Why doesn't the Vatican solve world hunger?
Why doesn't the Vatican solve world hunger?
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Because suffering is good for the soul.
Mother Teresa said that poor people needed to stay in poverty and suffering to get to Heaven.
she also said condoms didn't protect against HIV
Mother Teresa was a monster.
They don't if you get HIV from a blood transfusion.
They spend a lot of it on the conservation of historical churches in Italy, and I presume elsewhere in Europe.
They also have an observatory, which is able to pursue somewhat more speculative fields of research, such as the search for alien life, cos they don't need to compete for grant money.
Also, they do make a damned good effort to feed the hungry.
Couldn't you say something similar about sharing the wealth of the world's Jewish population? They own, like, a pretty disproportionate share of the 1%.
Yeah sure, that's exactly what Africa and Asia needs, it's local producers to cease to exist and become entirely reliant on foreign aid, I foresee no problems at all
We'll look at it from her perspective. To her life on earth is just a night in a cheap motel on the way to the final destination.
As are all Albanians
Who would buy the Vatican?
Who would distribute this food?
How much food would each person get?
The Vatican legally isn't allowed to sell anything it owns. That would be considered a violation of the terms of the Lateran Agreement and the Italian government would then annex the Vatican.
Legally everything in the Vatican is considered to collectively belong to the world's Catholics and non-Catholic Europeans as well.
In the event of seizure by the Italian government, everything in the Vatican will carry a symbolic value of one euro. So, you'd get less like 500 billion dollars and more like 500 dollars.
The Vatican has been operating at a loss for about 300 years. Practically all of their wealth is in the form of art and property. The money they receive from donations is just about enough to keep the whole thing running.
The Catholic Church is easily the largest charitable organisation in the world. They run thousands of soup kitchens, orphanages, schools and hospitals all over the world.
The Vatican makes more money from Tourism every year than they'd get from a lump sum.
500 billion, which we've established is not the sum you would receive anyway, would buy around 151,975,683,891 pieces of bread, using the price of bread in New York as a reference. That's 253 pieces of bread for every person on the planet. That wouldn't even feed everyone in the world for a year.
>would buy around 151,975,683,891 pieces of bread, using the price of bread in New York as a reference. That's 253 pieces of bread for every person on the planet
Your numbers are a bit off there chum. It would buy everyone on the planet around 20 pieces of bread
So the plan is even fucking stupider. It wouldn't feed everyone on the planet for a month, let alone a year.
>user in charge of math
it's barely twenty and a half pieces of bread per person. be less like a year and more like a month.
Where the fuck did the idea that pope had a giant Scrooge McDuck vault even come from?
Stupid people
Protestants probably
who eats a fucking loaf of bread every day?
Matumbo and his 20 children
That's not alot of food. I easily eat more than that a day and I'm very thin.
There are about 2000 calories in a loaf of bread. That's barely enough for an adult woman and not enough for an adult man, not to mention it's not very nutritious.
TL;DR to everyone who every user that read this:
It's stupid, wrong, and illegal in the first place.
Matumbo and his 20 children get 21 loafs in that scenario
you must buy a really small bread, I'm a glutton and I can't imagine eating even a plain loaf chased with water in a day.
Most people don't know that the majority of one's wealth is tied up in non-liquid assets.
>There are about 2000 calories in a loaf of bread. That's barely enough for an adult woman
t. ameriblob
So in a 800g loaf of bread you've got about 2120 calories
That's just about enough every day for a woman, but it's not enough for a man. This is assuming that they don't have any other source of food.
So the women would be fine for the 20 days they'd have, the men would lose weight albeit very slowly.
And then they'd all starve after 20 days anyway.
Because that is not its purpose you fucking whore, plus, world hunger cannot be solved.
What, send some money to Africa? Enjoy it all going into the hands of warlords. Stupid fucking unfunny cunt.
>it's wrong just because
>btw if you disagree ur stupid lol
thank you hungry skeleton
>Because that is not its purpose
And yet it's actual purpose is useless. Really makes you think.
This is the view of all Christians. Which is why they have no business in governing.
500,000,000,000 / 2,000,000,000
= $250.00
Assuming you only feed the poorest 2billion people in the world that gives you a budget of about 250.00 a person.
which may feed someone for maybe a month or two in the worls poorest countries.
Throwing money at stuff isn't the solution, even though this Jewess may think so.
i thought the purpose of the church was to save human souls
What is Sarah Silverman worth, like 12 million dollars? This is great. Sell her assets, take a big chunk of the money, build a gorgeous villa home for you and all your jewish zionists to live in, all the amenities, swimming pool, kitchen with lots of food, furniture, and with the money left over, Feed The Whole Fucking Underclass Society Living At Your Doorstep!
-Some guy on the internet.
848 priests were "defrocked" for child abuse between 2004-14, an additional 3500 sanctioned during that same period for "lesser penalties" - and the number of pedo priests grows daily, check your news feed
the vatican is a global child abuse network, and that's probably the core reason why they encourage african women to continue firing out kids at a prodigious rate
Guys let's stop dividing fucking bread and think of ways to spend that half a trillion in a way that actually has some tangible impact.
I hate GoT but the High Sparrow guy becoming extremely humble, wearing a simple robe, and actually helping the people is what the pope should do. If I were pope I would be as close to Jesus as I could be.
Why would the price of bread in one of the most expensive places on Earth be a reference?
>Feed the whole word
>On $500bn
She realises of course that this equates to giving everyone on earth approximately $70.
This would lift the entire world out of extreme poverty for roughly two months, give or take.
What would you do with your $70 lads? I would spend mine on one expensive meal because I don't really need $70. It would be a nice treat but it doesn't really seem worth selling the Vatican for
because demand drives price up and you literally want to buy off global bread supply
This heeb cunt has the net worth of 12 million dollarydoos so why isn't she feeding the poor? Nothing like sanctimonious Hollywood faggots preaching water and drinking wine.
Thank God they don't do that.
They are already contributing enough to overpopulation by being against contraceptives
Shadilay fellow kekistani
she really made a mistake by going nude in that one movie a few years ago. She looks far better clothed
she never went nude in a movie, anything you saw were just leaks
Most Aut-rightists kekistani fags are against enviromentalism tho
>This is the view of all Christians
And Muslims. And Jews. And a whole bunch of less popular but equally retarded religions.
>That's barely enough for an adult woman and not enough for an adult man,
Ok? Doesn't change my point.
Ask Veeky Forums
the point you were making is that she made a mistake by going nude. that isn't true at all
The problem isn't the food. There already is enough food in the world to feed everyone who needs it. I'm pretty sure the US could do it by itself given how much wasted food is dumped.
The problem is logistics. Okay, you have the magic number of food to feed everyone in need for a day. How do you get it to everyone in every corner of the world? Do preserve the food and send it off in cargo ships to every port in Africa, South Asia, and South America?
How many cargo ships is it going to take to feed everyone in Somalia for a day, a week, a month? How do you get that food from Somalia to Zambia and the Congo? How many trucks will you need? How many soldiers will you need to protect that cargo from local starving populations? Maybe Somalians don't want to give food to Ethiopians, so they take all the food for themselves. How much is the mission to convoy that food to Ethiopia going to cost?
Do ya get it? We're talking about hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars in cost to distribute food across the world. It's much cheaper to just throw it in a dump.
This is the one of reasons Americans, who have a ton of excess food, don't feed every homeless person. The logistics cost too much.
in other words capitalism is the reason why people starve. if life didn't revolve around money we'd be able to do it.
charity is a bit more complicated than "buy the poor people food", and doing it like a retard can make things worse.
That's not even counting the historical value of that city, in the first place.
Because throwing free food at Africa has been working great so far
it isn't even about money.
Moving all that stuff is resource and time intensive as well, and is a logistic nightmare.
poo sniffer
Give a poor person 500 dollars and they spend it on micotransactions.
Why not give some jewish billionaires money instead?
>le i have no arguments man
Well lets ignore the whole fact that the Vatican would never sell all of its holdings (rightfully so) and that it wouldn't work anyways (even without the Italian government interfering, tf how would the art market absorb all of this art for a reasonable price).
The much more interesting question is what would happen if the Vatican actually manages too sell all of its shit for a reasonable price with weird juedo-christian space magics.
In the book Le Camp des Saints the Vatican squanders its money pretty effortlessly for propping up third world agrarian budgets.
That honestly is pretty close to reality.
What would they do with 500 billion ?
Humanitarian aid budgets would swell for a decade or two. Big whoop. That shit isn't working.
Fucking crazy liberals. This retarded redistribution rhetoric is so dumb.
>muh with money you can buy bread
>ebil church has money
>church buys bread
>problems solved
This board is just as retarded though.
>muh everbody has twenty bread loafs
You mong. She obviously means helping the ones who don't have enough food.
donkey tickler
It is true. Notice how she completely fell out of relevance right after she was nude in that movie.
Thank you Facebook commentator.
>It's an Atheist says how he approves of the Pope and says he knows what Christ would do without believing in the religion
>wants to destroy the Catholic Church
Now I truly see.
Giving a man a fish won't help him. You have to teach him. You'd just waste billions of dollars of food that is comething from somewhere, who actually knows. Those places and people would just be back to starving shortly afterwards anyway. There's a reason they're starving in the first place.
>sell a soverign state
Why not sell the USA, UK, Israel or whatever cuck nation she lives in?
They can't. The Vatican is so expensive and valuable, barely anyone can afford it.
>tfw you literally look like the hungry skeleton
Well how many divisions does the Pope have?
Thank you skeleton
notice how they encourage the destruction of the Vatican but don't say anything about Israel. but what do I know, I'm just a violent neo-nazi
He has something better: the unity of the Holy Trinity.
Why would we want to feed everyone or end hunger? It's already a problem that we're sending too many goddamn aid to that godawful continent. What's the point or incentive of trying to make your own food or clothes if people are just giving food and clothes to your people. That's not even the half of it, another problem is those goddamn aid organisations don't give it directly to the villages or people but to some distributors who then proceeds to sell them for a 500% mark up.
At the state Africa is in, it cannot support its large population. A large scale famine would be beneficial to Africa. Like how a large scale disease was beneficial to Europe or how the world wars were beneficial to humanity. If we stop giving aid today, millions would starve, but the hundreds of millions left would find ways to solve their problem.
>dumb chick thinks she has the solutions to world problems like world hunger
this butch actually thinks selling a building that is the cultural center for billions is as easy as 1-2-3 and also that she is going to give out the money for food.
>Private wealth of individuals in a vaguely defined ethnicity is the same as the wealth of an individual philanthropic organization
Christians are such fucking unapologetic retards.
but it does, it is called vatican bank or IOR (: Istituto per le Opere di Religione)
You mean /pol/tards.
ignoring the stupidity of this statement and let's say magically 500 billions magically teleported in to world (and inflation won't actually rise because I say so), there is still no way Africa or the rest of the 3rd world to be put on his legs with those money.
The main reason is not a difference in money but in resource and industry: some poor countries simply can't sustain themselves or be rich, while other have theirs stolen from them by the world powers and big corporations.
I entirely agree that it's not enough money to solve world poverty, even before you get onto the issues about how throwing money at the problem doesn't magically solve it or whether the Vatican actually has that much in easily liquidatable assets.
However inflation doesn't even come into it, that's a trivial sum in terms of the world economy and it would be raised by the sale of assets rather than an increase in the money supply.
Funny she doesn't say anything about the federal reserve
Kike bitch
>What is Israel worth, like a trillion dollars? This is great. Sell Israel, take the money from the kikes, build a gorgeous extermination camp for them and all their friends to live in, all the fences, dysentery pool, labour camps, gas chambers, and with the money the kikes will leave over, feed the whole fucking Aryan race!
(We Fucking Love Aryans watermark)
I don't think that is sound economics?
Why don't you do that now?
I did, all I own is a laptop and a pair of shoes.
No, you're absolutely one hundred percent wrong she was naked in an episode of masters of sex, in the movies take this waltz and I smile back.
jokes on you, i don't lift
Hurr durr I'm retarded and don't know what I'm talking about
That's you, right now
>poverty is virtuous
>let's eliminate poverty
ruh roh...
As a neutral observer it didn't seem that way to me, his post seems perfectly reasonable. What was your problem with it?
The church already gives away tons in humanitarian aid. Silverman should sell her house and all her belongings to end world hunger. Except she would be left with nothing and she doesn't want to sell her property so she is a Hipocrite.
Feed them once so they can have a strength to breed and create more people that are going to starve again once the money is gone. What a dumb cunt.
I think her opinion is wrong for a whole bunch of reasons, but this is a shit post.
a) it is hypocrite
b) she doesn't suggest the Vatican should sell everything
c) you have no idea what percentage of her money she gives to charity (and neither do I).
d) an appeal to hypocrisy isn't a valid argument i.e. the premise does not meet the conclusion, it wouldn't matter if Silverman was a billionaire spent every penny she earned on drugs and hookers and yachts it wouldn't make her point any better or worse.