What was the most effectively ingrained government propaganda into a society in modern history, the cold war seems to have spawned all sorts of politically illiterate Americans where even the slightest mention of socialism gets them put off, the closest thing to lasting propaganda effects I can think of is South korea's government anti-birth initiative that ended up declining the birth rate too much and still has repercussions today
What was the most effectively ingrained government propaganda into a society in modern history...
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"Irish were not considered white"
A surprising majority of people believe this even though it's easily refutable.
Maybe, but the whole white race thing is an anglo meme in general, Slavs for example were definitely not seen as white by the self-proclaimed white nationalists, yet a look at /pol/ today would tell you otherwise, I think the whole concept of white is just flexible to include whatever people you need to align with your cause.
Race is mostly a social construct, biological differences aren't though
>easily refutable
It would be if there was socially standard definition of what it means to be "white".
Then why did so many people consisee them subhuman?
What anti birth initiative?
I mean Hitler's ebin ruse of putting socialism in the new name of the DAP to attract workers is still tricking people to this very day, which is pretty impressive.
I don't have an ideological dislike of socialism, merely a disagreement with it. I do, however, despise Communism, Marxism, and Leninism with every fiber of my being.
just curious but what does "socialism" mean to you
This. I can't believe how brainlets think he wasn't a socialist either.
Not only social standard, there was a legal definition: someone fully descended from European peoples.
Even today there's many who believe the US government created AIDS in their laboratories as a means of exterminating poor people and minorities.
This was part of a KGB propaganda campaign meant to discredit the US.
What makes him a socialist?
Nothing, he's either trolling or ironically missing the point of
To be fair, I made that post when I had only just gotten out of bed.
The only reason I consider Socialism separate from those is because Socialism is an offshoot of Marxism, and Communism and Leninisim require armed revolution whereas Socialism could be brought about through the democratic process.
You don't seem to have read Marx for you to make such distinction between socialism and communism, it's not communism that is supposed to be established by an armed revolution, it's actually socialism.
Communism is just the advanced stage of socialism
Is there some leftypol raid going on?
>socialism is an offshoot of Marxism
Now this, this is a good meme.
Napoleon was small.
Catholic and years of anti Irish beliefs.
This surprisingly, some people don't even know who Napoleon is and just know he was short
>South Korean anti-birth initiative
What the fuck are you talking about?
>implying he didn't do that to get Communists to turncoat
I will admit I haven't read Marx. I'd like to, though.
But I think simply calling communism 'Advanced Socialism' is an oversimplified way of explaining.
It's the other way around, isn't it?
Don't worry, every other edgelord alt-righter that shouts "post-modern commie!" at anything they don't like hasn't read Marx (or any post-modernists) either. It's just hip to be right-wing right now.
Are you attempting to insult me by lumping me together with the group yoy described?
It's pretty fucking stupid that you say you hate Marxism when you haven't read Marx, and then go on to say you prefer socialism because it is not supposed to be implemented through violence. This level of stupid ignorance is so widespread in America and the root of your societal problems, and it is perpetuated in online forums like this and by pseudo-intellectuals like Jordan Peterson, and it is pretty maddening to see. All the more so because frankly, I don't think the political spectrum of the western world is going to shift further left than center-right, in large part because of this level of self-harming ignorance in the middle and lower class population.
what if us propaganda made you believe it was kgb propaganda and they actually did it?
>implying the "new left" read and understand marx
Why not when you and them have the same ridiculous trait of hating something that they have never read about it?
Hmmmm, it is almost as if the New Left was created after decades of Red Scare, divorcing class from social issues that they focused on...
>posting one half of a meme
Smh senpai
I have a surface level understanding of the ideas behind Marxism, and from this limited understanding alone I know I despise it. Reading Marx would allow me to better articulate why I don't like the system.
>then go on to say you prefer socialism because it is not supposed to be implemented through violence
I never said that, I said it could THEORETICALLY be brought about through nonviolent means.
Again, because what I do understand of Marxism gives me enough reason to dislike it. Although, hate was probably too strong a word for it.
But user, socialism is just another word for communism under Marxism, it's pretty dumb to say you like the idea of socialism being implemented through peaceful means but you despise communism. unless you unironically think socialism is the government giving free stuff
But that doesn't mean you should be voicing your shit uninformed opinion, especially when you already know that you don't know shit. Hell from what i do understand of you, it gives me enough reason to believe you are a loser who fails every humanities course he takes, but I don't voice out my thoughts about your life as if they have any weight do I?
The only reason I said this is because I was under the impression that Socialism was quite a bit different from Communism. Now I realize the differences are mostly insignificant.
"We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!"
>Hmmmm, it is almost as if the New Left was created after decades of Red Scare, divorcing class from social issues that they focused on...
So what is the purpose of the new left? which function are they currently taking? they just complain about capitalism reaping the benefits of the system they hate so much.
That quote was said by Strasser and is wrongly attributed to Hitler, how many night of the long knives threads do we need to have on this board
"the alt-left didn't read it, so I won't read it either" wow yeah I wonder why people think Americans are stupid petty people.
Not unless the KGB was part of the CIA and was pretending to fight the US all along.
Maybe the USSR was a puppet of the capitalist US from the very beginning established to make socialism look bad and justify US imperialism in the West.
The Cold War never actually happened.
Maybe nuclear weapons are also hoax.
I bet you've actually deluded yourself into believing this is an actual quote by Hitler, too.
So they were both socialists. Thanks for the quotes
Nice adhomined but I readed marx already and I'm not even american.
>So what is the purpose of the new left? which function are they currently taking?
Exactly what it says on the tin
>they just complain about capitalism reaping the benefits of the system they hate so much
Not for the lack of trying. Hell the Old Left have not suffered under the Red Scares and they didn't managed to do much desu
Notice that my opinion was promptly destroyed by anons who have a much better understanding of the topic than I do. I've been BTFO, and have admitted that I've been BTFO, yet you still insist on insulting me. Not to mention that you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot say on Veeky Forums.
This whole thing has been a learning experience for me, insofar as making me realize how limited my understanding of the subject is. I knew it was limited, but I was not aware how limited it was.
>but I don't voice out my thoughts about your life as if they have any weight do I?
No, but I didn't voice my thoughts as if they had any weight either.
Oh man you are just trolling.
Not the guy you're replying to, nor a marxist either, but hopefully next time you actually read something before taking a stance on it
go forth and read, good on you for not sperging out and accepting fault. Now do something about it and see if you change your views or find new sourrces to support them.
>No, but I didn't voice my thoughts as if they had any weight either.
You made a post about it with words that shows a high level of conviction in what you said. If you were upfront about your ignorance in your first post we would not be having this conversation
He's not trolling, he actually believes it, just read any alt-right thread.
I made the mistake of thinking I knew more than I did. Happens to all of us.
I certainly will, and hopefully I'll be better equipped for the next time I find myself in a debate.
Ah, fair point.
>Muh Red Scares.
So the new left are scared of repression, what revolutionary spirit, literally leftypol are filled with threads about how contr interpol and CIA ninjas ruined the left. Pure victimism incarnate.
they're not wrong, the left has been completely btfo'd from all sides, all left-wing platforms have been hijacked by neoliberals, the best it can do is a social democrat upholding the status quo.
When you see people like Obama and Clinton being "left" you realize how effective cointelpro has been
Constant red-baiting and McCarthyism meant any class issues cannot be discussed without being shouted down by the public. That is why the New Left had to sever itself with class issues to remain relevant to confront other issues. Not so much repression (coz they did get repressed like the old Left) but more political pragmatism.
>literally leftypol are filled with threads about how contr interpol
Feel free to post proofs anytime
>Those producers worked their way to the top, and, because of this process of selection, which proves that they are an elite, they have a right to lead!
How is this not socialist?
Not him but when Hitler mentions "working their way to the top" he is including private property and labor exploitation, he's not talking about a doctor who has the right to lead because he is the most suitable to do the task among his peers.
Private property and socialism are not mutually exclusive
Oh yes they fucking are
>Private property and socialism are not mutually exclusive
>social ownership
>workers produce all, recieve all
Has there ever been a more retarded idea in the history of man?
The left can't achieve anything with this mentality, you are literally cucked by the liberals, filled with fear (real or not) about government oppression and looking for excuses and shady conspiracies to justify your inefficient clipped ideology. in the end the only thing socialism had achieved is a makeshift socdem with guns.
>gets BTFO by the argument about the New Left
>better insult the Left as a counter non-argument
>posting an ironic Situationalist comic unironically
>muh New laft
>same socialist policies
>same class-baiting
>same Jewish backers
It's retarded but is slightly less retarded in an older context when workers physically made things instead of maintaining the machines that do it or just working in the service sector. One of the biggest reasons communism will never work is the economy isn't the idealized environment where people work in an assembly line and the economy is dependent on massively disparate skill sets that mean inequality is pretty much built in
The New Left was explicitly not socialist or class struggle but anti-imperialism, racism etc etc. Are you talking about shit you don't understand about?
>inequality is pretty much built in
Not even that propaganda picture is saying that they all receive equally so why are you strawmanning?
Dude, whats the matter? post like this are banned in leftypol. you really think american leftism are doing anything but complain and trigger poltards with edited memes.
Because I wasn't even referencing the picture, otherwise I would've probably addressed it directly as well. A lot of communist rhetoric is about inequality, which is why I mentioned it. I can't be bothered to tailor my posts to your super special snowflake brand of communism unless you're very explicit about what "communism" even means to you
I don't see why a discussion of the causes of the New Left has to suddenly degenerate into shit talking and insulting the left
Take a look of the "experts" in the matter
I don't see why a discussion of the causes of the New Left has to suddenly degenerate into shit talking and insulting the new left*
>Takes random thread
>somehow makes whatever that user was saying valid
there are autists in both leftypol and pol, and this place would have much less hitler/commies threads if they just stayed in their respective boards
Your segue wasn't that obvious, my bad senpai
>A lot of communist rhetoric is about inequality
Like what?
Maybe next time refer them as the New Left instead of the 'left' to avoid miscommunication