Is there any reason to for an infertile man to live? I'm thinking I might kill myself. Having children was my only dream in life.
Is there any reason to for an infertile man to live? I'm thinking I might kill myself...
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Every time people say they feel an actual physical urge to reproduce I feel inadequate.
Why do I lack it?
>tfw still fertile
>will never reproduce because I'm unable to seduce women
At least I still have my hobbies, huh?
But, God, I want kids. It's that fatherhood manga, man.
>raising another man's kid
I could never raise another man's kids. It's just not in my nature :(
Be thankful you're not a breeder scum
Do it and give to Satan my regards fag
Do you have a distant relative you can adopt? My uncle did that for some second or third cousin after that kid's father died.
Become a priest or adopt
God must already hate me for making my life such a living Hell. Surely he would understand my suffering, right?
My mind has this awful problem where it's so fucking set on the kid being mine that I just can't get past it. I wish someone could hypnotize me into being fine with it.
Kill yourself anyway. How is this at all history related? Or humanities?
>Such a living hell
Do you have a home to live in?
You might have brain problems, m8. Go and speak to a therapist about this because I think you have masculinity problems
The purpose life, or lack thereof, is a part of humanities.
So open up a JSTOR article on this.
I don't know what to tell you. That's a shit situation.
You can cum inside all you want. Lucky bastard
It's perfectly fine to only want kids of your own. Adoption is a meme. Blood is everything.
What woman would want a man who can't give her children?
a slut
I guess that pretty much settles it then. Thanks guys, you gave me a ton of information, laughter, and good times on this board. I hope you all achieve what's important to you in life.
Fucking go give food to kids in Syria, adopt some yadizi kid that lost it's parents. If you like history continue yazidi sounds like a cool tradition.
Make good art faggot
Do science
Do justice
Build things
Wanton hedonism
Come on, have some perspective and some imagination with it. And besides, your children would have come to hate you anyway, just as you would resent them.
Art is really the only thing that I can imagine doing to keep from killing myself. At least then I'll have some sort of legacy.
>I wish someone could hypnotize me into being fine with it.
start watching cuck porn
What gave you the impression fertility is so important in the first place?
Children are unbearable; I don't really see why you're so sad. All they can really do for their first few years is shit and cry; sure they develop from there, but they're still completely dependent on you. You're practically their slave - 18 years of spending all your time caring for them, followed by spending a fortune on their college education. Kids are the goddamn worst and I certainly won't be having any in my life.
>my whole life must revolve around procreation and my ability to procreate
I pity people who have been trapped by the cycle of re-birth and death. People who cannot see any other objectives as equally if not more important than procreation. People who devote their entire life around procreation and make every decision based on that no matter the consequences. I truly pity people who do not have a mind big enough to understand the complex nature of humanity.
War never changes
As a guy who doesn't plan on getting married or having children:
Wtf are you even talking about?
There's two purposes for men. To bring new life into the world and to remove it.
Go make war OP. Don't concern yourself with politics or causes or beliefs, find someone that will let you bring destruction and death down on your enemy and pit your strength against theirs.
If you've truly given up, do not go gentle into that good night. Make them take it from you. Fight, scream, kill, all with abandon. Maybe you die in your first contact, maybe you survive a hundred battles, it doesn't matter either way.
War is not the answer. Rather, it is the question. And the answer is yes.
Rah, motherfucker.
I really don't get it. We're all basically suburban nobodies spending out weekend on a cartoon imageboard. No one here is a Habsburg responsible for issuing the next male heir to the imperial throne. History is really not going to give a fuck if Andy Anonington from Anonville, Iowa has a kid or not.
Maybe this guy is right. You all seem to be absurdly self-important, even for anonymous Veeky Forums users.
Join the military, learn how to make bombs, proceed to bomb muslim communities in the west after you get out. Shoot for 10 muslims for every 1 european killed in terrorist attacks.
Infertile men should provide for women so they can have kids with any men they choose and not have to worry about money.
>I'm thinking I might kill myself. Having children was my only dream in life.
Go for it.
Not at all. If OP has given up on life why not experience the most intense, primal experience he can? Why end your life meekly when you can truly learn what it means to feel alive?
I've been in combat. I hope I never, ever have to be in it again. But there's an allure, a call that beckons from my memory. You'll never realize how good a cigarette is until you smoke one after a firefight. I'll never have a better meal than the one I had after we got bogged down and sporadically attacked for 10 hours. I've never slept as well as I did after we fought our way through a kilometer long ambush between two mountains. The way you feel in combat, the adrenaline, the rage, the terror, it's indescribable and impossible to replicate.
So why wouldn't OP go and experience that? Perhaps he'd gain a new respect for life, or realize be doesn't actually want to die after all. It's an experience that is still unique, and witnessing naked violence will teach you what kind of man you truly are.
I wouldn't want to die without having been through it.
I'm also a 17 year old who pretends to be a Vietnam veteran on the internet. We should totally hang out some time.
Shouldn't you be getting your stuff ready for school?
>Vietnam is the only war that's happened in recent history
I'm only 12 years older than you, nutsack, I'm talking about Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively.
I killed over 10 000 Korean cyberknights with my bare hands during the Hyperwar. Come at me bitch.
Those "wars" were hardly the Battle of Stalinrad
I killed 9 navy SEALS with my bare hands, I do what I want
And? I still shot people, and people around me got shot/blown up. It sucked. I got blown up 3 times, and have the short term memory loss to prove it. But there's still a primal call to it. Thats the point I'm making.
Thank you for your service
Hope I'm not there for your shooting spree
>I killed 9 navy SEALS with my bare hands, I do what I want
And how the fuck did that help OP have a son, user? You're missing the point of this thread.
Eh, I like donuts and vidya too much to do all that. I just occasionally put holes in paper from far away now. Found a store that sells small plaster columns for cheap, those are fun.
He's not going to have a son, and if he's going to throw his life away he shouldn't do it cheaply.
>South Park joke.
>/b/-tier "waaahhh im gunna kill myself guis" thread
>surprised when people shitpost
Underrated post. No one cares OP. The World has enough people and if you passing on your genes is not going to make a difference one way or another.
If you really want to have a legacy, adopt. Just because he (or she) isn't your blood, doesn't mean you can't pass on your values and teach them to be good people.
And isn't that enough?
Don't listen to this.
You're really making me think. What's the best way to get thrown to the frontline?
If that isn't a option, just remember you are star dust. And you will return to dust in due time.
To sum up what a good number of other people are trying to tell you here OP... You are capable of contributing to the human race in more ways than just having kids. But if having children is the only ambition you ever had then you've got another problem entirely and you're a waste.
If you don't want to be a waste then get on with life and contribute value of some sort, the things you do in life will ripple forward and influence other people around you, even well after you're dead. Those contributions will probably be small, unappreciated, and have consequences you'll never understand or be thanked for, but those contributions will matter nonetheless. Plenty of philosophers and scientists never had children but the things they accomplished still have effects that outlived them, and isn't that a kind of reproduction in itself?
Don't kill yourself, do something with your life.
Kill yourself then
Just b yourself!
Honestly, just kill yourself. If you can't conceive of a satisfactory life beyond spawning new genetic offshoots and attaching your self-worth to the idea that they'll carry on your legacy after you waste decades on cleaning up after their literal shit and mistakes and indoctrinating them with your memes, then you might as well just put yourself out of your misery now.
Embrace antinatalism and adopt a kid, why bring one to suffer anyway when there are plenty who have already had that choice made for them
Can't you get a treatment on infertility?
>The only ambition OP has ever had was to fulfill an animal instinct
I think you were right in the first place. It would probably be for the best if you slit your wrists.
I have primary hypogonadism. My semineferous tubes are probably damaged and there's no way to fix them :(
They would have to cut my testicle open and get the sperm that way. And it's not guaranteed to work. I might try another sperm test before I do it just to make sure.
I would adopt really, better then killing yourself.
Nothing to lose I suppose.
Is there any reason to for an infertile woman to live? I'm thinking I might kill myself. Having children was my only dream in life.
Science will find a way
Adoption is only if you need an organ in the future or a servant.
In the approximate future you can just use skin cells
How far away is that? I'm 18 right now and it probably won't be in my lifetime. Is it really a possibility?
Because you're an evolutionary failure.
Plenty of reasons to live, it's just more of a loss from a reproductive standpoint. Women are more valuable in men in that regard.
This, OP. You are damaged goods, an evolutionary dead end, almost as bad as a homosexual. If I had a wife and she didn't tell me she was barren until after we got married, I'd get a fucking divorce.
How do you know you're infertile? What caused it?
You or anybody else don't need children. This planet has too much people as it is.
He wasn't talking to me but thanks...
This is a meme, at least in any developed country. We need to focus on getting Africa and India to have less children, not anyone in the first world.
You're not going to get replaced by a starving African, you're going to replaced by a Mexican or an Arab who is far wealthier than that African could ever dream of.
If you have a wife and you have one child, that's half the number of future people.
The planet's human carrying capacity is estimated to be about 10 Billion, we've still got a ways to go.
It's idiopathic since I've never had any of the conditions typically associated with this. I took a sperm test and it showed up as being under 15mill per ml. That combined with having small testicles is usually an indication of non-obstructive azoospermia(no sperm in the ejaculate). My testosterone levels are actually extremely high, so this means it can't be secondary hypogonadism. This most likely indicates that I have primary hypogonadism, which is essentially permanent. I'm gonna try to go to an endocrinologist and get an exact count, just to be sure, but I already know I'm fucked. I came here to see if anyone knew any deeper reasons for living. And I'm incredibly grateful for all the responses, good and bad.
Infertile is not the same as sterile, meaning you can have children, but it'll be difficult. IIRC, infertile means you've been unable to fertilize an egg after a year of trying.
Speak to a urologist as well. With the advances in medical technology, I'm sure within a decade or two there'll be more options to help you.
There is literally nothing wrong with raising another man's child.
What we pass on are our shared values, our shared history, our shared identity, both as families and as nations. Whether it is your own child's life or someone else's, what you are doing by adopting them is giving them a reason to carry on your name and legacy after you're dead and gone. The tribe is more important and enduring than the individual.
Your genes will pass along just fine in your siblings and cousins. You are not the sole inheritor of some detached privilege of genetics, you're just another tiny branch on a gigantic tree..
Pic related: your messiah was raised by a man whom God "cucked", but do you really think that anybody in his community actually believed that Joseph was cucked by God, and not some random legionary or something? Joseph was well within his rights to annul the marriage and force Mary into the life of an impoverished prostitute for being pregnant with a child not from "his line" but he decided to raise him anyway, and this has been a keystone value in the Christian/western ethical tradition.
I'll try to go to either an endocrinologist or urologist to find out if I'm completely sterile. I hope you're right about future advances in medical technology. Thank you for your words user.
I've always seen Joseph as a sort of tragic character but I think you make a good point. My genes are pretty shitty anyway. I guess I just wanted to kick the can down the road and hope that my kids could at least somewhat justify my meaningless existence.
No problem. My cousin had a really hard time conceiving a child; he had some sort of structural abnormality as a child, which may very well have been the cause of his infertility, but after years of IVF, he and his wife finally had their first child. Don't give up.
what the fuck else do you expect him to do? literally no other choice, and honorable because of it
I'd be willing to bet that he had cryptorchidism. That's one of the more common structural problems that can mess your equipment up. I'm glad everything worked out for him. Thanks again.
the best way to adopt is at birth. this may sound coldhearted, but because of the types of people that lose custody of their children, these kids can often be a real struggle to raise and although i want these kids to find a good home I admittedly from selfish reasons don't want to be the one to do it.
>hope that my kids could at least somewhat justify my meaningless existence.
It's only meaningless because you haven't found a reason to give it meaning. If you bring a child into the world, you'll still be experiencing existential angst, only now you've got a toddler screaming at you because he's inheriting your personal demons and doesn't like it.
Don't be in a rush to justify your existence, just try to find reasons to enjoy and appreciate life. That kind of angst goes away as men mature and settle down.
The problem is mostly related to shitty, dysfunctional adoption laws.
And some people think in terms of twice the work for triple the pay off. Imagine how it would feel if you were able to turn Jamal off the streets into an honest, productive citizen, instead of the thug with no future that he would have been had he not had your firm hand of discipline keeping his punk ass in line.
This is often a justification for why people voluntarily raise their autistic children: you never have to worry about your autistic child being a sneaky little shit getting into trouble. They stay pure and childlike.
Have the Chinese make a clone of you and raise it as a son.
Don't they need sperm? I would really do this. Is it actually possible?
You seriously just gave me hope. The fact that this is even possible blows my mind.
If your infertile rather than sterile as the other user suggests and IVF doesn't work out, cloning your sperm and having children that way is likely to be possible in the reasonably near future.
SCNT don't require sperm. Although currently, it's probably impossible to create a healthy human clone this way, but who knows what breakthroughs the future holds.
Do keep in mind though that I only have very surface level knowledge on the subject so you should probably take whats said above with a grain of salt.
Good luck user!
Hans Christian Andersen never had children, he died a virgin at age 70. He was still considered one of the greatest authors of stories for children from his era.
Plus considering his real dad was never there, Jesus saw Joseph as his dad for most of his life.
Tbh the ideal level of human population for Earth would be less than 200 million.
Holy shit. Cloning sperm? I've never even considered this. This actually sounds like something that could be achieved in my lifetime. Thank you thank you thank you. Even though nothing is guaranteed, it makes a world of difference to at least have something to be hopeful for.