"There is one and only one social responsibility of business — to increase its profits"
Was he right?
"There is one and only one social responsibility of business — to increase its profits"
Was he right?
In a way he is. Businesses can only make profit in a free market by selling/providing goods and services that people want to buy voluntarily with their own money. People will only purchase these goods if they believe or know that it will improve their life, thus benefiting everyone.
The thing is though, that he only considers goods and services that people voluntarily buy and thus disregarding essential goods (food, healthcare, housing) that some people can't purchase because they can't participate in the labor market or attain a livable wage (unemployed, disabled, etc). These groups of people want to purchase these goods, but can't - and therefore business will not provide them because it's not profitable.
But uh businesses should also control uh society...yeah! *rub rub*
libertarians are not to be taken seriously
Libertarians are judaism incarnate
He's actually right. It's the job of government to write ethical guidelines. The job of business is simply to make money. The problem with libertarians is that they want to undermine the government's ability to enforce ethical guidelines while at the same time falsely assuring the public that it isn't an issue because businesses will self-regulate, even though they themselves know better than anybody else that maximizing profit precludes any sort of self-regulation.
Milton Freidman sucks demon cocks in hell
and what is the profit in that?
The Shareholder theory is rather outdated by now.
So, no, he wasn't.
The problem is regulation that creates barriers to entry and stifles competition. Self-regulating tends to do that too. Governments do it when they get money from those very businessmen to impose such regulation. The best of all monopoly profits is a quiet life.
This problem is very hard to crack. And no, commies can go fuck themselves.
>democracy is a soft variant of communism.
Someone needs to read bordiga.
Thanks for succinctly explaining it
IT should also be noted that Friedman isn't Rothbard, he advocated against regulations but has endorsed some welfare measures.
Hoppe is based
Falseflagging commie detected
>everyone who's not a lolbertarian is a communist
You're American aren't you
It's important to point out that he was specifically arguing that a business's primary social responsibility was to make money FOR ITS SHAREHOLDERS. Today, people argue that stakeholders are also important.
>A leftcom in Veeky Forums
How is the armchair comrade?