Everyone knows that you dumb nigger... Only a retard thinks that's his only wallet.
3000 BTC from Jan 2010 was just moved to SW addresses after 7.5 years: Is Satoshi selling his BTC?
Jacob Sanders
Landon Butler
Jesus your dum
Jaxson Adams
Jihan or Goldman Sachs getting ready to crash this plane with no survivors.
Tyler Flores
>Tfw only 1100 BTC
Josiah Walker
that's only a couple million though
that's nothing. obviously someone wants to sell
Ayden Stewart
Good eye OP I appreciate Internet detectives like you keep us updated on when he dumps pls
Mason Reyes
he buyin ark m8
Kayden Murphy
I had a feeling something like this was about to happen.
That said, if the USD is in doubt in the next few weeks, might be wise to not sell all the BTC.