Atheist right now but am flirting with Catholicism
What religion do you belong to?
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Lapsed Sunni Muslim
I'm interested Mahayana Buddhism
Or might become pious again in the future, I dunno
Deist, though I used to be an atheist
Right now I'm looking into getting into Orthodox Christianity, though Nordic Paganism looks appealing.
I don't belong to a religion
I worship two Greco-Roman Goddesses (Selene and Eris) and Columbia as a civic goddess of America.
I believe in their literal, non-metaphorical existence of beings that are aware of me and are not emanations of some 'single god'. This isn't a conclusion I came to out of functionalism, its actual legitimate faith.
I'd try to convert you, but honestly you people trying to use religion as technology disgust me. Go ahead and become a Catholic, they're just atheists with a part-time job desu.
>What religion do you belong to?
I'm a god, I don't belong to a religion. I serve the gods.
Don't join Cathoicism - the reasoning behind the Hebrew Bible is "the gods don't stop murderers from murdering, therefore the god of Moses is true and the pagan gods are false!"
None. Was raised evangelical, converted to Orthodox Presbyterianism, and found irreligion.
I think certain aspects of dogma basically disqualify catholicism from being true. Like, the succession of popes back St. Peter (allegedly) is supposed to be one of the big reasons catholicism is the One True Church. Also, the cardinals who elect the next pope basically meditate and let God choose through them, so the idea is God himself has chosen every pope. And yet we have certain popes who abused their power up to and including pederasty and rogues in the vatican, and popes who have contradicted each other when speaking ex officio, which is supposed to be infallible and essentially acting as a direct lifeline to God. Catholicism overpromises and underdelivers in ways that are self-refuting.
Orgies, not rogues. What the fuck
Not only that, but there have been times when they had more than one Pope at the same time.
Orthodox Judaism like most of this board
Orthodox is very interesting to me as well.
My interest is primarily in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Protestantism, at least in most of its incarnations, strikes me as plebeian and bland
Mahayana, pure land and tientai
If you like Thomas Aquinas, you're not going to like Eastern Orthodoxy very much. Probably not modern Catholicism either. It's a shame that your view of the major branches of Christianity are so caricatured and ill-informed. It was, after all, the Protestants who taught me Thomas and Augustine. The Catholics were teaching me Bultmann.
This shit right here. Fucking stop it. Cafeteria religion is the essence of modernism. You don't choose a religion that suits you. You either believe it or you don't. Whichever you choose, it'll be nothing more to you than a fashion. You won't actually be one.
Don`t all branches of Chritianity belive in Jesus
Sanatan Dharam
Panentheistic Sunni Islam.
However i'm not practicing as often as I should.
people piss me the fuck off when they identify as muslim because it's hip, trendy and eccentric to be one.
"le oppressed minority" instead of actually valuing my beliefs.
same thing with buddhism
What's the ideal buddhist and muslim to you?
Roman Catholic
It's a comfy religion. Come join us. Go read some Chesterton and Aquinas to remove your fedora.
Why not Orthodoxy?
Also just checked out a Tridentine Mass why was there no wine/blood?
+ Do they do more instructive sermons? Aside from a 5 minute talk on the life of a Saint and reading a letter from a bishop verbatim it was just ritual (even if the ritual was impressive)
Orthodox Christian. I actually leave for Liturgy in about half an hour.
Generic Protestant but I've been around Episcopalians all my life so I'm planning to read more about it and make the leap
A creator god makes the most logical and scientific sense, but there's no reason to believe tht god is involved in the universe in any way.
LARPing atheists
Just read the catechism... That's what made me an atheist.
lol I'm not looking into Orthodoxy because it's trendy or anything. I honestly believe in a higher power, I'm just right now trying to figure out what exactly that power is and believe that Orthodox Christianity may be right.
I've been trying to figure this shit out for several years now so don't take me for one of those new age pseudo-spiritualists
someone who believes in it and practices atleast a somewhat, instead of using it as a fun tag and accessories
someone who respects their belief
Formerly non-denominational Christian, currently agnostic.
Tried to go atheist but absence after death just doesnt compute to me.
I function on knowing, not believing in stupid shit.
No, I don't wear a hat, and I don't give a fuck if you post a photo of an overweight guy wearing one.
Funny how people who talk like this tend not to know very much.
>I want to LARP: the post
>converting to a religion founded in the past ~150 years
Meh on the whole thing. I do think it logical that there are beings who we cannot wholly perceive but I don't think of them as gods. The 4th dimension and such. I sometimes waver on the idea that perhaps even that we live past the death of our natural bodies.
That is to say, I don't follow any religion and don't want to.
I was raised Methodist but I'm flirting with Zoroastrianism.
Stop. Posting. This. Thread.
Get rid of this post you heretic
Remember to pay your prayer tax
Catholic right now but am flirting with idk what. It's a harder religion to be a part of than you may think desu. I'd explain if you want
Non-denominational Christian.
Mormon master race
My religion never has that problem cuz Catholicism but I always wondered what it felt like to be a devoted Buddhist/Muslim and see hipsters walking around saying "yeah I'm actually a buddhist. I do yoga once a month" and shit like that
Non-Religious. I won't go as far as to call myself an Atheist, because at the end of the day, we really don't know what's out there. With that being said, I don't really think the general religious interpretation of "gods" exist in the way we think they do, but I think that advanced beings that are far beyond our current level as a species exist out in the cosmos. summed it up far more articulately than me.
I'm just not too big on organized religion as a whole. Too many strange traditions, too many restrictions, and in the case of the Abrahamic religions, not enough critical analysis as well as acceptance of a person/group of people who are different.
Ultimately, I'm not going to be a dick about religion to people. i'm not going to try and stop people from being religious. everyone has their personal convictions and choices.
I'm a Presbyterian by birth, but now I'm mostly atheist. I've been looking around at pantheism, or some kind of worship that doesn't worship a sentient being. Maybe my own spin on Christianity that I won't tell anyone.
catholic but then jewish
>implying so random fuck is definitely 100% god
what's the point of worshipping a non-sentient being?
which branch of judaism? how long did it take you to convert? is it really as hard as they say it is? im poor but im interested in judaism because im friends with a lot of jews online and i think their religion is more based in reality than christianity is
It's not about worshiping a being so it can "save me", it's worshiping it for the sake of respect for what created me, Earth, all of my loved ones, the Sun, the stars at night, everything I see around. It's more of a peace of mind type thing, I guess you could call it sort of like meditation, but that just makes me think of actual meditation poses. Sort of the same drive behind meditation, I guess.
reformed, im unable to suit my life to truly respect the orthodox faith, though i feel its perhaps deeper judaism
at any rate, it was just through like a year or so that i had thought about what aperates catholicism from judaism, and me being a man of reason i went with judaism because i felt it told me more truths than institutionalized catholicism could provide me, as well as better community.
its really hard to get into a jewish community from the outside, you will stay an outsider for life.
all i need is peace of mind, though, so i stay strong
wish you luck
Holy shit, haven't seen this level of supermarket religiosity for a while.
nigger catholicism to judaism isnt even a stretch
> as well as better community.
>an outsider for life
How is that betetr than Catholicsm's community per se? I'm interested in judaism because one of best friends is a jew, but as far as I can tell reform judaism isn't really judaism. Judaism is a religion that's based around the culture of a nation. It'd be like if Japan were removed and the population spread out over the world but instead of assimilating kept into their own cultural enclaves.
im in the middle of flyoverland how would I proceed? and also the difference between catholicsm and judaism is catholcism is a lot more pagan
>I won't go as far as to call myself an Atheist, because at the end of the day, we really don't know what's out there.
We know what's out there, they just won't tell you because they have too much vested interest in the lie.
None. I was raised by two agnostics so religion isn't really my thing.
I'm an atheist, even tough I'm always making posts shitting on fedoras a new atheist thinkers.
How do you know that spiritual belief invalidates further knowledge?
How can one respect an entity that isn't sentient?
You wouldn't pray to the tablecloth or a chair, so why worship the entity which is simply the summation of these individual parts?
A non-sentient entity cannot demand nor accept worship - the practise of which is futile at best and sinful at worst.
Reject your idiocy, man, and have some respect for you saviour
you're on the right track
Liberal Catholic
Jesus was a partying, wine drinking collectivist who hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors, told a story about a persecuted minority doing something godly, told the Pharisees to shut up and pay their taxes at the same time driving money grubbers out of the temple with a whip, and while he could have easily called upon his god-powers to conquer the world, the only thing he actually did with them was pass out free food and healthcare to people who needed it the most.
Pope Francis will go down in Catholic history as the greatest reformer since his namesake, preserving The Catholic Church for future generations, rather than circle the wagons around a bunch of mildly beleaguered white muricans scared about their legacy of sin and intolerance.
>preserving The Catholic Church for future generations
Why is he alienating the traditionalist conservatives that make up the basis of the Church, while pandering to liberal progressives that, while nodding their heads in approval, will never actually join or follow its teachings?
pandering to the traditionalists is a short term gain for a long term loss. Sure, you get a boost from people who slavishly revere old things for the sake of being old, but at a cost of alienating future generations who don't have that emotional investment in traditions from yesteryear
Church attendance only started plummeting after the church married politics with religion in order to appeal to all the Neanderthals making their last stand at Gibraltar, but at the cost of driving away people who are actually effective evangelizers. And even the most conservative churches are seeing church membership decline, (unless they go full corporate Christianity, which only exacerbates the problem) so it's not like it's exactly a viable long term solution, either.
We either change with the times or die with them.
Atheist/ pussy position: "the I don't know for sure but it seems like the right choices"
Deist basically. I've taken a lot of influence from Hindu conceptions of Brahma and also Stoicism and Epicureanism. It just makes the most sense that God is essentially a creative logos that is largely absent from everyday affairs of people. That to me is a better explanation for God's seeming inability or inhibition to stop evil than "its His will that x happens."
Yeah, except that people with whom Jesus hung out then went on to become his followers. Meanwhile all Francis achieves is Muslims staying Muslims, transsexuals staying whatever they are, and maybe a pat on the back from the establishment for being a relatively progressive member of the boy-diddling, witch-burning organisation that should otherwise be destroyed. There's no new converts being gained this way, but a lot of people are alienated. In fact the only way Church is getting new converts is in places like Africa, where all cardinals are famous for being super-strict hardliners, and China, where people don't care about liberal institutions, but about the government turning them into martyrs.
What drives such faith? The rest of us believe such Gods to be fairy tales, so it's hard to imagine actually getting into this
> Irreligion
That's quite a pretentious way to say athiesm
That's why humanism was invented
Russian Orthodox Christian
>muslims staying muslims
Was happening even when Pope Palpatine XVI was peddling clash of civilization models which malcontents used to convince Muslims that western values are antithetical to theirs and they shouldn't consider embracing them and that extreme Islam is their only hope for salvation.
Show me where in the Bible Jesus punishes someone for behavior he deemed unacceptable. The worst he does is forgive a woman for adultery and call out everyone wanting to stone her for hypocrisy. The whole point of the golden rule is that you don't need all these rules telling people what not to do if you have one or two rules which tell people what they should be doing. Someone who loves his neighbor as himself isn't going to steal from him, covet his wife, or judge him for his lifestyle decisions.
>kiddie diddling
The worst excesses and cover ups took place under the reign of John Paul II, so you can't drop this at the feet of the wing of the church who was systematically marginalized by John Paul II. This is a cross all Catholics need to bear.
>witch burning
Telling the Spanish Inquisition you saw a witch was a good way to get arrested for spreading heresy that any kind of supernatural power exists outside of God's love. Where the Catholic Church does talk about witches, it talks about women who sell poisons, conduct astrological tests, and perform abortions.
>it's easier to convert in the developed world.
Yes, when people are truly desperate they're grateful for the church's presence because it's keeping them alive. When they're not, it just becomes a list of arbitrary rules and obligations without the social support. Adapting religion to meet the needs of people in the developed world is the great challenge for religion in our time, and the whole reason Christianity caught on in Roman times was because they embraced this new tangled technology known as "books"
Agnostic, I was raised on no singular religion (family is christian and my parents would go to a southern Baptist church when I was a kid)
>someone who loves his neighbor as himself isn't going to steal from him, covet his wife, or judge him for his lifestyle decisions.
But what if he hates himself?
Forgot to mention I almost converted to Roman-Catholicism when I was dating this one Mexican chick. We had been going on for 2 years and her family was super cool and it seemed like the right thing to do but we broke up before I got baptised.
I guess if I ever joined a religion I'd become Catholic.
>hates himself
Then what you need is to adopt a sense of surrender. Forgiveness is the final form of love and coming to terms with your own inadequacies and insecurities is what will teach you how to forgive yourself for being human, and then how to pass that forgiveness on to others
My friend once considered joining Judaism when he was dating a busty jewess, I dont fault him
>My friend once considered joining Judaism when he was dating a busty jewess, I dont fault him
The Jewess should be running like hell awaits. As far as I can tell Jewish women aren't permitted to breed as Jews - if at all. if you murder your King in the name of divine right as a virgin and then turn him into a weapon against the gentiles and the gods - well - that's one hell of a curse to try to break over you and your race.
I practice no religion.
I have the most favourable view to Estonian Neopaganism (Maausk)
I have read the bible, my views on Christianity are that the mainstream church is spreading lies. The type of christianity that I find the most accurate and appealing is Unitarianism/Arianism.
Although if Islam had a major reformation I would find it quite appealing.
>The worst he does is forgive a woman for adultery
Oh good God. You really are one of those people, aren't you? You seem to forget that he told the woman to sin no more AND what he did to the Temple when it was turned into a place of commerce.
It is idiocy to respect the universe as a whole?
The Abrahamic God isn't a sentient being.
Only a third of the Triune God is sentient.
>Only a third of the Triune God is sentient.
Candidate for Dumbest Post Ever.
Brian? Is that you?
Wahabbist, It's the most satisfying
I've never strayed from atheism since I was about 8 or 9 years old
Protestant Christian.
meant for
Random question.
From 1 to 10, how devoted and committed would you say you are to your religion and beliefs?
OP here, and I'd say 3
God also made the devil. God seemingly allows the devil and demons to have higher power then a typical person. GTFO with this "muh bad popes therefore Catholicism is gay" shit because God has biblically put worse people in higher positions.
Jewish, about a 3. It's mainly cuz I was raised Jewish. I'd really like to believe in a heaven and a father though
t. LARPer
Jupiter/Pluto/Minerva/Diana here
It is something to do
>all liberals are peacenik tree huggers
>all liberals are violent antifa protestors
T. confused conservative
Liberals understand that when Jesus said "I came not to bring peace, it a sword", he wasn't literally calling for armed uprising, but identified himself as a reformer, a destroyer of the old ways, and he was forceful and consistent in this regard. When one of his apostles did try to commit an act of violent uprising, Jesus stopped him and healed the servant he lashed out at.
And all he said to the woman was "go and sin no more" that's it, no context, no moralizing, no penance, just a single suggestion for her while she went on with her life.
My whole extended family is made of cultural christians that haven't stepped in a curch in the last decade. Around 16, I just dropped the thin larp veil completely and am an agnostic atheist currently.
While there might be some undiscovered/able forces in the universe, human organized religion with a designated scripture was, is and always will be a larp. Being 1/2/3 millenia old doesn't legitimize it at all.
>hopping from one religion to the other
>choosing a religion without any consideration, just because it's "cool", basically from a catalog
You're a fucking meme, my man
Raised Sikh. Became very apathetic towards religion as an adult.
Sunni Islam