Can we have a Confederate statue thread, while there's still some of them around?I'd urge Southern Americans to take pictures of them in their original context while you still can because the current climate doesn't show much hope for the future
Can we have a Confederate statue thread, while there's still some of them around...
What the fucking fuck?! Why is this alt-right shit allowed in my America?! Fuck Drumpf! I want two scoops!!!!
Fuck you! Fuck you all!!!! Racist! Sexist! Bigot! Nazi!
Fuck them all.Vae victis.
>original context
You do know that a large number of these Confederate Memorials sprung up in the 50s and 60s in response to the Civil Rights movement, don't you?
Except that they actually started springing up in the 1910s.
Alt left and Isis have this in common.
The main explosion was in the 1940s and 1950s. Guess what was also starting up then?
These have no place being in public areas, they need to be removed and put away in museums.
>Not the actual Confederate Flag
>Treated as such
Why is this?
Dont chimp out and run your car into a crowd kid its just politics
Its the official flag of the anti civil rights movement which created the GOP and Nu Republicans
Are you saying that fat cunt didn't deserve it
Is that right? Wish people actually indentified it as such. I know it as the Battle of Northern Virginia Flag, and the actual Confederate flag is pic related. Guess the Confederacy has evolved in meaning since then. I suppose it is blatantly racist with this new context.
Wouldn't the simple solution be for the defenders to raise money and move the monuments to a piece of privately purchased land that they then maintain? Basically a small confederate park?
Oh yeah, it's not like that cross was on their battle flag, their naval Jack, and two out of three of their national flags...
fucking idiots.
>a history board shitting on historical monuments
This is the easiest way to spot /leftypol/, a real Veeky Forumstorian would touch nothing.
Here's my town's, flanked with plaques to Civil Rights leaders because we can celebrate Justice and honor our dead.
>implying that wouldn't come under attack
True, but they couldn't have it removed by legal means anymore. Don't get me wrong, I think having a confederate monument in a city that has become mostly black is ridiculous, and they should be able to vote to have it removed. New Orleans, for example.
>obvious lies
That seems like a very tasteful and aesthetic choice, I like it.
>a simple solution to a nonproblem
contrary to the media's narrative, confederate statues are not very controversial and an overwhelming majority of americans want them to remain. The support within the actual southern states that they reside are even higher.
Original context meant where they stand today. In front of churches/public places/parks/courthouses etc
>i've been proven wrong twice, but if I keep lowering the decade it doesn't look that way
>which created the GOP
autismo retard
Thank you for contributing
That's the thing with states, given the opportunity they are drawn towards strong statism.
No one dares get in the way of its will or its plans, not without violence.
Slavery was morally wrong and unsustainable anyway, but that was just a convenient casus belli. Abolitionists did genuinely exist, but keep in mind even Lincoln's plan was to preferably ship 'em all back to Africa. But the bigger deal was that Confederates threatened the existential justifications for the young USA. Remember, Texas, California, Nevada and today's Upper Midwest were all new. The goal was to close the gap. The US needed to be taken seriously, both to permit colonial and imperial expansion, and to scare off rivals. Mexicans, Russians, British (I'm Leafistani, btw), possibly other Europeans, the Indigenous peoples...
Such a strong serious challenge could not be lost, so the Union gave it their go, and won. Slavery had to go, if only to make a point. Segregation and discrimination stayed, though...
Even that statues were raised and survived so long probably shows the South wasn't totally cowed. Yes, this has definitely changed now...
I guess you had a lot of veterans quickly dropping off around 40-50 years after the war. By then, they'd have had the chance to become the leading men in their small towns, and (white) people mostly liked them. They listened to these veterans' stories and it inspired some local pride in the townsfolk to hear it. Statues go up.
You also had Plessy vs. Ferguson...
This is why nobody will miss you when you're extinct.
who is they?
the confederacy was the democrats.
this is why its important not to give into the alt-left and their nonsense. They are the minority no matter how much they scream.
>Politicians are afraid of THIS
Fucks sake, is the United States really going to cower down to the leftist version of ISIS just because alt right was assaulted and floored his car killing 1 fat antifa chick?
shhhhh let them. It will only make 2018 that much nicer.
i can't stand the historical revisionism of people opposed to anything Confederacy. They like to pretend that the Union was some progressive paradise. That only the Confederacy was racist and for slavery.
Unionists were just as racist as the Confederates. Slave owners and slave states fought for the Union. The Union started the war to maintain the status quo and Federal supremacy.
Careful, you might get called a Lost Cause Revisionist for saying that the Civil War wasn't due to one singular issue.
slavery was the core of the CSA cause. though it gets very complicated as to why slavery was the core.
t. dixiefag revisionist
Look at this brave Confederate patriot standing against evil fascist Unionists. If only we could be as noble and brave as him.
no. I know the CSA was a bunch of southern aristocrats that didn't want to risk their status in economics and politics going away. So they got retarded. They dragged in hundreds of thousands/millions of southern men. who fought out of loyalty to their home. Many of these men had been honorable servants of the US goverment/military.
>tfw have no strong feelings if the statues get removed or not