Veeky Forums opinion on the New Silk road / One Road, One Belt project being constructed by China?
Veeky Forums opinion on the New Silk road / One Road, One Belt project being constructed by China?
A brilliant feat of functionalism (in international relations).
Join Europe, Russia and China, intertwine their economies to the point that war becomes unthinkable.
I'm blown away by it's ambition, and it show's that China is becoming a big player in world politics. Breaks 25 year rule though.
You'll be singing a different tune when Type 99s are rolling through the chunnel
Wrong board buddy
German, Russian, Chinese. No hegemony really bothers me as long as it doesn't encroach on internal politics of countries.
for freight it has to shorten the distance by about 8 times according to this
it might compete with air travel on some short routes
package mail will be a big selling point, it takes over a month to get from China to Britain by ship
the southern route will be kind of neat for tourism
I don't think I need to pour through statistics to conclude it won't be revolutionary, more like an ok long term investmeent in infrastructure which China builds a lot of anyway
oops 3 times not 8
Literal Klondike on wheels with largest economic development potential of the century is circumventing my country while running through ALL neighboring states.
Yes, I'm fucking mad.
Judging by the map.... Romania?
China has focused so much in manufacturing that if you were to stop, it would send china into a freefall with millions losing jobs.
They have to keep finding projects to do or mass unemployment will lead them into a recession with the world falling behind.
>What is maintainance cost?
>What is regional instabillity?
Why not just use the plain old Sea route?
because amerifats are squatting on the sea route, because this is meant to SOLVE regional instability and because conventional rail has close to zero maintenance cost.
One of the problems of hoarding cash is it allows for stagnation. If the money you have can be spent on infrastructures of a growing country, it will be immensely helpful. Remember, China still isn't fully developed yet. Only its coastal trading cities are developed. Once most of their middle cities are developed to similar level as western nations, then we'll really see a beast. Right now, China is investing in its own future, not necessarily spending money for the sake of spending money. The PRC since Deng has been all about long term planning and focused on much on that. The statist in me see how efficient China's government is in doing infrastructure projects compared to any other country in the world (lots of divisions, slows, stalls, etc). However the realist in me see this as a bad thing for my own country, the US.
No matter what, barring US winning WW3 and breaking apart PRC, China will control the Pacific and the Indian Ocean within the next few decades. US can't do shit about it, the smaller nations in Asia can't do shit about it as they're too politically divisive and slow to react. India may do shit, because they literally have designated shitting streets, but aside from that, they might become a semi-counter balance for China. If India can rally the SEA nations together, it might be possible. However given that India's influence in the region isn't that strong (compared to China), its almost improbable.
Maritime trade will always be cheaper and more efficient than the overland routes for large volumes. The only reason to use the New Silk Road to get goods to Europe is if the US Navy is blockading the Malacca Strait.
>india's influence is not strong at all compared to china.
>has great relations with japan, vietnam.
>actively drills with the USN and SDF to increase interoperability.
>doesn't chimp out during diplomacy once every few months to show off street cred.
Also they basically told china to stuff their OROB project as it passes throughg india.
Why can China build shitloads of high speed rail to join cities on the other side of the country from each other together but America can't even build one to join two cities in the same state?
>any of that shit
>somehow proving India has greater influence than China
India is verifiably a fucking nobody in global politics. It doesn't have a say in anything. It's only use is as a sockpuppet to rile chinks.
Its good that India has some sort of relation with its neighbors.
But compare that to China's control over ports in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Its nothing. China is literally closing India right now. I think the geopolitical term is "String of Pearls". While there is a possibility of India being a counter-balance to China, China is already implementing their own containment policy in India to make it isolated.
Is the iron silk road going to be high speed rail?
Single party
+ huge subsidies for the companies (whom are members of PRC themselves)
this capitalists build what is actually economical, gub builds whatever looks good on paper
no fucking way, the northern corridor is literally tracing Trans-Siberian Railway and Chinese eastern Railway, that's fucking 10,000km of high speed rail they would have to build for direct Moscow-Beijing segment
Fuck capitalists, they never build any goddamn factories and they turn all the ones I do have into luxury furniture and luxury clothes bullshit.
The diffrence is the railway china is building is expected to pay for itself eventually through profit it will provide. Where as railways in america would just ship dumb poor people so it probably wouldnt be worth it.
"Gub" built the highway system.
They built the internet.
They put man on the moon.
They defend the borders and win wars.
All those allow for greater economic flourishing.
The more accurate is government allows for bigger projects with long term effects. What is the economic benefit of building highway system in the US? Or China? Or Japan?
Plus, in capitalist countries like the US, there's lot of "gub" subsidies that allows their country's economy to flourish. What would happen when US stops all subsidies to its own economy? EU/China/other countries will flood the market with cheaper goods. Our home companies will either sink to the bottom or cut corners and start producing hazardous goods to compete.
>Why not just use the plain old Sea route?
Do you really know what "one belt, one road" means? Look at the blue line.
NATO naval blockade
You'd think that's what you're getting until you realize it's actually just the dark blue one and only everywhere between London and Delhi for easier population replacement.
>population replacement
Europeans and Americans ask for it by themselves. There is no one else to blame but themselves.
Southern Europe and the Middle East BTFO
>The present is 25 years ago already.
Its more like you think china has a yuge influence in global politics while it's neighbours curtail it every step of the way.
Not Veeky Forums
Smart. But only China could make it successful. Far more politically beneficial than economically.
India and bangladesh have pretty good relations for the most part. Pakistan is a chinese sock puppet now and Sri lanka REEEs at india during it's election cycle.
One belt, One road
Hmmmmm I wonder what one of the two signifies
Mmmm they still have a major border dispute
they always do.
who the fuck hoardes cash
>middle east
Iran and Turkey are connected tho
I think he wanted to say Arabia, but didn't know it had a name
>population replacement.
Shut up boy
That blue road should have go trough northern italy and ended in Madrid or Lisbon, instead of ParĂs/Belgium like the other ones.
>Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
It can't happen soon enough. Like the other user said, it will be great for world's stability.
That said, I'm sure that actually the USA and Israel are gonna cockblock it, specially the southern one.
My dude, I actually like Slovakia instead of not knowing it's existance (thanks highschool ex), but you can't seriously expect it to be ever relevant.
I don't want relevance, I want cashflow
That's even more naive and you know it my man.
There's two routes because China doesn't want to solely rely on the Straits of Hormuz. China plans on using the Belt to get Oil in Gwadar, Balochistan, Pakistan. This also has the effect of greater Chinese influence in South Asia to further isolate India. This (and the usual rivalry of course) is why India supports Balochistani separatists in Pakistan.
We'll see how it ends up. It's certainly ambitious, but it could end up causing more enemies than friends. The US doesn't want an even more challenged hegenomy, Russia doesn't want its Central Asian pets turning East, India and Japan are wary of Chinese influence, and some in Pakistan are even questioning whether or not the money flows both ways through the belt.
Time will tell I suppose. These problems may turn out to be unfounded. It's certainly been looking good for China so far at least.
Also, this isn't history.