I want to know
What do Americans think of dropping the atomic bomb in Japan?
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Today it's often vilified by self-flagellating Americans, but the people of the day thought it was the bee's knees.
I think it's perfectly explained by an army wife in Ken Burns's documentary on the war, wherein she explains that while it may be controversial today, the idea of winning without having to sacrifice any American soldiers was never in question.
It's easy to say that it's morally dubious today, when nearly everyone involved is a distant memory, but would you have objected if it were your father, brother, husband, or son going off to invade?
Was it wrong? Maybe. Was there a right answer? Probably not.
Make it a fourth while you're at it.
Fireworku tanoshi.
Why did I drop it to town?
Two nukes weren't enough.
Canadian here, still believe it was the right choice
We all needed the impact of those bombs.
The death toll they caused compared to the rest of the war was minuscule. But it had to be done, someone had to do it eventually. Would you rather it'd been the Germans dropping the bomb on London? Or the Russians dropping it on Berlin?
Someone had to be the first to throw a rock, fire an arrow, shoot a bullet or launch a missile. Our weapons are just shortcuts of evolution; extensions of our bodies. I think it'd be pretty hard to imagine a creature that evolved the ability to drop nuclear bombs out it's ass as it flew over other predators, but it's not impossible, given enough time.
It was mostly intended as a warning to russia and had very little impact on Japans decision to surrender
It was a completely legitimate act
Your atomic bombings killed slightly over 129,000 Japanese. Allow me to place this figure into perspective for your mind which cannot by nature comprehend numbers. By comparison around 300,000 Americans pass on every single year as a consequence of your country's widespread and shameful obesity.
Please consider that fact and take a moment to go back and directly compare the numbers yourself. Write them down on a notepad and perhaps concoct an illustration to help yourself understand.
To settle this matter please take a minute to ponder this question: that the voluminous fat of your own corpulent posteriors is yearly over twice as lethal to your own people than the two atomic fireballs put together were to mine and that this gelatenous deathtoll has persisted for many years year after year and each year rises.
Realize that it is more condusive to life and wellbeing and flourishing to suffer nuclear bombardment than to be as fat as Americans.
Your fat is a far more potent weapon than your nukes and you have only ever use it against yourselves.
Please now before you fantasize about dropping another nuke I ask you in all sincerity and hopefulness for your own sake to drop your Baconator before you take another bite you insufferably stinky barbarian savage pig.
I think it was necessary to bring the war to a close before it had to come to invasion.
tl;dr, America a good boy, dindu nuffin.
T. American
who do you think is going to read your blog
Have fun with your handicapped children Hiro
>t. more proof that 2 were not enough
The nukes literally didn't matter. The threat of Soviet invasion was far more worrying and was deeply discussed by Japanese high command, while the atomic bombings were nothing more than nothing burgers. People didn't care about the destruction of cities, because they were already being devastated in similar fashion by conventional bombing raids anyway. Literally didn't matter. Therefore, the atomic bombings were crimes against humanity, and morally should not have been dropped. The United States needs to apologize.
>the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb,[2] the power of which to do damage is indeed incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, it would not only result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.
Yeah, no matter how scary, Ol Joe may have been, dubious, considering their sea record, a bomb that can atomize cities in a nanosecond is scarier.
How much shit did the Emperor loose, when he realized how close he came to getting blown to high hell?
Citation needed.
based nip
fuck the yanks
Waging war on civilians is morally wrong. It was the same thing that empire of Japan and nazi Germany was doing. But you don't hear people defending their actions unlike you get with allies.
Most Americans think it was sad but necessary which seems to be the tone of this thread too. I don't think they know how extensive the air campaign was though. More Japanese were killed in the firebombing of Tokyo than either atomic bombing.
Saved Japan from an invasion by the USSR
>what is a propaganda broadcast meant to rebrand japanese from imperialist cunts that got what they deserved into innocent victims of a new horrible superweapon
Look at the reply chain and think very carefully about what the exchange is about.
With that huge fleet the Soviets didn't have?