When did you realize that the Free Ukrainian Territory was just a plundering bandit state that was rightly crushed by...

When did you realize that the Free Ukrainian Territory was just a plundering bandit state that was rightly crushed by the Bolsheviks?

>Free Ukrainian Territory was just a plundering bandit state
Correct, but so was the USSR.

The Russian SFSR wasn't a bandit state. It was an organized state with a proper military, police, and institutions. The Anarchists (even though Free Ukraine still had private property and was lead largely by kulaks/peasants) were incompetent at even stopping crime within their own borders.

A jew by definition can only be a bandit, not a statesman. And Stalin himself was a bank robber before he became the head of the state.

Nice chetnik flag :^)

Stalin was a bank robber to help fund the party before the onset of the revolution.
>A jew by definition can only be a bandit, not a statesman.
Can we leave the antisemitic faggotry out of this one?

>Stalin was a bank robber to help fund the party before the onset of the revolution.
Understandably because a commie state can only be funded by robbery. Communism is organized banditry.
>can we leave
No. Deal with it.

>Understandably because a commie state can only be funded by robbery.
Tsarist Russia was a feudal state. A communist state is an oxymoron.

>Tsarist Russia was a feudal state.
Only until 1862. Lenin wasn't even alive when Russia abolished feudalism.

Communist state =/= state that has communism (because communism is physically impossible)
Communist state = state ran by commies

Serfdom was only largely abolished on paper when the Russian Empire abolished it. The Empire's mode of production was still largely agricultural, they still had a highly underdeveloped proletariat and a vast peasant class, and the aristocracy still held supreme political power over the national Russian bourgeoisie.

I think it's fair to describe them as feudal.

Best flag

>agricultural production = serfdom
Literal retard spotted. Do you happen to be Western European by chance?

I didn't say agricultural production is serfdom though.
>Do you happen to be Western European by chance?
No. Why?

You're saying that agricultural production + aristocracy = feudalism. Which is absolute horseshit.
Because you're a clueless retard. American then?

>Which is absolute horseshit.
They had a politically empowered aristocracy, the bourgeoisie was underdeveloped and virtually non-existent in certain parts of the country, the peasantry made up the overwhelming majority of production in the empire, and serfdom was de facto still around in many places. How you could not describe that as feudalistic I have no idea.

>How you could not describe that as feudalistic I have no idea.
Because it wasn't, the peasants weren't legally considered property anymre and were mostly wage laborers. The kulak class emerged precisely because of this, because feudalism was no longer a thing and peasants were capable of upwards social mobility.
Also answer my question. American? Pic related is something like you?

>plundering bandit
So the whole soviet?

>Because it wasn't, the peasants weren't legally considered property anymre and were mostly wage laborers.
But as I've said, the decree to abolish Serfdom was only able to be enforced in the more urban and developed regions of the empire. I'll concede that the Russian Empire had multiple modes of production within it.
Yes, I am.

>But as I've said, the decree to abolish Serfdom was only able to be enforced in the more urban and developed regions of the empire.
Blatantly incorrect. There were hardly any serfs in urbanized regions to begin with.
>Yes, I am.

>There were hardly any serfs in urbanized regions to begin with.
There weren't any serfs in the outskirts of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Warsaw, Astrakhan, Tiflis, or the cities in the Baltics?