What went wrong?
IIRC they forbade building of highrises, which led to skyrocketing of housing prices
looks like it went pretty right to me, goy!
Massive non-white immigration spurred on by an unholy alliance between greedy industrialists wanting cheap labor, leftist politicians wanting to expand their voting base, and jewish anti-racism pressure groups.
They took a lot of immigrants from their former colonies.
The Nazis happened, leading to white guilt which itself cauzed decolonization and acceptance of mass immigration
Your picture faggily use the Nazi occupation as exemple for "good Paris", but fact is that Paris was just as white before them and they're the reason why it's not white anymore
It needs more black men.
>tfw franco-maghrébin
>tfw nationnalists think we're going to be the majority
>tfw they don't realize that by the time we will be 10% the blacks will be 50%
Why right winger are so stupid?
Europe exercising its next level of masochistic philosophy. I mean they already went through Christianism, Protestantism, Fascism, this is just the latest trend.
It needs more fluid genders and HIV faggots, merely blacked isn't enough.
More like what went right
Literally white peoples fault.
If you had left Africa alone they wouldn't even know you exist, and then you wouldn't have any white guilt, and you wouldn't have any immigrants.
As usual, white people do fucked up shit then cry when actions have consequences.
I think it's because they actually need more genetic diversity, and black people have been pretty much generous there. If you insist to me, I would say white people don't have any responsibility right there, as their inferior nature is impossing them to go back where they should be.
i love how a /pol/ack making that pic used specifically 1942, as if Paris wasn't white in 1946 or 1939
You have to go back
not gonna happen mon poussin
that's right! Fuck wh*te """people"""
Obviously it got more French? I see African Frenchmen, Asian frenchmen, what's wrong with that? Remember how black Frenchmen fought with Napoleon?
Don't be a racist
In France, arabs are much more hated than blacks because they're scumier
They refuse to integrate (keep their shitty names, their backward religion and in general their inferior culture that turned their origin countries into the shitholes they had to flee) and their murderous religion causes mass of death
The French Revolutuion
>Feed Africans
>Try to keep them from being castrated by Muslims by buying the slaves which competing African tribes tool from each other
>Europeans lead global campaign to end slavery (which still exists in Africa today)
Not gonna happen, loser. Your race is going extinct and you literally cannot stop it. There can be 100% white "people" against arab and black immigration, and even then they could do nothing to stop it. Face your replacement, subhuman.
No to everything you said amerifat. And we didn't "flee" the maghreb you fucking retard, we have been in France for more than 100 years because at some point France made half of the maghreb part of France and gave french citizenship to the natives.
Read a book.
Not an argument
>And we didn't "flee" the maghreb you fucking retard
Lmao, yes you did, after the Algerian war, you coward harki.
very few french maghrebis are descended from harkis you mong, probably less than 2%
>It's b8 to say that white slavers tried to keep Muslims from getting slaves
>It's b8 to say that Europeans kept better care of slaves that Muslims
>It's b8 to say that Europeans lead a global campaign to end slavery
>It's b8 to call blacks ungrateful
>we oppose slavery!
>*have slaves for centuries so they suffer a social selection favouring humble and no-ambitious faggots*
>No to everything you said amerifat.
Im Swiss and go there often
>And we didn't "flee" the maghreb you fucking retard, we have been in France for more than 100 years
Wrong, faggot
Maghrebi immigration started in the 70s
Your grandparents immigrated because your countries are third world shitholes due to your inferior culture and religion
>and gave french citizenship to the natives
That literally never happened, tard
That's one of the reasons why Algerians revolted in the 60s
>Hurr durr if you want Europe to be Europe you must be a stormfag
Your IQ>The number 9
Holy shit....
>Never said that they opposed slavery while they were depriving Muslims of slaves
>Was obviously implying a chronological difference between the time when Europeans engaged in slavery and the beginning of the abolitionists movement
>Simply said that Europeans we're the first major racial groups to wage a campaign against the institution of slavery which not even native Africans have done yet, and which the middle East STILL practices in secret.
Second of all
>The reason why African Americans have so many issues on a genetic basis has to do with a few hundred years of breeding
They have an average IQ of 85, the average black IQ in Africa is in the mid 70's.
Algerians had french citizenship, but not full rights. The algerian war was for independance not for citizenship.
There was algerians living in the metropole back in 1900, and a lot of them came there after the ww2.
Open a book
Didn't know there was the French race brosive