Why are Anglos so weak at warfare?

Why are Anglos so weak at warfare?

>I think I'll cherrypick all the battles and leave out all the other ones to give the impression that this nation is weak and fragile

Nice propaganda there, buddy, but it doesn't work on smart people.

Do you consider yourself to be a smart person, An*loshit?

Maintaining the rule over 25% of the worlds land and 100% of its oceans doesn't leave a lot left for army training



>British Amry

Anglos are merchants, colonists, and sailers, they're not fit for war.

min-maxing naval warfare

Nice cherry pick, let me show you a cherry pick of mine


>Boasting about victories in which you outnumber the enemy

>Boasting about victories over poo-in-loos

Shiggy diggy

Idk desu. Probably the same reason why Germans can't hold an actual Empire for more than a split second.

>I think I'll cherrypick all the battles and leave out all the other ones to give the impression that this nation is weak and fragile
That's what white supremacists(mainly US Anglos) do all the time to China or any countries they hate. OP just let you have your own medicines for once.

my recommendation for this thread: 1/10 pretty weak trolling

you're going too hard and it's way too obvious

advice for the future

>wikipedia battle boxes

>fighting against tribesmen

>Why are Anglos so weak at warfare?

Don't mind me, just defeating Europe.


Oh, look, it's the t*rk again.

>Now you understand why they hide on their island.
>Somehow became the largest empire in world history


Reminder that there was a time where 1 in 4 people in the world were British subjects

>1 in 4 people in the world were British subjects
>using a Koren comic as pic.

It's almost like Anglos really are asking to be displaced.



Brits were okay in WW1
It's in WW2 that they were cowards

This man would have conquered England in 5 days with just one tercio.

How many levels of strategy are you on
Napoleon: idk monarchist like cannons and reserves
You are like little milanese, watch this


I mean its kind of weird that these cherry picked battles are drawn from odd wars.
French Indian/Seven Years = Brits won
First World War = Brits won
Peninsular War = Brits won
Second Boer War = Brits won
Irish Rebellion = Brits won
Pacific War = Brits won technically, it was pretty obvious it was American involvement that won the war desu.

1812 = Not really conclusive enough, they won the North but lost the South.
First Boer and American Revolution they did lose, but its odd you added the others.

>French Indian/Seven Years = Brits won
Thank to their ally
>First World War = Brits won
Thank to their allies
>Peninsular War = Brits won
Thank to their allies
>Second Boer War = Brits won
>Irish Rebellion = Brits won
Wow, such great
>Pacific War = Brits won technically
America won

Basically, Brits lose the battles and their allies win the war

You're an idiot

Can anyone recommend a good book on the Boer War?

>If a country has allies in a war then its own losses and victories in the war don't count, cause they had allies.
What the actual fuck dude?