What do I gotta know about reincarnation, Veeky Forums?
Skydaddyfags need not apply.
What do I gotta know about reincarnation, Veeky Forums?
It's an eternal cycle that's not based on actions it's just the cosmetic nature.
It's real in a sense. When your body decomposes, its elements get used in new life. It's like saying the cow you ate 2 weeks ago has been reincarnated into you
Great metaphysical interpretation of reincarnation, user, but you should stick to drawing carbon cycle maps instead.
The only evidence of reincarnation I've ever found was from a personal experience actually.
A recent friend of mine looks exactly like young bobby fischer, is very good at chess, and is always being edgy about how superior he is to the average american
I still don't believe in reincarnation, but meeting him has made me think about the concept more often
In an attempt to salvage this shit thread and be more specific like the rules on this board demand, I too want to know about reincarnation.
Specifically, was/is it believed men could be reborn and women and vise versa? I know the cast system was believed to put limits on who can reincarnate into what but was it believed to be gender separated as well? Was that strictly dependent on the culture it was being practiced in?
I can't say I thought it was bs compared to the skydaddyfag shit they tried teaching me growing up.
We know energy is not lost or created, and that the body even weighs LESS after death.
Inb4 anyone but a mortician or a doctor will try furiously to explain to me why that is.
Reincarnation isn't limited to the caste system belief. That's like calling the soul a Christian concept.
Ok so it depends on the culture practicing it. So in terms of Buddhism or Hinduism, were all such concepts of segregation a thing?
Are you trying to say that believing in God is stupid, but believing in reincarnation is valid, because once a person dies, their body stops fluctuating due to homeostatic functions, providing for a static weight to be taken?
God, just be an atheist at that point.
>fully believing anything you KNOW NOTHING about
Ya it's pretty fucking stupid, dude. Reincarnation kinda starts to make sense from a disbelief standpoint and so does God but pls quit pretending belief is anything intelligible.
Unless it's in your own values which are reflected in your God.
>But if God doesn't exist, who will tell me not to rape and pillage?
Reincarnation makes sense in the way I described here Yeah, the energy isn't destroyed, but it doesn't magically convey your soul into another body. Where do original souls come from? How can there be more people without more souls being created? Who or from what are souls made? Why can't we detect soul escape by any measure other than a gross weight, for which there can be any number of different explanations?
How can you be a Skydaddyfag and believe in Reincarnation in anything other than a gross material sense?
> God = skydaddy
Have you studied ANY religion besides the Semitic ones?
>why can't we just call everything pseudoscience instead of have a philosophical discussion
You guys are actually as bad as /x/.
All those religions use the same magical thinking, even the supposedly atheistic ones. I don't see what's wrong with calling out your stupid beliefs while you go around calling out others'
Because it's not even a belief, it just makes more sense than your skydaddy. Why does that make you so mad?
And those are excellent questions.
But just because your "skydaddy" has a script written down doesn't mean it's reincarnation that's wrong.
Reincarnation has several different incarnations/definition.
There's the traditional reincarnation. This is about a soul moving from body to body, maybe species to species.
There's the material "reincarnation". This is where the atoms of your body are recycled and form new things overtime, be it rocks/plants/other animals/stars/etc.
There's the buddhist "reincarnation" also known as "rebirth". This is where there is no soul that is reborn, but rather more focused on cause-effect chain reaction that stems from collecting certain patterns (karma). This could mean when you've acted bad all throughout your life, your karma (pattern created in the mind from those bad acts) continues on even if the physical body is destroyed.
>Why can't we detect soul escape by any measure
Because your "detect" implies "through physical means", but the soul would be a non-physical thing detectable only through non-physical means, which you are unwilling to accept as proof of anything.
That's about all.
Peace out.
*spoon clank*
Well, yeah, but I'm thinking along religious skeptic terms, since OP is a religious skeptic. If the body weighing less after death is an indicator of a leased soul, then why wouldn't the soul be physical?
If it has weight, that means it's being affected by gravity.