Why do English like to pretend they weren't conquered by French nobles? It's just ridiculous.
Why do English like to pretend they weren't conquered by French nobles? It's just ridiculous
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Because the Anglo cucks have been conquered by the Pakistani nobility.
The Anglo-Saxons were conquered by the Normans, the English are the product.
Apparently the now canonical Lancelot story of England's hero being cucked was written by a frog too.
Have two nations ever invaded each other that much?
Except England had the southern Briton tribes there before the Anglo-Saxons, which a lot of people ignore.
>Before the ANGLO-Saxons
Come again?
Britain's fate was sealed after 1588.
Spain would have enriched the gene pool and we would be England would be swimming in raven haired beauties by now.
>Danes were assimilated by the French in just under 190 years
>yet it took the Normans 500 years to become English
What did Pierre-Nazim Matoub mean by this?
What you, Anglos, fail(most likely refuse) to understand is that the Norvegians(not Danes btw) were a minority, and that most Normans were French inhabiting the Duchy of Normandy.
I think you mean
>Before the Normans
>mocks Anglos
>speaks English
No one cares about your irrelevant shithole lmao.
>Normans were a minority
Same reason they pretend they weren't conquered by the Dutch in 1688
I'm English but I look more like a Celt and have a Norman surname, am I real?
>An image is a proof
A genetics study was made about Normand DNA, the researchers used Normand with Nordic names(thus most likely to have a Norvegian ancestry) and turn out that that only 20% of the Normand had typical Nordic DNA(R1b U106 + I1)
Note that R1b U106 and I1 is present among all French, so the Nordic contribution ot Normand genepool may be even lower
I don't care either about your paki caliphate
Here is an article about the study that i have mentioned
>Results? Of the 89 men who participated in the study, the vast majority (52) represented haplogroup R1b, the type of Y chromosome variations most common in Northern and Western Europe. Its origin, still unclear, is found on the side of shepherds from the plains north of the Black Sea who migrated to the West 4,000 years ago. There can’t, therefore, be a typical Viking signature. But without totally excluding it either: according to experts, this genetic variation could mean an indirect link with the Vikings. However, haplogroup I1, found in 11 of the Normans of the study, suggests more clearly a possible Viking ancestry (more direct this time).
Not him but English is a French creole
>Glorious Revolution
>Get your king replaced by a Dutch king
>Call it a """"""victory""""""
How pretentious are anglos really?
The Anglo is the rootless bastard of many conquerors. Their dark history is one of continuous tragedy and defeat, and they have come to view it differently.
Every country was at times conquered by foreigners.
Including the most powerful ones:
France was conquered by Romans and Franks.
Germany by the Franks and at times the Hungarians.
Russia by Vikings
China by Mongolians
Finland by Swedes
Which is your favourite english king? Mine is Richard Cœur de Lion.
Normans were Scandinavians who settled on France's coast. Normandy didn't even speak proper French.
Does it surprises you?
That's the difference between being offered some land after a defeat in exchange for vassalage and integration to local culture (like the Normans in 911) and full blown conquest in which you replace the previous nobles and instate your rules (like in 1066)
>Normandy didn't even speak proper French.
They basically did
Norman dialect was a "langue d'oil" (Old French) and the only difference with Parisian Old French were a few spelling differences (akin to US/International and British English)
>France was conquered by Romans
>and Franks
But Gallia was
France =/= Gaul
And at the time of the Gauls, there were no such thing as"Gaul" there were tribes linked by kinship not by a state nor a common religion
Always remember this anglo cucks
>France =/= Gaul
At last Veeky Forums admited that frenchmen are germans who speak a latin language.
still better than everyone else
Can someone photoshop this with the Age of Empires Kangz guy?
It was basically its own dialect. Different accent and vocabulary. About as different from Parisian as Occitan.
Because the English are ridiculous. Losing their empire has driven them a little mad, I think. They still believe they're a law unto themselves, that they can take on the world and win. And they're getting pounded into the fucking dirt because of it.
>Normandy didn't even speak proper French
The vast majority of people in France didn't until the 1800s, when the state began actively suppressing the other languages.
>About as different from Parisian as Occitan
That's entirey false, you fagboi
Norman was an Old French dialect, only few spellings varied from Parisian Old French
Meanwhile, Occitan was a completly different language
Pic related, in blue the areas that spoke Old French
In other colors, the areas that spoke a remarkably different language
But Normandy was among the areas that spoke regular French since the middle age
>mfw i simply said that France and Gaul are two different thing
>mfw it somehow became an excuse for Germans to express their expantionist views
Is this the legendary German Autism ?
I guess the Norman QTs wanted that big 'ole saxon dingus.
This is like saying "Why do Americans pretend they weren't conquered by European nobles?"
The French like to think of the Normans as being Parisians and the English like to think of them as vikings.
We don't? The battle of 1066, and the death of Harold Godwinson and the ascension of William the conqueror to the throne are all taught in English Schools, ironically the historic rivalry between the French and the British isn't taught as much.
Here you go user. May this OC be reposted in all kangz 'n sheet threads forever
What I am more curious about is do football fans who go to England games and shit on Germany and Germans realize that the Queen is German?
Being descended from a Hannoverian doesn't make one a Hannoverian, Queen Elizibeth doesn't speak German, or act in a particularly Germanic way, by this logic every time Americans shouldn't shit on germans because Trump is descended from german immigrants, Elizibeth was born in England, only speaks English and French, and in most cultural aspects such as accent, mannerisms, and hobbies is distinctivly English.
I'm not disputing that, but seeing how those retards act I get a feeling that with everything you just mentioned true, and if it wasn't the Queen in question but some random schmuck, they still would consider him a German
It's a shame that all the Croissant-speakers were enslaved and turned into pastry.
Ehh, football "fans" who go to matches to stir shit are scum of the earth in general, it's just shit flinging, ain't no rhyme or reason to it.
I have greater admiration of English nobility after seeing those mouthbreathers. You really have to be on your best game to forge an empire with that kind people as your subjects
It depends on the individual of course. Some football fans are shit-eating morons while others possess exceptional general knowledge as pub quiz connoisseurs.
The Royal Family's Germanic heritage is pretty well known in the UK. It would probably be considered a mark of ignorance if someone were to be completely unaware of it. At least that's how I would perceive it.
I don't think it enters into the equation for fans of the England team when chanting about Germany in a footballing context. It's certainly not significant enough to prevent them from engaging in a spot of nationalistic ribbing.
German French creole
it didn't take long in ireland either, hence "hiberniores ipsis hibernis"