I don't know how much this is going to affect the market but my uncle says he's going to buy around £4 million worth of ETH in the next 12 hours.

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You are really stupid.


Does your uncle also work for Nintendo?

proof or michael jackson is still alive

No, he's a quant who's been day trading for 25 years

marketcap is 36 billion dollars, so i doubt your uncle's £4 million worth will make it rise even 1 percentage

I fucking hate people like you. 90 percent of this broad does not even know what market cap means and why u are stupid when you talk about it

marketcap = supply * price

right back at ya, u nigger faggot

I don't know how much this is going to affect the market but my uncle says that you and your uncle are faggots

Good job you
Learned something today. I made you google it.

Your uncle got memed

he's right you have no idea what is market cap. You believe that you need to add 1 billion $ to increase the market cap of 1 billion. Obviously totally wrong.

nice just bought 100k

Nice just bought £100k

30 mill and it didn't even budge, maybe the 4 million won't affect anything

do explain fagget

nice, just shorted 100m

Let's say you have almost no seller in the order book. Obviously the price is going to increase very quickly and so the market cap as well.
You could increase the market cap of several billions that way with just a few millions worth of transactions...

>uncle intel

gas yourself

gas yourself i agree

does it work the other way around?

ETH will sink one day, there is a very smaller number of people holding thd majority of the coins and when they start selling a lot of people are in trouble.

Come on mate this is simple market economics.

More supply than demand > Price goes down

More demand than supply > Price goes up

It's how the values of everything is discovered in efficient markets.

Tell him to buy Omise Go instead and actually make money