>Cardinal Marx criticized the Church for not being at the forefront on homosexual rights in Germany and said the Church must express regret for not acting to oppose the former law against homosexuality.
>It must be recalled, Cardinal Marx said, “that the Church has not exactly been a trailblazer as far as the rights of homosexuals are concerned.”
>“We must express our regret that we did nothing to oppose homosexuals from being prosecuted,” he continued.
>In 2014, Marx responded in an interview to the issues under consideration at the Synod of Bishops concerning the Church's treatment of people that are gay: "I have the impression that we have a lot of work to do in the theological field, not only related to the question of divorce, but also the theology of marriage. I am astonished that some can say, “Everything is clear” on this topic. Things are not clear. It is not about church doctrine being determined by modern times. It is a question of aggiornamento, to say it in a way that the people can understand, and to always adapt our doctrine to the Gospel, to theology, in order to find in a new way the sense of what Jesus said, the meaning of the tradition of the church and of theology and so on. There is a lot to do".[25] He went on to say, "Take the case of two homosexuals who have been living together for 35 years and taking care of each other, even in the last phases of their lives. How can I say that this has no value?" [26]
Jack Martin
Jose Sanders
>German Catholic decides he doesn't like doctrine and spouts a bunch of stupid reform shit I hate reruns
Charles Price
>“The advice to refrain from sexual acts in the new relationship not only appears unrealistic to many,” Cardinal Marx stated. “It is also questionable whether sexual actions can be judged independent of the lived context.”
What in the fuck? How did he become a Cardinal? Is he really trying to go POMO on Catholic ethics?
Aaron Miller
He is wrong from the perspective of Church teachings. He is right from the perspective of sanity
Adam Morris
He should be excommunicated.
Landon Baker
If the Catholic Church wants to keep its position as the Forefront of Academia as far as religious organizations go in our world, then it would be silly to excommunicate a man like that for he helps Foster the debate
Kayden Morris
The Catholic Church is not an University. Their job is saving souls, not doing research on religion.
If someone is a heretic, that person should not be a Cardinal.
Lincoln Thomas
how is he a heretic
homophobia is just medieval superstition anyway, nothing that comes from the teachings of jesus
Matthew Evans
Approving homosexual relationships is against Church teaching.
Caleb Smith
>I never read the New Testament: the post
Nicholas Gutierrez
Christianity should only be about what Jesus said. The old testament and a lot of the new testament should be purged from the canon.
Isaac Scott
Why are Catholics so intolerant and stuck in their ways?
Isaac Brooks
If you only go by what Jesus said, you don't really have a theological framework anymore. There's no Christianity at all, really, just a bunch of stories and no real way to connect them to any cosmology or a course of action for what you should be doing now that you've heard them.
Joseph Martinez
Having moral beliefs is not the same thing as being intolerant.
Jose Moore
Ohh so now you wanna follow the old testament if it means you can hate gays?
Nathaniel Lewis
all you need to do is believe in him, ask him for salvation, and not do the things he said to not do.
i don't need stories about hebrews in egypt or a 1000 year old man and his floating zoo.
Lucas Green
pic was meant to
Mason Harris
jesus also said if you don't have a sword, you should sell your cloak and buy one.
and like I said, the old testament shouldn't be canon. It's jewish.
Nolan Flores
>all you need to do is believe in him, ask him for salvation, Those notions are not contained in the Gospels; they're from Paul's epistles. I.E., NOT Jesus.
Elijah Mitchell
Are you dumb? The man clearly doesn't say anything about the Old testament, just the New.
Noah Jones
>and like I said, the old testament shouldn't be canon. It's jewish. So is the New Testament.
Aaron Hall
>On sexual immorality
Jesus also said: "Go now and leave your life of sin."
He didn't say "continue sinning, #YOLO"
Angel Anderson
>If any one of you is without sin, let him cast the first stone
What he said next was just an important, you memeing faggot. "Go forth and sin no more." That story is about not casting judgement too eagerly, it's not carte-blanche to be a fucking degenerate.
Kayden Adams
No. Homosexuality destroyed Rome and it will destroy Christian civilization too if we are not careful.
Dominic Evans
>Roman was tolerant homosexuality at its height, several of the most liked emperors were homosexual >outlaws homosexuality >collapses a century later
Levi Thompson
1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Stop spreading falsities
Carson James
its pretty much inevitable if the Catholic Church focuses on the laity in the West, but the Africans remain fundie tier traditionalists when it comes to Christianity in general we migh get a new schism >the only outright gay emperor is one of the better ones (elagabalus would be trans in the modern world) >the empire fell apart after adopting Christianity and going full Christfag this is a bigger meme argument then Christianity causing the fall
Jackson Parker
the hard liners form another le old catholic schism to die out in twenty years and the church lives on in a younger generation.
>thinks fake Christians aren't all over the Church
Jackson Morgan
NEW Testament you illiterate retard.
Hunter Reed
# Going liberal usually doesn't work. You please liberal atheists, but the believers leave.
And most important, the Church is not s supermarket. They have what they believe to be true. They shouldn't change what they believe to be more popular. If they do that, their faith is fake.
Thomas King
Bad times were ahead during the reign of Hadrian. He just did his best at staunching the flow and closing borders, while failing to close the important ones. He also spent far too much time chimping out at the jews.
Grayson Robinson
Usually, liberal churches are emptier and have older members. Going liberal to get more members not only is morally wrong (the most important part) but also doesn't work.
Also, some members of the Church may have a fake faith. But the Church in itself should not.
Lucas Hall
Whether it does or does not work doesn't really matter, if Francis lives long enough to keep purging the conservatives in the West the liberals are going to keep pushing till we reach the point the German cardinal is at. >And most important, the Church is not s supermarket. They have what they believe to be true. They shouldn't change what they believe to be more popular. If they do that, their faith is fake. >what is Vatican 2 >He also spent far too much time chimping out at the jews. *not enough time not killing every last jew was the single greatest mistake the Romans ever made
Mason Harris
>not killing every last jew was the single greatest mistake the Romans ever made That's partially what I mean. I mean, if you're going to spend that much time and effort trying to decimate and morally break a people, why not just kill them all?
I understand Romans typically didn't perform complete ethnocides, but Hadrian seemed like the kind of guy who would have, especially with his fervent hatred of the Jews.
Julian Bennett
Vatican 2 wasn't bad. The problem with the Church isn't the Church itself, It's the people who are from a certain time in the Church. The Africans aren't liberals like certain Europeans and Americans obviously because of where they're from and from what generation.
John Collins
>Homosexual Rome was in any way good
Hello r.eddit
Blake Jenkins
Jesus quoted and taught from the Old Testament. If you want to follow what Jesus said, you HAVE to follow the OT.
Austin Anderson
Sauce on this picture so I jerk off to the midgets.
Logan Brown
Theologians already beat him to it.
Brody Wilson
All extra-marital sex is wrong, according to Christ
Wyatt Perry
Benedict made him one
David Thomas
Aren't a lot of Catholic priests gay?
Christian Long
what no senpai
Nathan Powell
Sodomy necessarily can't fulfill the telos of sex. Homosexuals are hedonists, disgustingly so. Anyone who refuses to aknowledge these points is either a liar, a fool, or ignorant.
Easton Robinson
>Cardinal Marx >CARrdinaL Marx
like pottery
Christopher Scott
>Western churches aren't just outlets for voicing political views these days.