What historical events are similar to the political situation in the United States today?
What historical events are similar to the political situation in the United States today?
Germany 1918-1933
Collapse of the USSR
/politically and historically illiterate general/
Wtf do you mean with the political situation in the US today?
An incompetent leader firing staff? Well that's happend to many times to count, I'd say most prominent would be Wilhelm II (although I loathe the comparision of Bismarck to whatever twat that leaves every week)
Racial/Political conflict massively hyped up the media and people with an agenda?
I'd say Rome during the final days of the Republic and civil wars. Or the chimping out over chariot race colours in Rome/Byzanz
Yeah i was thinking rome during the roman revolution too, but more in the earlier period when tribunes were becoming populares and abusing their constitutional powers and courting the plebs for their personal gain to the detriment of the entire political system (i.e trum)
Athens after Pericles.
something like rome before the war with the allied states
there was this notion of only a roman should be roman citizen no matter if a samnite or lucanian served rome, not quite racism but certainly discimination
This t b h. The Melian dialogue really makes me think of US foreign policy.
Gracchi Brothers era Rome.
We defeated Carthage/USSR and are now infighting and destroying our republic.
Weimar Republic
Thucydides, Peloponnesian War III, 82
>To fit in with the change of events, words, too, had to change their usual meanings. What used to be described as a thoughtless act of aggression was now regarded as the courage one would expect to find in a party member; to think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action. Fanatical enthusiasm was the mark of a real man, and to plot against an enemy behind his back was perfectly legitimate self-defence . . . and indeed most people are more ready to call villainy cleverness than simple-mindedness honesty. They are proud of the first quality and ashamed of the second.
Basically applies to any period of societal factionalism.
The beginning of ww2, drumpf being Hitler, and Mexico being poland.
Sweden 1991, where the wealthy businessman who has no idea what he's actually doing or stands for used populism to gain political power and was considered hip and cool because he wasn't like anyone else but just an ordinary man who happened to have a lot of money and hated politicians and promised he would turn the country around and stop all the illegal Yugoslavians flooding the country.
Sulla's First Civil War and the events leading up to it
A centuries-long process of gradual decline paired with rising ignorance and mass attention being payed to trivial matters affected the >Roman empire. As people began caring more about frivolous scandals during elections, more Germanic tribes became afflicted by Rome's imperial conquests. As people began caring more about what happened at the races, waves of foreign tribes were being displaced not too far from Rome's borders. Finally, once Romans were completely oblivious and unengaged to urgent matters, the product of their ignorance came to their doorstep.
While the news focuses only on the dude trump fired this week, Yemenis are close to halting the GCC's invasion of their country. While people are focusing on celebrity scandals, China is fostering strong economic relations in MENA with its new Silk Road project. While Complex and XXL overpower real networks, Hamas is being split between pro-Damascus and pro-Doha factions while Saudi Arabia is blockading Qatar.
It can be difficult to see through the noise and look outwards at the world, instead of inside the USA watching college kids have mental breakdowns.
This, more or less. Someone on the radio today asked how long we would be in Afghanistan, someone replied "How long have we been in Korea?".
Me: "How long were the Romans in Britain?"
French Revoltion desu
>Massive economic crisis with the government mismanaging huge amounts of debt
>The rich upper class basically just buying up station and privilige with increasing wealth disparity
>Climate change fucking up the weather creating shit conditions for most of the average folks
>Increasing class tensions as the poor and middle class begin to get angrier and angrier, taking to the streets with increasing amounts of violence
>French parliment and the Ancien regime are too busy playing politics to actually fix any of the issues
The only difference is food shortages in the french revolution but I suppose that can be equivocated to wage stagnation and increasing cost of living in the modern world.
I like this one
>Or the chimping out over chariot race colours in Rome/Byzanz
Probably this desu, people want to compare it to the final days of the Roman republic or Weimar Germany but our current stock of leaders and politicians don't even reach the shadow of the men who lived in those days, there's no Cato, Cicero, Augustus or Caesar, no Hitler, Gustav Stresemann or even a Goebbels.
Just retards chimping out like their favorite team lost a sports match
17th and 18th century poland lithuania
>and indeed most people are more ready to call villainy cleverness than simple-mindedness honesty. They are proud of the first quality and ashamed of the second.
This man is pushing an agenda
whos gracchi tho
what agenda am i pushing?
>>Climate change fucking up the weather creating shit conditions for most of the average folks
city-dweller here, i never got this meme
For the french revolution or for now?
For the French revolution: There was a small ice age during the time which caused massive crop failures during seasons when, historically, France has an abundance of food. This created huge food shortages and those who had good stockpiles would sell to those that had none at ridiculous prices.
Modern day: Climate change is a bit more of an expansive threat but with less direct . The US is having a lot of weather fluctuations and the Midwest is heading towards a water crisis. Farms are increasingly leaning on subsidies to help them get by. That's not even touching increasingly violent storms, the entire east coast now regularly getting hurricanes, or what the sea level rising is going to mean for coastal cities like Boston, New York, Miami, etc.
>Historical events
>Comparable to 2017 America
God fucking damn it why are Americans always such massive drama queens? All that's happening in America is the typical hyper-partisan rhetoric has become more hyper-partisan, exacerbated by a few small fringe communities of the far-left and far-right that everyone is laughing their asses off at. That's it. There's not going to be any civil war, there's not going to be any race war. The fact that some people are vandalizing obscure statues and there are some protests where people are throwing urine bottles at each other doesn't mean you're fucking Weimar Germany.
Grow up. Realize that the media is in the business of sensationalism because that's what makes them clicks, ratings and money. Realize that any scary headline you see written in the media is most likely a massive oversensationalization of a situation much tamer than what they'd like you to think. Get the fuck off /pol/, or at the very least realize that /pol/ is a small fringe element of the right wing and the leftists they sperg about are also small fringe elements of the left wing, both sides just get a shitload of attention on the internet because the internet loves drama. Also realize that /pol/ flips their shit over literally the smallest most non-event that won't effect anything.
tl;dr gain 20 years of maturity, revert your orientation to heterosexual, and then resume posting on the internet.
Wrong era of French history. The Third Republic was wracked by culture wars from its inception until ~1900.
On the right were a combination of ->throne-and-altar catholic reactionaries who had been radicalized by efforts of secular liberals to neuter the power of the church and by what they perceived as an increasingly irreligious culture, and
>revanchist blood and soil nationalists who hated Germany and were suspicious of Jews and their increasing influence.
On the left were many prominent intellectuals and artists with a base of support in the urban white collar bourgeoisie.
Trump, insofar as someone with media profile can be compared to any past figure, is quite similar to Napoleon III, who wasn't taken seriously by the elites but was elected basically on the promise that he would Make France Great Again. Also, his views on various subjects were difficult to pin down and didn't map well onto standard partisan political positions at the time. He was president and then Emperor from 1848-1871.
1920s America
i was thinking of third republic as well. good call user
Also want to add, as i have many times before on Veeky Forums, that Trump has elements of Napoleon III but even MORE so General Boulanger, who caused the genuine rift in the right wing, which soon became fortified by ex-leftist Blanquists, some of whom had participated in the Paris Commune, who then combined with that catholic ultra royalists to form a new synthesis of radical ultranationalism which promoted catholicism more out of cynicism than out of genuine conviction. Boulanger was the catalyst in this reaction, no Napoleon III
France, 1770s
Russia, 1890s
Matt Christman of Chapo Trap House had gone in depth in the ways Trump resembles Napoleon III
this hit me more than I thought it would
>Chapo Trap House
What's that?