Why they so fat?
Why they so fat?
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Because they consume more calories than they burn on a repeated basis.
What do they eat?
t. skelleton suffering in first world
What they eating?
how? I'm a lazy fuck but I can't eat enough calories to gain weight without feeling sick
Doesn't it have something to do with shitty quality fatty meat and things like spam being sold so cheaply there?
Lol they arent nu male millenials. Tbh mrs obama cucked you kids with those school lunches.
>healthy food
>vs. corporate lobbies convincing health boards that chicken nuggies are "vegetables" and "health food products" so that they can serve their poison in cafeterias, for which the government pays them
>chicken nuggies are "vegetables"
How? Do they just give you falafel and lie about it?
he's probably making a joke about tomato being classified as a vegetable so that they can serve ketchup as a serving of vegetables in a school lunch
No im referring to ketchup being classified as a vegetable during the reagan administration because big companies bribed the right people. Its a way to get kids addicted to unhealthy foods so the big food companies will have customers for life addicted to sugar and fat
SPAM became popular due to war time rations. This happened across the Pacific, but places like Okinawa balanced it out with more vegetables.
Fast food.
In Hawaii at least all of the food is basically comfort food or salty. Probably both.
I don't really know about genetics, but they mostly either grow upward or sideways. Maybe some sort of selection for island hopping? I'm just pulling that out of my ass.
I'm guessing a good chunk are on some sort of government program. That doesn't usually lead to healthy diets from what I know.
I remember some documentary from school. They classified pizza as a vegetable due to tomato sauce. French fries as well.
Lots of meat and fruit.
Not that caloric but if you eat a lot and do fuck all you are getting fat.
>a serving of ketchup
>a serving
>of ketchup
This is amazing. I don't even know how to imagine it: a soup bowl full of ketchup to eat or a 'serving' the size of pic related. Fucking americans, gotta love you.
>They classified pizza as a vegetable due to tomato sauce. French fries as well.
Why even bother with the tomato sauce excuse? If potatoes are vegetables, you might as well count wheat too.
Taro, corned beef and KFC
Source: live in New Zealand
The food pyramid shit was a fucking meme and did more harm than good in educating the public about nutrition.
they died off skinny and so their population became skewed.
When civilisation later turned up and gave them food they all get obese and get type 2 diabetus.
This guy is literally a sumo wrestler.
It really did.
I really tried to work out as a kid and got discouraged that it had no effect.
Turns out the reason it was not working was because I was eating an almost pure carb diet with next to no protein.
Coconut "oil" is a lie.
Not really related to the modern day stuff, but Kamehameha 1, and other chiefs I assume, liked them big. It was a status symbol or something. This was his favorite wife.
Genes which encourage lots of fat retention.
Not exactly what you'd expect in a region of the world that is 1.Very hot, and has 2.Great necessity for swimming.
Polynesians are also really tall, there are some theories that this is due to societal selection based on warrior cultures, but who knows.
>2.Great necessity for swimming.
fat makes you more buoyant though
>Polynesians are also really tall
Isn't the predisposition for fat retention a reason for them existing on islands where whiteys and negros starved to death?
As far as any of the island cultures go stetching all the way to taiwan. polynesians are fairly tall
HSM2 is the best one
They're all fat looking though
Needed more fat to travel from island to island
They used to do a shitton more physical work to survive, swimming especially burns calories like crazy.
Nowadays they can just buy fatty food from stores for no effort.
Same with abbos, they used to fucking ripped before getting Aussie welfare.