Why do today's gangsters lack the honor that the old school gangsters had ?
>today's gangsters
>implying Lucky or his clique had honor
It's just a facade from being romanticized by Hollywood.
Hollywood isn't real friend.
It's like saying all samurai were honorable.
The honor you speak of extended only to other gangsters in the same gang/crime family.
The gangster hasn't changed, the culture just has.
In my mind there are a few things that have influenced this change.
Music/pop culture
Music/pop culture: Old people say it all the time, todays music sucks and there is no class to it. I personally enjoy rap, hip hop, rock, house and much more of today's music but when compared to music of the early 20th and late 19th century's, it really is terrible and lacking in class. Not to mention pop culture in general, I mean look at grunge music, let's not forget that 20 years ago, dressing like a homeless person was "cool" and that's just one comparison, in the late 40s and 50s, gangsters "greasers" used to be considered cool if they had oily hair, jeans, and a plain leather jacket with just a t-shirt underneath. Back then wearing those kind of clothes was very disrespectful and unprofessional.
Race: gangsters back in the day, all had something in common. This was the general want to look "white" in other words to fit in and dress the same as the upperclass. For example, Irish, Italians, Germans, and polish even all had to fight for their whiteness, most notoriously the Irish and Italians who were both at one time called white niggers and olive niggers. Today we know that the label of white is very accepting to mostly anyone who isn't mid south, south east asian, or african. But back in the days when immigrants from all over Europe flooded into America, whiteness was not determines by simply just being European, it was gained through social status.
Today the white label in America and the world is being divided and very few wish to accomplish such a thing. Professionally and class have nearly gone out the window, and that also ties in with the business
Bussiness: drugs drugs drugs.smuggeling and bootlegging alcohol was one thing but drugs is a dirty dirty business. The lowest of the low only deal with drugs, but it also makes the fastest and in the long run most profitable amount of money.
They weren't?
Because niggers are stupid and incapable of complex organization like the Mafia and Yakuza
Don't make this a racial issue. Gangsters have always been the retarded scum of society. The real brains behind organisations like the Yakuza and Mafia were the corporations that hired them to start shit. That doesn't happen in the US anymore.
>real brains behind organisations like the Yakuza and Mafia were the corporations that hired them to start shit.
Literally false.
Sure corporations hired sections of these crime syndicates but the Yakuza has been around since feudal Japan, and the Mafia has been around since the 1600s.
It's because of drugs desu. They're too lucrative to pass up but the huge risks involved in dealing in them encourages ruthlessness.
American Mafia members were more likely to have a college degree than the average American
oh boy
they were a lot of backstabbing faggots. have you read anything about the sengoku jidai?
RICO and witness protection destroyed any power the Omerta had.
Which they quite literaly bought.
The only replies that need to be read here folks.
1) your ideas of "honor" are probably silly cuckoldry
2) gangsters aren't honorable
3) the differences in behavior and culture you perceive are mainly, shall we say "diversity"
why do you assume they were honorable? they may dabble with romantic pretense for their ego's sake, or perhaps others recounting the stories might, but they sure as hell didn't. it's not the sort of industry that rewards honour or loyalty. criminality rewards ruthlessness and strength. i say this as someone who's spent far too much time around criminals of varying status, they suck man lol
*weren't i should say pardon me im really tired
They absolutely weren't. The whole bushido thing was pretty much invented in the late 19th century or there about.
>tfw "whiteness" means american
>the honor that the old school gangsters had
I too love The Godfather
And even in the Godfather, they are backstabbing asshole who kill their own family.
Have honor and wearing suits are two different things.
This is why I say legalising drugs is the answer. It cuts out a revenue stream.
No European cares about "whiteness" like Americans do, Europeans consider themselves English, French, German, Italian etc; "White" is a meme term made up by Americans because they have no cultural and historical heritage
>Reading all those dumb black americans talking shit about "white" people when they are just talking shit about their dumb white americans counterparts
Honestly i hope they will all be wiped out in a nuclear civil war.
>illegal drugs are fine
>other illegal drugs are the lowest of the low
Gangster logic everyone.
Incas were superior to europeans though.
>Luciano and Lansky literally ordered Benjamin Siegel, their lifelong friend, killed because he was skimming money from Vegas casinos
What a shit thread, good bait though.
The "Mexican Mafia" (the prison gang that controls all Hispanic gangs who use the 13, meaning basically all in Southern California ) has a scant, but strict code. The following incur the death penalty (including all members of 13 gangs): drive-bys (puts innocents at risk), any sex crime, harming your mother, killing children (except in self defense ), homosexual activity, snitching. If you are even charged with these, you will be beaten to a pulp in jail and have to go to protective custody. In prison, they will kill you, and the guy who does earn his "stripes" for performing a hit for La Eme, which entitles him to the Aztec thirteen tattoo.
I can personally assure you they take all these things very very seriously.
MS13 isn't Mexican and they encourage rape as a weapon.
They came up with farming in less time relative to when they actually settled, and were better at experimenting with it.
MS outside of California. Within So Cal they fought the Mexicans and lost. The 13 indicates fealty to the Mexican Mafia, whom they must pay taxes to and abide by the rules of. Outside of California they are just called MS, and operate much differently
Btw, just in case you didn't know: thirteen sigifies M, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet
The Satsuma Rebellion was fought over the right of the samurai to decapitate peasants just because they felt like it.
Nowadays are majority niggers
Apparently the “Detroit Partnership” mafia crime family is still quietly in business and has avoided FBI infiltration for decades.
>he believes in the "old time mobsters didn't deal drugs" meme
Majority spics, actually. Overwhelming majority.
>European cares about "whiteness" like Americans do
You didn't have to, as you were all surrounded by Whites, whereas in the Americas, we had Indians and Blacks within the overall population but "White consciousness" is growing stronger with the influx of non-White foreigners into Europe.
If you think old school gangsters had "honor" you're taking the movies at face value. Listen to some actual accounts of ex-gangsters recounting their days in the mob.
Shit like this was exceedingly common in the American mob. Gangsters weren't conditioned to feel any loyalty to each other, only to the organization itself, so long-time friends and even family members would take each other out simple as that if they felt the victim was a liability. Mob culture was extremely collectivist. You were basically groomed to be a sociopath the minute you chose the life.
>Gangsters weren't conditioned to feel any loyalty to each other, only to the organization itself,
As a former criminal, convict and gang affiliate I should point out here that you are completely wrong. The issue is that gangsters who are highly organized have laws that EVERYONE is under. If your best breaks a death law, killing him has nothing to do with being a psycho, it has to do with maintaining order and, as crazy as it seems, the moral code. If your friend rapes a girl or kills a child (both top notch offenses in Mexican gangs of California ), you must kill him, or else you are betraying your own code. For example, a man who did a hit killed the target along with wife and kids (which he knew not to do), so the hitman was killed by the very people who hired him (the Mexican Mafia in this case); do you think that was psychotic for them to do? No, they saw it simply as justice
Let me elaborate. I was speaking specifically about Cosa Nostra, the (Italian-) American mob which I assumed OP had in mind, due to its heavy representation in movies and TV, and its peak being somewhere in the middle of the 20th century. I don't have enough knowledge on other crime organizations to be comfortable making assertions on them, from what I know about the Italian-American mafia, the behavior I mentioned in my original post was common.
Yet they're presumably perfectly fine with human trafficking in women who are forced to work as prostitutes and effectively be raped all day, every day?
No. They are okay with prostituion and trafficking immigrants, but if a prostitute so much as breathes the word "rape" then you could be killed if she doesn't recant. If she goes to the police and they formally charge you, you are a dead man and there is no way to fix it even if she recants. You will have to go to protective custody, and if they ever see you on the street they will kill you and everyone you're with who is an adult.
So they're ok with rape when it's them getting paid. Because that's what happens to most trafficked women.
Itt: i know about modern japanese history, the post
Well the government hates it when you committ tax evasion, so why wouldn't the mafia?
Samurai had a code and all, but it was often ditched when it was more convient in warfare. It's like saying knights never raped or looted because you read about chivalric codes, or that teenagers tuck in their shirts and report all drug use to their superiors because you read a high school's code of conduct.
If she says rape, you're screwed. So it's a very risky enterprise. You can't force a woman to do sex work. I have known pimps who quit specifically because their women threatened them with this. Being a Mexican pimp in California is enormously dangerous. You are obligated to kill or at least beat the shit out of anyone who rapes your women. You could tell her to forget it, but if she goes to the police or the keys (the official M representative of the area) and complains, your life is on the line. M is very serious about those sorts of crimes, and they look for excuses to kill, because you can't rise in the ranks except by killing people who have gotten "greenlighted" (kill on sight) by M, and codebreakers are automatically greelighted. A greenlight is like a fatwah