Why was "whiteness" able to be eliminated in Hispanic society? It seems like they never really had any racial problems
Why was "whiteness" able to be eliminated in Hispanic society? It seems like they never really had any racial problems
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There are no white supremacists if there are no whites left
My knowledge of south America is limited but I'd guess it's because they mixed with the local populations instead of keeping them segregated.
>It seems like they never really had any racial problems
But they did. Big time.
But even in places where it's 50% white and 50% mestizo like Colombia and Venezuela it seems like nobody cares about race
Those are hispanic americans though. Is that what you're talking about? Besides a couple of LARPers most south americans realize there's some mixing on your line and it's pointless to whine about it on a Tupi hammock weaving appreciation board.
South america has huge social stratification where the rich lightskinned gentry has for the most part exploited the poor darker skinned. The goverments in many south and central american nations are almost entierly composed of lighter skinned individuals. This topic is often ignored by americans.
I'd rather ask the question why "whiteness" is a thing in western, specifically american society.
Even n europe racial relations are pretty good for the most part or at the very least German hated French even more than tehy disliked Blacks.
>Why was "whiteness" able to be eliminated in Hispanic society?
Because the Spanish Empire started during the 16th and 17th Centuries where your fealty and your religion mattered more than your skin colour. Since the Kingdom of Spain only cared that you called King their King and you were a good Catholic, that makes you a Spanish subject as good as any other.
Compare this to Britkek and Francuck Empires which started during the emergence of the Nation-State meymeys.
>Muh Casta system
Was mainlander bullshit that didn't reflect life in the Colonies. You mean to say some poorfaggot immigrant from Spain newly arrived in the colonies was higher in the colonial social ladder than, say, the landed elites of Conquistador descendants, mestizos, and the native nobility? Boy that guy would have another thing coming.
>no racial problems
I laughed. There's shitloads of racial problems, from clearly 80% indians claiming to be white to actual whites trying to make friends with racists blacks because of this problem.
>It seems like they never really had any racial problems
Are you joking? Some of the first neo-nazi groups I read about were from South America.
Colorism and the issues of racial identity that many hispanic people seem to have - I never thought Latin America lacked racial problems, quite the opposite.
Yeah, there are a lot of mongrel cucks.
Depends on the area, Mexicans fucking hate black people. Actual Mestizos mostly just look tanned white, anyway.
They did, retard. See: Spanish caste system. And there is still classism/racism based on how white you are. People expect better from whites than browns.
Oh, and there has been a growing racist sentiment towards black here in Chile thanks to sudden immigration from Haiti (almost exclusively blacks).
Hmm... It's actually that people prefer white apparent companies than darker ones. They don't care if those companies have mestizo, dark, amerindian owners, the appearance is pretty important.
Also, Peru has one of the worst education system of the world.
Also, the regression of economic trade and educational systems was fucked up thanks to the socialist retard who stagnated the peruvian agricultural productivity making the people suffer from severe starvation, and the massive influx of socialist proffesors that sabotaged thousands of students and doomed their future using them for terrorism and fucking up the academic planifications.
The basic reason is that establishing a social stratification system based on race kind of requires fairly clearly defined races to stratify. The south Americans, especially under Spanish rule but certainly after aswell, tried to create such systems but they inevitably failed simply because of how mixed all the races got.
generally speaking in all south American colonies there were three groups in differing proportions, Natives, Spanish colonizers and West Africa slaves. initially it might seem fairly simple, white on top, partly white people in the middle and natives and slaves on the bottom, with natives possibly being seen as superior to slaves. However once all the races started mixing the whole system went to shit.
consider, who, in such a system, is superior: someone whose father was Spanish, and whose mother was half native and half african, or someone whose father was half spanish and half native and whose mother was half spanish and half african?
so basically because all the races mixed, mixed race became, to some extent, the norm, which kinda solved all the serious racial problems.
that said current south American countries still have problems with the whole native rights thing, such as Guatemala which is effectively an apartheid state, except instead of whites and blacks its whites and natives.
>Actual Mestizos mostly just look tanned white, anyway.
every single time lol, cmon Pablo
Mexican user here. Even though the caste system was outlawed here people still stick to their own 'racial caste'. White European Mexicans and White looking castizos and mestizos tend to look down on the brown skinned indians. Most of the celebrities here are light skinned and have no noticeable aborigine feautures. I'm an upper middle class castizo, and all my friends are light skinned Europeans and other castizos. My parents would disown me if I dated a brown skinned hispanic (average border hopper crossing into the US). Multicultural societies like the ones found in the Americas are the most racist and segregated.
But we do I got called nazi, white as tits, gasparin (casper ) for simply being white skined and having brown hair in a town where 90% were mestizos or full indians. They made fun of me and other kid who was literraly albino. Worse yet some mestizas find me atractive and the mestizo pride world Wide group isn't happy. Kinda funny actually humans arent that different
Because everyone in South America thinks they're white
>Literally a day called Dia de la Raza
not true at least in mexico where preppy mestizo kids call themselves "fresas" and look down on "indio" people
You clearly know very little about Hispanic society especially in South America there is alot of tension between light skinned elites and black, or indian majorities.
Have you North Americans think they are the only place with complicated race relations
>Some of the first neo-nazi groups I read about were from South America.
Heh yeah... NEO-nazi...
Don't South Americans of European descent fucking despise their brown-skinned compatriots?
It's bizarre when other countries try to prove they're less racist than the stereotypical American when they clearly aren't.
Tension is niggers complaining about white peeple, in South America we have the daily shitflinging of cumskins insulting browns and niggers then the mongrels throwing shit to the indians and the niggers, then the actual indians insluting and cursing the people who come from the city, the whites and the mongrels who think they are hot shit, then we have the rest of the indians who live with agriculture and farms, and keep demanding the fucking government to bring schools and put professor over there. Peru has the worst educational system of South-America, and one of the worst of the world.
Because of Catholicism
There are racial issues. No one likes the dark ones. Look at how many Hispanics identify as white in US census data, opposed to how many identify as Mixed race.
That's because until very recently, there was no significant Black population in Europe. The reason there was Racial tension in America is because the races lived together. The Europeans didn't import a large amount of slaves into their countries, but their colonies, where racial tension was high.
Remember Saint-Domingue?
>The Europeans didn't import a large amount of slaves into their countries
Spain and Portugal did
What's your definition of large?
>"whiteness" is a thing in western, specifically american society.
Two reasons::
1) America is more culturally and ethnically diverse, and multi-ethnic societies tend to be more racially conscious and tribal then homogeneous societies.
2) America's white population is far removed from their European roots, both from a combination of forgetting their specific European origin and because a key aspect of traditional american identity is a resentment and rejection of the Old World. A lot of America whites either don't know they're French/German?British, or they don't care to admit it, so they latch on the the broader identity of whiteness.
As for racial problems in Latin America, there's plenty of racism, it's just that racism in there is not a political or ideological matter. It never rises above the level of petty gossip or banter.
Question for anybody who can answer. It seems to me the main difference is simply that the US genocided most of their natives, instead of having them integrate into the society.
So how come the Latin American colonisers didn't commit the same genocide?
They could't fight the andean warrior.
Gadolicism, larger indeginous population in civilized regions in Peru and mesoamerica, largely males settled and intermarried with native grils, only upper class remained upperclassmen.
Catholicism, Race Mixing, and Slavery, the Saviors of the Indian Race.
Why the fuck not? Why is it that the Americans successfully genocided the people where they lived, but the Iberians didn't manage to do the same in Latin America?
Catholicism is the reason they didn't genocide the natives? How so exactly?
Because the Natives pretty readily converted, and Catholics don't condone ethnocide against Catholics. It's why Catholicism is the Religion of Brown people.
>They couldn't fight the andean warrior.
But they could fuck the andean women
Move north of your country and you will never be seen as anything other than brown by everyone here.
If you look ethnically white among the Mexicans, you're basically a God.
Its funny because many Spaniards themselves often don't have white features because of their Mediterranean blood and a healthy mixture of Moorish DNA from the Moors who stayed in Iberia and converted to Catholicism.
The whole Spanish world are a bunch of north-european wannabe LARPers and its getting really sad.
peruvian here, bear with me because i might be talking out of my ass but i remember reading in my colleges history book that there were so many indians that it was impossible to kill them all and most of the country was densely populated with said indians so killing them wasnt possible, Peru wasnt huge like the US or mostly empty like Argentina.
Peruvian Officials wanted to limpiar la raza (clear the race) so they thought about importing europeans from other countries besides Italy but there was no empty land to give them and they were sure the average european would not move here if it meant working with indians so they imported chinese people instead
Racism in Peru at least where i live its becoming out of fashion if you have noticeable white admixture unless of course you look like the average indian then tough shit but racism itself has evolved towards classism but i would be lying to tell you if things were as bad as 30 years ago. Shit my dad got congratulated when he introduced to my mom to his family because my mom is ''white'' (mixed but she inherited ALL of the mediterranean looks)
Meds look different than the Indians.
Yeah but as Del Toro attests, it makes you noticed for kidnappings.
Yeah, meds have wavy black hair and light-brown skin, while Indians have straight black hair and reddish light-brown skin. Not THAT different, at least when compared to say, French or Anglos.
>Mediterraneans are not white
Fuck off with your bullshit Abdul.
>Spaniards are white REEEEEEE.
>all this faggots talking about racial tensions in South America just like they were talking about racial tensions in the USA or South Africa
Name one single chimpout motivated by race in South America. Come on fags, do it.
Yes they are, and Levantines and Berbers are arguable white too. Now Egypt and the Arabian peninsula is where the shitskin zone starts.
Yeah, but if you're living among them, you'll be able to tell. In USA, we've been conditioned to believe that all Mexicans look like the Mestizos.
The creation of it.
Well the native population of South America is generally excepted to have been much larger than that of the North.
That shit only happens in the USA, because they're being encouraged by the government/media.
The spanish language is actually what gives it away if the skin color doesn't, actually. We were conditioned to see everyone from spanish or Portuguese speaking America as 'not white' by default, regardless of actual skin color.
If you are Brazilian and live in America, even if you have lily-white skin, if you live in the USA or Canada or Europe, be ready to be considered a mulatto (if not straight-up black or Indian) for the rest of your lives there.
>genocided most of their natives
Nope, unless you count disease as genocide. Most settlers literally moved into empty areas.
Interesting, although I think the guy I'm replying to below has a better explanation - that there were simply more Indians in South America. I'm sure the Spanish would have had no trouble massacring them if it was easier. Arguments from morality very rarely explain historical events. It's usually a practical decision.
This makes sense. I was just searching for maps of pre-Columbian population density, and I couldn't find many, but I found this which shows Mexico having a higher density than North America. So yes, it could simply be the case that those who settled the United States had less of an opposition, so they were able to overpower and kill them all.
Thanks for the rest of the explanation about racism, that's interesting.
Yeah I think that must be it. I'm sure they would have killed them all if it had been easier.
That's ridiculous, yes disease was a factor, but they still had to militarily conquer the natives, either by killing them or pushing them off their lands.
>posts picture of 85-95% Europeans with slight native south American admixture and calls them Hispanic
you're retarded right?
>That's ridiculous, yes disease was a factor, but they still had to militarily conquer the natives, either by killing them or pushing them off their lands.
Nope. Most military operations actually happened because the natives couldn't stop pestering the settlers, like in Nebraska and Kansas.
None of them look European.
Hispanic just means relating to Spain. You obviously mean mestizo.
Much like Italians, when everyone is mutts you kinda stop caring about all that. It's why Mussolini didn't believe in racial theories.
You mean the whites kept pushing westward despite treaties and promises that guaranteed the opposite. The truth is, without abundant land in the west to settle yeoman farmers, keeping them on the Eastern Seaboard would have formented political unrest. Also, there were massive opportunities in resources like the ore deposits of Minnesota, Wyoming, Nevada, gold and silver from the Rockies and the Dakotas, oil from California.
In my town in central Kansas the Cheyenne were unprovokedly massacring railroad workers for example.
t. someone who has never set foot in latin america
There exist/existed something like KKK in south america?
The argentinian army genocided like 98% of the indians.
No idea if that counts
There are plenty of racial problems. You can see guys who look straight out of Machu Pichu claiming to be "mestizo" instead of indian only because being indian is worst than being a nigger in the USA.
Wait a moment, argentina is white?
It seems? According to who? Where have you been watching?
So basically "whites" vs indians fighting for territory, not very KKK like.
Racism having reasons to exist doesn't make it less racist. Those fags who believe that racism is absurd or comes from nowhere never had any contact with day-to-day racial tension.
>with natives possibly being seen as superior to slaves
Certainly being superior to slaves, this is not up to debate.
Isn't Peru, like, mostly native?
They're not even that complicated. The only complicated part actually is the hispanic element. The rest is just white > yellow > black.
No they dodm't unless you change the definition of large to the point it stops making any sense
It's all stupid really, because indios are far cooler than some spanish mutt wannabees.
We lost the Incans for this shit.
Fuck. Clicking through the tribes and reading "X were" is pretty sad.
Every cultural group has a capacity for racism. I have a friend in Mexico that's basically at the risk of being disowned anytime she so much as thinks of dating someone that isn't "white" like her. Dominicans seem to have a constant identity crisis when they come to the states, and from what I can tell, it seems that hating their Haitian neighbors has been a thing since long before the crises, with disparaging claims of the Haitian blacks committing "voodoo" and whatnot being taught to children in the '70s. I'm no expert on South American culture, but it's clear to see that they do have their share of racial issues, even if modern examples aren't on par with what happens in the U.S. I'd like to learn more about it.
Anglos are monsters.
its because in western society, racial idolatry and feminism is replacing religion. if you think europe is less racist than the USA right now, you're naive. There are far right groups across Europe who judge you by your eye color where as in the US, if you have light skin but are hispanic, italian, jew, or irish nobody will really mind it.
Laws against mistreating the indians existed though. At least against mistreating them too much.
European doesn't mean norwegian
I wasn't implying that. They don't look European.
>illegal immigrants enter your home
>I'm supposed to accept them like a cuck
Define native.
The girl second from the right looks like a textbook Balkan girl.
>inb4 Balkan isn't Europe
>literal nomadic hunters having the concept of legal and illegal
Retards anacrhonically applying their cultural norms to completely foreign populations are the worst type of cancer. Might as well argue that ancient Assyria violated the Geneva conventions.
Yeah, that one does, and I'm not sure about the one on the far-right. But girl 1 and 2 from the left really don't look like Europeans.
Qechua is widely spoken.
>It seems like they never really had any racial problems
You are so wrong that it hurts
Even in Latin America people see blacks in another light
>since long before the crises
Haitian independence itself was the crisis dude. Nobody likes them.
Good for them, I'd hate for indigenous people to get washed away because of inferiority-complex derived Spanish globalism.
They do look like europeans with slight amerindian admixture though. Learn to read.
>invaders enter your home
>"hello refugees welcome here!"