Historically, what would you say are America's most core values?
Historically, what would you say are America's most core values?
Other urls found in this thread:
telling authority figures to go fuck themselves
Defending her allies, once they do most of the dying
Constantly shitting on every immigrant group that comes into the country for a couple decades until they become so commonplace that no one notices or cares anymore, then acts like they were never shitty to them in the first place.
These two
Eastern Europeans and Italians in the early 1900's deserved it
Trying their best to bring democracy to the world, even if sometimes it isn't the right time or place for it
objectively this
We started with the French Revolution
Come on, we stayed out of that one. The frogs did it to themselves
Uh excuse me you kike-loving librul faggot, but base white wops, pollacks and chinks have always been valued in America. It's only the disgusting Spics and goatfucking Sandniggers that are coming now that are destroying our country.
The Revolutionary war caused a massive drain on the French economy, and it was a leading factor to why they revolted against the monarchy
>chinks have always been valued in America
In the mid 1800's, their only value to the US was as cheap, disposable labor.
True, but we didn't plan on that happening. It just kinda did
>your country is shit so you must be moving here to make our country shit and not because you want to live in a country that isn't shit but obviously couldn't choose where you would be born
Why do people always assume the worst
>telling authority figures to go fuck themselves
"morning boss, I'm here and ready work for a tiny fraction of what you're making in profits"
"hell, I'll vote against minimum wage increases so you can rake in even more profits"
"yessir, you started this business by pulling up on your bootstraps because you're an 'on-tree-pee-noo-war' who doesn't need the help of any of us workers"
"wait, you're firing me because you're opening a cheaper factory in india?! p-president trump, save us!!!"
feel free to substiute "cheaper factory in india" with "the great depression" and "trump" with "fdr"
>not pronouncing it on-truh-puh-noo-er
Who is the real cuck here?
Objectively this
>"hey bro ill give you money if you do this for me"
>people have a problem with this
t. the classcuk
Money and arrogance.
We really did turn out just like our mother.
Having a strong attitude and working hard in the face of adversity. The problem is now the adversity is usually more perceived than actually there, so the backlash causes more problems than it solves.
>fucking bernie
Consumerism and retardation. Mostly retardation.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
>being so triggered that you edit leftists into a picture that hurt your aut-right fee-fees
for most of our history, we embraced immigrants due to the labor shortage that america had for the first 200 years
but then, of course, in the 70s: the labor shortage turned into a labor surplus due to technology replacing jobs, and now conservatives hate immigrants because they think getting rid of a million or so mexicans who sit outside of home depots to build decks for rich suburban families will solve the labor surplus that has ballooned on us over the last 50 years
Fast food
And Ben Franklin started it all in 1750 when he wrote a letter bitching that too many Germans were moving here.
user he's being facetious
We never actively got involved though. We thought about it, but once it turned into a bloodbath we decided to stay the fuck away.
Probably because of thought processes like this. I should note that the writer of this is North Irish of birth, not American.
What did the frogs lose in 2017? They're the most powerful animal on the planet.
>What did the frogs lose in 2017?
Their males according to Alex Jones, which is sorta true but not for the reasons he thinks
There is literally chemicals from plastics that turn reptiles and amphibians into hermaphrodites. Another problem is sterilization. Need to find the documentary about it, something to do with xenoestrogens.
Yeah but he thinks it's the government and part of a secret plot. It's not, it's the result of corporate malfeasance.
This and guns.
The only ones who didn't deserve it were the Irish, Koreans, Polish and Germans.
Every other immigrant deserved the hate they received and some deserved more than they got.
Oh, I forgot the Japanese.
Japanese Americans were good in WWII.
And those same authority figures fucking curmbstomp you back. Your police has fucking tanks.
European and Asian immigrants never deserved it
Everyone else does