucking Age of Enlightenment?
>The Age of Enlightenment is a French invention.
a) not a scientific theory
b) common effort, see hegel, kant or hobbes
Evolution is disgusting, physics is disgusting. Both fr*nch, g*rms, and *nglos are disgusting.
A disgusting humanist meme that brought nothing good.
>They are the main contributors to science and western culture
You wish, Hans
it brought the USA, the best country in the world
>arbitrary metrics
So this is the power of science...
The worst, you mean.
It was trending steadily downwards, but this recent SJW foolishness has stoked the dying embers and given racism new legs.
>Show evidence
>autistic screeching
You're barbarian genes are showing, Hun
because you are on Veeky Forums and naziboos make it hard to like germans
Aaaand opinion disregarded. Ouiaboos cannot be trusted to think objectively
Doesn't exist, sperglord.
British are the barbarians, by the way.
'objective thought' does not exist. An object cannot think.
'objective thought' is p-zombie thought, or virus thought. That is, it isn't thought at all. Even that is debatable because their 'thought' is still personally-motivated.
In short, you want to be as dumb as a rock.
France gave us culture and beauty.
Germany gave us death and destruction
Britain gave us America which is basically on par with German feats.
t. weewee frog-prier
Veeky Forums is rightful Franco-Hibernian clay, and no Kraut nor Anglo will ever change that.
Dieu et mon droit, that ain't English, motherfucker. Is it?
I want a French MILF to rape my dick with her anus cowgirl style.
Jeannie isn't a milf, and she'd never do anal with anyone who wasn't me.
t. frog
Sadly not, but at least my country fought with France against you. I'm glad we built ships for Boney
What did we make your shitty ally surrender in record time?
>Routed at Orleans
>Routed at New Orleans
Poor little Tommy Boy
the people always demands a higher standard from the rulers
germans didnt fight there
Who cares about Krautland
you're conflating germany and prussia here.
>anime reaction images
>from some beta country fucked up by the English
Checks out, you illiterate pleb
Success breed jealousy.
The English were dickbags, but they built and maintained a global empire for quite some time, wheter you like it or not.
People who dislike contemporary Germany often do so because they perceive it as betraying German roots. They don't have to like Merkel to be Prussiaboos or Naziboos.
This board is owned by ouiaboos
>Who's Laplace, Fourier, Lagrange, Cauchy, Carnot ?
And those are only mathematicians from the early 19th century.
Everybody who studies natural sciences or egineering uses their discoveries routinely
And an Australian no-name researcher is the reason we have wi-fi. Nobody claims they're the birthplace of civilisation.
What language are you speaking? That ain't French, is it?
You're speaking my language. I didn't have to learn yours.
you're just an inbred hillbilly
Veeky Forums is French rightful clay
>That ain't French, is it?
60% of its vocabulary is. Hon hon
Have you not noticed the 10+ Germany hate threads every day for the past year, calling for the bombing of civilians?
Penicillin was discovered by a scot and mass production was started by the burgers.
Germany = Prussia
Even tho the prussians are turning in their graves when i say this.
Well they are so repetitive that he maybe just started to ignore them