Why did the Jews give up on Yaweh if he helped them through everything?
Why did the Jews give up on Yaweh if he helped them through everything?
Dramatic effect, it's a story.
>The Jews did something wrong
That can't be. God must just be anti-Semitic. What a cunt
It kind of gave me the impression that the Semites are just mindless worshippers that can't be without some sort of deity to justify their pitiful existence for even forty days.
It was a reoccurring problem. God almost wiped them all out on at least two occasion while wandering through the desert. Only person he was going to spare was Moses, however, Moses interceded on behalf of his people both times. Eventually God settled on killing virtually every adult who left Egypt and allowing the new generation to enter the Promised Land. Moses sinned out of his frustration with his people and this cost him his entry into the Promised Land as well.
Even after getting there and establishing themselves, the Israelites would get into worshiping other deities. No matter how many times they stopped after getting punished they would repeat this mistake. All this accumulated into them rejecting the Messiah and losing their homeland for thousands of years.
Is there a sadder tale in all of history?
>The Jews
Nice try, Moshe
You have nothing to do with Hebrews are just LARPers
You are just LARPers*
It's an allegory for the fact that the 'wow' factor of 'miracles' or the divine always wear off to humans and we revert back to our own selfish desires eventually
They didn't, the jews were pagans during the exodus. They didn't adopt monotheism until the babylonian exile.
So if Jews now have their homeland back does that mean Jesus was unnecessary
It's a running theme. They also kill prophets sent by God, and psalms is full of how awful they are. Eventually God sends his Son, and they murder him, so God gives their inheritance to the gentiles. That's what Christ talked about in the parable of the vineyard
You goyim, especially those who are of Anglo-Saxon pagan descent are the biggest LARPers. Only nonwhite people of semitic origin deserve to worship Yahweh.
Thanks for your answer wise rabbi.
but isn't that inheritance eternally for the Jews as mentioned multiple times in the old testament
They are still his Chosen people goy
Only the remnant, which is a very small portion of the Jews according to the prophets. But according to Acts, even many of the Jews who demanded Christ be Crucified repented and became Christians
>be assraped your entire existence
>hurr we're chosen superior xD
Not any more. All of the chosen people would have become Christians. Modern day Jews are a sad reminder about how much of failure the Jewish people were, and are, and why gentiles inherited their status.
Jews believe they were mistreated precisely for failure to live up to the superior standards expected of them. RREKT by God 's wrath
>Not any more.
Romans 11
>But they are still God’s chosen people, and he loves them because of the promises he made to their ancestors. God never changes his mind about the people he calls. He never decides to take back the blessings he has given them.
>If you are not a Jew, you are the same as that wild branch, and you now share the strength and life of the first tree. But don’t act as if you are better than those branches that were broken off. You have no reason to be proud of yourself, because you don’t give life to the root.
Or maybe god doesn't exist and they are just shit at fighting
Nope, they beat the Greeks in the Maccabee war.
God himself is a Jew, his people killed him