Is it just the struggle that made them so unparalleled in every field?
Historically, why are Jews so good at everything?
Yeah man, like Basketball.
Centuries of interbreeding with the best europe can offer
If you take a good look you'll see that the smartest jews are barely jews at all and are jews only because of their maternity rules. Mizrahi jews are those that are not interbred with europeans and are saudi level dumb and have the same shade of skin
So it's this combined with the fact that they've had a long history of nationalism, egosim, craftyness while making all of this a sin for the rest.
They basically didn't outsmart everyone, they outwitted everyone
But jews aren't bad at basketball, it's one of their best sports
They value education above everything
Can I get a source on that? Sounds interesting
They actually have INFERIOR spatial skills. They thought they were all that letting goyim do manual labor- but they're not. In addition, testosterone and spatial skills are interwined, so they are basically women according to their spatial skills.
No source
Just something my family told me
To get shekels, you need education, pretty sure a bunch of books about their history will talk about it
broken link
This paper elaborates the hypothesis that the unique demography and sociology of Ashkenazim in medieval Europe selected for intelligence. Ashkenazi literacy, economic specialization, and closure to inward gene flow led to a social environment in which there was high fitness payoff to intelligence, specifically verbal and mathematical intelligence but not spatial ability
>so good at everything
like being utter pigs when using someone else's accommodation
I was a steward at large countryside cottage for rent. We've had people from entire northern hemispehere, but never in my life have I seen a bigger bunch deliberately messy motherfuckers. Russians may leave a shipping container worth of empty bottles and some broken armrest after a rowdy night, but they didn't even come close that what I've seen from Israelis.
No matter if they stayed a night of five, they would, without fail, wreak such fucking havoc it was unbelievable, you would almost think it was actual fucking malice. I've seen them eat ordered food and when they were done eating, they METICULOUSLY mixed the remaining food together, including pouring drinks in it, until it resembled vomit, as if preventing someone from eating it afterwards. You would find every single towel available in the building lying drenched on the bathroom floor, forming a malformed pile of colorful cotton - this was without fail, all of them did this shit. And so much more it would make your head spin.
During my time there was at least 200 Israeli families, and I can with a straight face remember ONE exception to this shit.
t. butthurt goy making up tall tales
>I've seen them eat ordered food and when they were done eating, they METICULOUSLY mixed the remaining food together, including pouring drinks in it, until it resembled vomit, as if preventing someone from eating it afterwards
Capitalists do this shit all the time except they fucking do it in insane proportions, especially capitalist jews. Because if shit doesn't sell then you must do everything that people don't get it for free.
Also nice 911 dubs
>at least 200 Israeli families
And you didn't try to stop any of them from doing the exact same things the rest of them supposedly did? You're going to have to be a lot more convincing.
>t. butthurt goy
rlly makes me think
>Is it just the struggle that made them so unparalleled in every field?
Covenant with God - their souls are forfeit in exchange for worldly fame and power.
Genetic bottleneck and other social effects in Europe led to selection pressures which gives them a higher than average (i.e. non-Jewish) verbal and abstract thinking capability.
I don't get it.
>Good at anything except dragging other races down
Stop them? How? The management knew about it, they had that shit happening in all over the country.
Should they deny service to people who are prone to accuse you of (in Europe) criminal offense, when you fucking talk back to them?
They selected for the correct PHENOTYPE.
Emphasis on community and kin over everything else plus the same strive for their children to excel or be disowned that the Asians tend to have
This is all anecdotal so feel free to ignore me
They're a bit like the kurds. They got so used to getting BTFO that they eventually became really good at surviving.
What exactly are they good at? They can't even scam the world without being discovered, and they've been btfo by nearly every prominent empire in history.
>so unparalleled in every field?
They arent. You've been consuming too many /pol/ memes
They value education in the same way Muslims value education i.e. they primarily value religious education, and every other type of education is secondary
They aren't, but they are overrepresented in certain fields primarily thanks to a combination of nepotism, collectivistic behaviour and a slightly higher IQ.
They read from a book as a religious rite of passage. The jews that dont conplete this milestone boil off and stop being Jewish. They have a headstart on literacy contrasted with other peoples. They also let their religious teachers have family instead of leaving them on the reproductive shelf and those genetics trickled down to norrmie Jews.
The same goes for Muslims as well, but there aren't as many famous Muslim scientists and intellectuals as Jewish ones.
Jews haven't married their first cousins since their prophets lifetime.
Jews are like parasites, they only do well because they stole from their kind European hosts. They had several large advantages over history,l: extreme nepotism, no empathy (which makes them great merchants, they feel no remose for those they rip off) and geographical mobility, they weren't grounded in one country. That is to say when the land they were inhabiting was facing starvation, they could just move elsewhere whereas the natives stayed and starved,
What Jews are good at though is imagination, spinning stories and inventing bullshit. Everything they're famous for: comedy, banking, theoretical physics, movie production, professional victimhood, it's all non-physical, wishy washy bullshit.
Jews are like parasites, they only do well because they stole from their kind European hosts. They had several large advantages over history: extreme nepotism, no empathy (which makes them great merchants, they feel no remose for those they rip off) and geographical mobility, they weren't grounded in one country. That is to say when the land they were inhabiting was facing starvation, they could just move elsewhere whereas the natives stayed and starved,
What Jews are good at though is imagination, spinning stories and inventing bullshit. Everything they're famous for: comedy, banking, theoretical physics, movie production, professional victimhood, it's all non-physical, wishy washy bullshit.
Nice spam retard
So Jesus is forefit for worldy profit?
Doesn't sound right to me.
All of this describes literally what eurangutans did to the Inca divine race.
Deal with your extinction, monkey. Face it, your time here is over.
why was the op image deleted?
Ive waited tables for two years and only ever saw one person pour his drink on his food, and even then it was done jokingly. This never happens.
They literally have. Jews are even more inbred than Muslims.
Jews are like parasites, they only do well because they stole from their kind European hosts. They had several large advantages over history: extreme nepotism, no empathy (which makes them great merchants, they feel no remose for those they rip off) and geographical mobility, they weren't grounded in one country. That is to say when the land they were inhabiting was facing starvation, they could just move elsewhere whereas the natives stayed and starved,
What Jews are good at though is imagination, spinning stories and inventing bullshit. Everything they're famous for: comedy, banking, theoretical physics, movie production, professional victimhood, it's all non-physical, wishy washy bullshit.
from a population bottleneck, they come from a small genepool, they didn't make their genepool smaller to preserve PBUH's bloodline better.
>What Jews are good at
Jewish "comedy" is trash though. Lowest common demoninator, plebeian drivel.
The Jewish sense of humor reflects Jewish "culture" in general. There is no creativity in it. They only destroy. They mock traditional western culture and white males rather than tell actual jokes. They tear everything down around them because they have no imagination to create something of their own. It appeals to brainwashed Marxists but ultimately it is a bland, boring, and destructive style of "comedy".
>I don't get it.
What's not to get? Terms and conditions all clearly laid out.
and a lot of toilet humor, even documented by their own coethnics.
>they outwitted everyone
Thats exactly why they wont last, they all burn bright before the end. Atleast that is how all peoples that were infamous or witty went out.
It's not just about shekels. You have to consider how Jews study the Torah and Talmud. Being well versed in the Laws wasn't just something expected of the Rabbis, it was something that even normal Jews were encouraged to do.
In order to obey G-d's laws a Jew has to study the books intensely. That's been true since Deuteronomy. So autistic study of the religious texts was able to easily translate to autistic study of literally whatever when Jews started becoming more secular during the 1800s and actually integrated more and tried to rise in non-Jew society.
I've gotta say the amount of psuedo-facts on Jews in this thread is hilarious.
I'm Jewish and have literally never seen any other person of Jewish descent do this, aside from annoying teenagers who did this kind of shit because they're teenagers.
>So autistic study of the religious texts was able to easily translate to autistic study of literally whatever
Jews are not autistic though. I think you're misusing that word. Jews tend to have very good social skills and are by definition ultra normies since they control what society sees as normal.
The Germanic/Nordic people are the most autistic race.
>Being this new
Autism is slang friendo. Not literal autism.
I'm curious, what is an example of good creative humor to you? And how is it creative? Come on, show your top-tier taste in humor, redpilled user.
>You will never conquer Westeros and unite the seven kingdoms with your dragon-riding sister wives to build a pimping capital
Why live
>not neurotic sociopaths autistically kvetching about everything
There are many things wrong with Jews but autism is not one of them. Like you said they are neurotic sociopaths. But they are still turbo normies.
If you want to see true, genuine autists, go to Scandinavia, Germany, or Finland.
It's pretty obvious that you wrote this comedically, but after reading /pol/ a lot, part of me knows that no matter how obviously someone is just making fun of stormtards, it's always possible that they're actually a stormtard.
>wearing a cube on your head and TIGHTLY wrapping your arm with a leather strip whilst repeating the same memorized prayers over and over and over again
>not autistic
I like how you JIDF fags never present an actual counterargument. You just say hurrr poltards as if that proves anything.
Italian genes
>they only do well because they stole from their kind European hosts.
He wrote:
>Everything they're famous for: comedy, banking, theoretical physics, movie production, professional victimhood, it's all non-physical, wishy washy bullshit.
That's fucking hilarious, which is why I assumed he was joking.
As for counterarguments, we present them all the time. You stormtards ignore them and keep spouting the same crap.
Vague retarded claims about the ebul jews don't really warrant an argument, let alone a counter-argument since there is not an argument in the first place.
Then please explain
>Jews citing the 6 million number before the Holocaust even happened
>Jewish control of the banks and the media
>Rothschilds and the federal reserve
>George Soros's control of the political system
>subverting cultural traditions and spreading liberal ideas everywhere they go
>creating pornography and even using it as a weapon against Palestine
>promoting feminism, transgenderism, and other degeneracy
>funding wars
>Israel spying on and taking money from the United States and giving nothing in return, acting entitled when they as a nation could not even exist without the west supporting them
>propaganda and brainwashing on TV
>if you say anything bad about them in public you can expect to lose your job and quite possibly even get arrested
Oh and I forgot
>numerous Jewish professors and "intellectuals" openly talking about the destruction of the white race
And of course
They are not, they are parasites. If they were so good at anything, they would have had a country and would have existed without being persecuted by every single country in the world.
What jews are good at is exploiting the emotions of their hosts to their advantage (emotions that they generally do lack) which helps them grow by leeching off that goodness of others. When said jews are found out and discovered they usually try to villify that person to cartoonishly evil levels.
>Jews citing the 6 million number before the Holocaust even happened
Medieval Christians wouldn't handle money so they relied on jews to do it. Turns out centuries of banking and financing will make some of your families very wealthy
>Rothschilds and the federal reserve
>Jewish control of the banks and the media
See above; money and owned corporations/institutions don't just disappear in a generation. If you think that's a bad thing, support inheritance tax :^)
>Soros, political influence, etc.
Rich people fuck around with government policy all the time, not just liberals, and not just jews. Cf. Koch brothers, literally all corporate lobbying, superpacs. Nothing is done about this because rich conservatives benefit from it at least as much, probably a lot more.
You conveniently ignored their plot - one which I remind you they are pretty open about - to destroy the white race.
Name 30 present day jews who are open about destroying the white race
Hell, name 30 that aren't white.
>Jews citing the 6 million number before the Holocaust even happened
The 6 million number is not consensus among historians and never was. If it had some meaning for Jews before the war, it would make sense for it to become a popular estimate among them afterward.
>Jewish control of the banks and the media
They're good with money and intelligent on average.
>Rothschilds and the federal reserve
What's bad about the federal reserve?
>George Soros's control of the political system
He doesn't control it.
>subverting cultural traditions and spreading liberal ideas everywhere they go
Liberal ideas are great.
Oh, maybe you mean leftist ideas. Marxism was a flawed response to a real problem - the bad conditions of working people's lives after the Industrial Revolution. Jews tend to be more intellectual on average than many other races, and it makes sense that in Marxism's heyday many Jews would have been drawn toward an intellectual revolutionary movement that promised liberation from oppression without being racist, nationalist, or Christian.
>creating pornography and even using it as a weapon against Palestine
Huh? Weaponized pornography? Oh no, the Heebs are us sending jerking-off material!
>promoting feminism, transgenderism, and other degeneracy
There's nothing wrong with feminism, although of course it has its share of insane and stupid extremists. As for transgenderism, who cares as long as no-one's forcing anyone to do it.
>funding wars
As do pretty much all powerful political groups.
>Israel spying on and taking money from the United States and giving nothing in return, acting entitled when they as a nation could not even exist without the west supporting them
It's a relationship of mutual benefit. I'm not a fan of it, but it makes sense geopolitically.
>propaganda and brainwashing on TV
Like what? What makes you think the propagandists aren't themselves convinced of what they're saying?
>if you say anything bad about them in public you can expect to lose your job
Same if you say something bad about any racial group
>and quite possibly even get arrested
Only in some parts of Europe, and there are some obvious reasons why that's the case. I'm not a fan of those laws, but their existence does not mean that Jews are evil.
1: The majority of humor is based on making fun of things, everything from monthy python to Sam Hyde is based off making fun of events and people.
2: Jews have created shitloads of art and their culture is based around education, study, and innovation. The existence of Israel being transformed from another patch of desert/swamp to plants and gardens everywhere is a testament to it.
3: Western culture isn't superior to any other culture on Earth apart from literal hellholes like India.
>It's a relationship of mutual benefit. I'm not a fan of it, but it makes sense geopolitically.
How is it in any way beneficial for the US or for the west in general? Israel is the only one benefitting from this deal. It makes absolutely no logical sense but kikes have convinces bible thumping retards that it's the right thing to do.
There is no other country on earth that we would protect, give money to for no reason, and give surveillance data on US citizens. But Israel gets special treatment.
As a nation they have no right to exist. They cannot stand on their own. They exist by leeching off the US.
>le pr0n is innocent meme
when the Israelis were shelling Gaza, they hijacked their television, and broadcasted porn on all their stations. Bear in mind, their networks at the time were as numerous as America's were in the 60s. While this was being displayed, their armies were shelling their homes. It's an ingenious tactic, dissuades jihadis from taking up arms by keeping their arms low if you catch my drift. People who think with their glands are easier to control, and that is the ulterior reasoning for Jewish prominence in pornography, besides the fact it's basically X-rated Hollywood and that is already their turf.
>How is it in any way beneficial for the US or for the west in general? Israel is the only one benefitting from this deal. It makes absolutely no logical sense but kikes have convinces bible thumping retards that it's the right thing to do.
geopolitics, Israel isn't western but they're one of the only nations in that region that would likely side with the US on bigger picture issues. Other middle eastern nations side with Russia which wants the same resources and territory over the Middle East.
>There is no other country on earth that we would protect, give money to for no reason, and give surveillance data on US citizens. But Israel gets special treatment.
We've done this to several other nations like Japan, South Korea, and to a point Western Europe after WW2.
>As a nation they have no right to exist.
Why shouldn't they exist? The Christians and Muslims respectively have dozens of nations in control. Religions like Buddhism, Taoism, and Hindusim also have major influence across multiple nations, even tribal identities like the various Native American tribes and zoroastrians have their own place in Oklahoma and in parts of the Middle East/India
>They cannot stand on their own. They exist by leeching off the US.
Israel defended itself pretty well in multiple wars into the 80's. You're a liar and a historical revisionist, and for what? to scapegoat your problems on some minority of people you haven't met? To cause a lot of pointless destruction and unhappiness for nothing to get fixed?
>Israel isn't western but they're one of the only nations in that region that would likely side with the US on bigger picture issues. Other middle eastern nations side with Russia which wants the same resources and territory over the Middle East.
A conflict that wouldn't exist in the first place if it weren't for the Jews, created for the express purpose of sending middle eastern immigrants into the west to destroy western culture and national borders, sacrificing them at the neoliberal altar of multiculturalism and globalism.
>Israel defended itself pretty well in multiple wars into the 80's
Israel would not have existed in the 80s if it were not for the British giving the land to them after World War II.
You're either a lying shill or a brainwashed fool.
>A conflict that wouldn't exist in the first place if it weren't for the Jews, created for the express purpose of sending middle eastern immigrants into the west to destroy western culture and national borders, sacrificing them at the neoliberal altar of multiculturalism and globalism.
The whole region has always been in war since before Israel existed. Shias and Sunnis despise each other and because of the fact mohammed didn't iirc appoint a successor the region has been shit ever since the Ottoman Empire ended.
If you think that the situation is a black and white one where removing Israel would solve Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran dealing proxy wars toward each other, driving nations like Yemen to the ground, and genocide camps aimed toward the LGBT in Chechnya. YOU are the one that is naive.
> created for the express purpose of sending middle eastern immigrants into the west to destroy western culture and national borders,
Israel was re-created to provide a home for the Jewish people. Immigrants didn't come to Europe until the 60's/70's several decades after Israel was established, and initially it was because Germany needed more workers.
>sacrificing them at the neoliberal altar of multiculturalism and globalism.
buzzword, buzzword, buzzword
>Israel would not have existed in the 80s if it were not for the British giving the land to them after World War II.
Lots of land was already purchased by World War II by zionists returning to their cultural homeland.
>You're either a lying shill or a brainwashed fool.
Blaming jews for every issue and problem you have is just a way for you to avoid taking responsibilities for your actions
>The whole region has always been in war since before Israel existed. Shias and Sunnis despise each other and because of the fact mohammed didn't iirc appoint a successor the region has been shit ever since the Ottoman Empire ended.
That's not what I meant. I was talking about getting the US to intervene. They can have their stupid wars in the middle east; I don't care. But we should never have gotten involved. It's not our problem.
That doesn't make it any less true.
>British giving the land to them after World War II
Apart from other indications of you being an utter moron. Are you aware that the United Kingdom was supplying Arabs during the war of Israeli independance?
Reminder that the Talmud explicitly supports pedophilia and Jewish supremacy. You are defending a culture of perverts and filth.
I can anecdotally confirm as a jew that I got a perfect verbal on my SATs but always bombed mental rotation on all the other random standardized tests they gave you back in grade school. I have no visual imagination.
In my experience with Jews they seem to be kind of low testosterone/low energy, and lack mental focus when it comes to physical things, making them bad drivers, bad at manual work, etc.
But they often seem to have pretty good verbal intelligence as the stereotype says. They're good at talking to people and writing.
Would you say that both of these are true?
>be an anti semite
>associated with retarded /pol/niggers who needs to throw out their stupid rhetoric about kike domination and holocaust denial
i just hate kikes because they're collectivist sleazebags,the n*zis ruined that for us
so when BTFO you resort to conspiracy "muh talmund".
What do you people even attend to accomplish anyway? Do you really think that removing a population that you heard is trying to ruin you from the internet will fix your life? You just want destruction and then nothing will be fixed,
>As for transgenderism, who cares as long as no-one's forcing anyone to do it.
Yeah like who cares bro. They're not hurting anyone mang. :^)
You've ignored half my points and all the images I've posted, so I thought we can do that now
I don't know about the low energy part. Neuroticism is a jew stereotype and you can't be very neurotic without also being high energy. It's not a healthy sort of high energy, but you do still expend a lot of energy by being obsessive / nervous all the time. RE: Testosterone, I think there's a race based spectrum for that with asians at the lowest test end and blacks at the highest test end. I don't think jews are as low test as asians, but they're probably lower test than whites on average.
How much they pay you?
>nationalism is bad
>but only when it's someone nit jewish doing it
Why the double standard?
Probably the same reason everyone else is OK with things that benefit themselves but not others. That said, I think the excuse you'll hear is that jews needed their own homeland because they were persecuted, sort of like arguing that certain endangered species need special protection but species that aren't in danger of going extinct like deer don't.