Speaking seriously: is there any real argument against race mixing? Whenever people complain about race mixing they are either going for an ad passiones or using the old QI-Race tests and ignoring neuro-plasticity.
Race mixing
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What do you mean by 'real arguments?'
if ethnic solidarity is important to someone is that not a 'real argument'?
Arguments that are not just appealing for the emotions.
Ethnic solidarity is a fact of human society.
How much of the world white population has to diminish before preserving white phenotypes becomes imperative? Be honest.
Why do you want less blond people in the world and more Brazilian mystery meat?
Simple. You do what your genes want. If your inferior genes want to cease to exist, be it.
Don't blame your own race, soonly you'll join them too.
Both Malcom X and Muhammad Ali was against race mixing
>How much of the world white population has to diminish
The "white" population is diminishing for no other reason than low birth rates so I don't really see how muh race mixing is at fault here. But whatever, keep living in your fairyland where the big bad nigger bulls are takin all da white wimmin.
White guy here, wife is black. From what I've read, I have slight concern about the possibility of complication for certain transplants. Hopefully my daughter never suffers from leukemia, because apparently she'll be fucked.
The biggest legitimate concern with race mixing is the biggest concern in any relationship. Does your partner share your values? Different cultures tend to place higher values on different things, and this can sometimes cause incompatibilities. If you want to move three states away to further your career (a very white thing to do), but your Mexican girlfriend wants to stay in the same neighborhood where she has almost all of her extended family (a very Hispanic thing to do), it isn't bigotry or racism to break it off.
This is all a matter of personal choice. Now if we're talking about limiting the freedom of others, than no. No real argument.
Fuck Detroit Red and fuck Cassius Clay. They were also against integration, the NAACP, and followers of the most influential segregationist alive today, Louis Farrakhan (and everyone fucking knows you greenlit "brother" Malcolm, you rat bastard. Stop invoking his name!).
Not really even answering my question but okay.
>Why does x happen?
>x isn't happe-
>answer my question!
Nnnnnnnope. Face your extinction, cancer.
>Nnnnnnnope. Face your extinction, cancer
HMmmMmM if were a bonafide stormfag and not merely playing devil's advocate I'd interpret this post in a not very good way.
Nope, mixed race are superior
>is there any real argument against race mixing?
There's no real argument that races even exist. Race-mixing is a nonsense phrase
IRL interracial couples do not bother me half as much as the nonstop media glorification of it.
>genetically low IQ
>look like shit
>unfit to cold europe and america, completely dependent on some artifical d3 tablets and stuff
No. Keep this garbage contained where it belongs.
Why do you leftist SJWs constantly try to turn everything into a safespace?
I'm a conservative right-winger, now fuck off, you're ruining the already low quality of this board with your /pol/ bullshit. Everyone hates you retards, not because everyone is a leftist Jew or whatever, but because you're mentally ill people with an under-average IQ.
Middle Easterners dont have these problems
This. I genuinely don't care at all irl, after all I love me the sistahs. But the way the media portrays it as something virtuous and not just people doing what they want is sickening. Who a person chooses to fuck shouldn't be a virtue.
hmm a conservative AND a "right-winger"... laying it on a bit thick aren't we?
You're paranoid.
>as something virtuous
They portray it as something normal.
/pol/ bait or unironic redditor don't respond
im not against interracial couple but my sister has mixed black kids and it's made me rethink things. She is quite abusive both verbally and physically, to a pretty horrific extent (she's choked both her children in front of me, called them monkeys, niggers etc.) the father is still in the picture but he is quite distant. they're both pretty stupid people so it likely amounts to that but I think her racial based lashing out at her kids is based on the fact that she can't biologically(?) identify them as her own offspring because they don't look like her. Her kids also experience rejection in the black community, though I'm not sure that occurs in other races and they also have identity issues, not really grasping the whole mixed race thing (they're both under 10 though so it's not too surprising) they mostly wish they were white, which I attribute to the distance of the father and father's family.
Of course there's many successful and stable mixed adults in the world, and I'm sure this is a rare occurrence that is only fueled by poor education, poverty, drugs, etc. both those things are more often than not staples of black communities.
>tfw racemixer
I just love white women
Because they are White?
And I love black women, can we trade?
But it isn't "normal" because statistically bm/wf relationships are relatively rare yet they are they by far the most represented interracial relationships onscreen. If the (((media))) was actually interested in portraying "normal" interracial relationships Latinos would be getting these roles but no it's almost always black guys. It makes me wonder. . .
I'm half White half Native American.
I value a nation's culture over racial purity and would advocate for a Fascist society.
Do you have any actual evidence behind any of these claims?
>But it isn't "normal" because statistically bm/wf relationships are relatively rare yet they are they by far the most represented interracial relationships onscreen.
Not him but probably because the most common interracial relationship is I believe wm/aw, and really they aren't that different from just normal white couples.
Well, do you want to have ugly offspring? Children with possible birth defects and cardiovascular diseases?
Yeah but wm/af is pretty common onscreen as well, it's probably the second most portrayed after bm/wf. As far as white women are concerned they are more likely to date a Latino than a black IRL but onscreen they are almost always paired with blacks. It is really odd.
>genetically low IQ
The Bell Curve, Richard Lynn and Peter Brimelow
>look like shit
pic rel
>unfit to cold europe and america, completely dependent on some artifical d3 tablets and stuff
shittone of basic biology books saying that white skin is better in taking vitamin d3 from the sun while black skin is not
Man, punch your sister, call social services or something. Don't be a spineless cunt.
>would advocate for a Fascist society.
Wow... Looks like race-mixing really does lower your IQ.
>thinks that sunlight contains vitamins
>talks about biology
You could have posted it with a movie where they DO end up together in the end. The best they get is a hug.
Damn, looks like my macroecon prof but 40 years younger
Did you call cps?
*I meant that because of cold temperature Whites needed to develop vitamin d synthesis, while Blacks did not.
There are plenty of other examples.
Yes, insult peoples intelligence over differing political views
>But it isn't "normal" because statistically bm/wf relationships are relatively rare
The user you responded to meant normal as in how the relationship functions; no one is praising the virility of the black man, making it, "normal." There was no mention of the occurrence of interracial relationships before your post. How you interpreted his statement as a response to such is beyond me.
Temperature has nothing to do with it, it's due to UV radiation. And with blacks in modern times it's not an issue with good diet.
Children of race mixing tend to be fucked up and super self conscious about it. Elliots an extreme example, but still.
I don't think there's many stats on this though, but look at shit like r/hapa.
>it's probably the second most portrayed after bm/wf
This whole thread is about interracial relationships though and the media portrayals do in fact fetishize it. For example a big part of the drama of "American Crime" (interesting name btw) is the heroic bm/wf couple overcoming racism and then there's even more grotesque racebait such as pic related.
>Children of race mixing tend to be fucked up and super self conscious about it
So how come the whole continent of South America plus the South of North America isn't a bunch of fucked up self-haters?
>"""""the media"""""
It's not some hivemind with an agenda, retard. No Jew walked up to Miley and told her "hey, it's time you shoot a music video with a black dude". You're as dumb as SJWs who complain about "the media" and Hollywood potraying white men as heroes and most virtuous. It's a free world, that's what you hate.
I'd say the whole of south america is pretty fucked up these days.
That said, its attributed to mixed people not fitting into any group here. For instance, a half black/white mix may feel they don't fit with either group. If your a mutt in south america you fit right in.
>I don't think there's many stats on this though
>posts subreddit as an example
Why did you make this post?
imagine actually being this person in real life
Have you seen South America?
I could hunt down some stats, but I don't care enough. Just throwing out an idea, find it yourself or fuck off.
>mainstream media
>no agenda
w e w
And going off of this, the old caste system from south america should prove that there is at least a social benefit to not being visibly mixed, assuming your from the dominant ethnic group.
You want to talk genetics and what not we could bring up the bell curve and the like, but I see no point since most will disregard that out of hand.
The Bell Curve doesn't mention mixed race, you also a guy who runs a white supremacist website, wanna add stormfront to the mix?
You're using a baby with no developed features in order to make a "point" for all sort of mixed people, the only non-white models and actresses around always happen to be mixed - it's not a coincidence
No biracial person has black skin
Do you get all your notion on biology through imageboard infographs?
muh emotions.
That wasn't me, but this guy kinda has it right. While most of the larger media corporations are controlled by a small group, those aren't the only or Most influential pieces of media.
How much of one's life is ruled by entertainment/social media that it becomes their main source of information about the world?
So yeah.
Culture clash that's usually way underrated at start, some possible medical complication, and you might inherit their genetic weaknesses(and i don't mean "muh IQ", i mean some diseases some races are more sensible to).
So to any anons listening, try to keep it in the tribe as much as you can.
Not even /pol/
>Malcom X and Muhammad Ali
Nation of Islam violent wackos?
Fuck them, i'm glad preacher man won the culture war in their community, while these niggers got shot and mostly forgotten.
Don't shit up this thread with your conjecture; read the sticky.
The child will not be able to properly identify with the history and culture of either of their parents. They live in a cultural limbo; unable to have any real pride in their history and culture, because they don't really have one.
Barely anyone listens to mods, your a cuck if you do.
Besides, this question is mostly a subjective one anyway. Aside from genetic/iq differences which do have studies to back up one opinion or the other, which if we're going by the """rules""" probably shouldn't be discussed on a history board, but rather on /sci or something.
>being against NAACP is bad
It's literally an astroturfed organization spearheaded by Jews. Malcolm X or Muhammad Ali were at least authentically black.
muhammad ali didnt get shot though
What did Marxist Lucifer Kang actually achieve, though? Black incerceration rates, single motherhood rates, drug abuse rates and incarceration rates only went up after him.
Yeah, my bad.
Though to be fair, Cassius left the NOI, anti-white bullshit, and supported racial integration.
He achieved making the civil rights movement part of mainstream American identity. A quick way to identify edgelords who only exist on the fringe of civilized society is that they hate on Dr. King.
>What did Marxist Lucifer Kang actually achieve, though?
He stemmed retarded calls for violence and race wars others were advocating.
Blacks were never really American, though. Black radicals like Malcolm X were 100% correct when they said America is a white supremacist country that imported in blacks against their will, it was never THEIR country. The real solution to the racial problem would've been a total repatriation to Africa.
Seeing that there's a race riot every other monday, informal segregation, and politicians and the media having to talk about "how to heal our divided society" every month to prevent a full blown civil war, I'd say MLK achieved exactly jack and shit.
>Blacks were never really American
>The real solution to the racial problem would've been a total repatriation to Africa
>politicians and the media having to talk about "how to heal our divided society" every month to prevent a full blown civil war
t. edgelord who only exists on the fringe of civilized society
>jumping straight to insults
Yeah I expected that much, since you have no counter argument. Blacks couldn't even legally become American citizens until the late 1860s, the founding fathers always envisioned it as a country for white people. So trying to retcon America into some shapeless multicultural utopia will always fall flat because it ignores historical genesis of this country, and can only result on conflict, as evidenced by reality.
>The real solution to the racial problem would've been a total repatriation to Africa.
I don't think Malcolm advocated fucking off back to Africa en-masse, though.
Malcolm said there are two options, either going back to Africa, or becoming culturally African within the US and extremely disctinct from and opposed to the mainstream white culture. So none of that integration bullshit. His only issue with going back to Africa was that many American blacks wouldn't be welcomed by native Africans, and he aimed to resolve that.
Nnnnnnnnope. Face your extinction, cancer.
I dunno what you consider white but they surely are adaptable. Or atleast not dark enough for any illness regarding your vitamin D issue
The only people who care about what the founding fathers envisioned are conservatives and they are relatively small subculture that is increasingly becoming irrelevant and if you seriously believe a bunch of doughy bros marching around with tiki torches is a sign that civil war is on the horizon then you are hysterical. Yes there will always be conflict and people will always say mean things to each other but that wouldn't change even if all the blacks were magically teleported to Africa tomorrow. Outside of the racebaiting media, most blacks and whites tolerate each other and a lot of them even get along. Everything you're saying has been memed by black nationalist edgelords for the past half century but luckily normal people don't pay it much mind.
Integrating blacks into United States of America is like integrating Jews into nazi Germany. It's simply illogical.
>a bunch of doughy bros marching around with tiki torches is a sign that civil war is on the horizon
I wasn't even talking about the alt right redditards. I've experienced the Cincinnati race riots myself, 16 years ago before anyone gave a fuck about these fictional boogeymen.
>Outside the racebaiting media
To the contrary, the media is always the first pushing for integration and race-mixing, and the propaganda always fails. A German, a Pole, a Frenchman can all integrate into Americans simply because they're white, as America was founded as a country by whites, for whites. Blacks have been here since forever and they're still not integrated and never will be.
>Integrating blacks into United States of America is like integrating Jews into nazi Germany. It's simply illogical.
>Blacks have been here since forever and they're still not integrated and never will be.
Drunk deep of the kool-aid I see, I suppose you think Obama wasn't really black right?
Obama is unironically more white than he is black, doesn't even descend from American blacks and was raised mostly by upper class white people and he STILL wasn't accepted as fully American by many people. You really can't outfuck biology with integration dogmas.
>Integrating blacks into United States of America is like integrating Jews into nazi Germany.
wew lads
>tries to act like an expert on american race relations
>doesn't even know about the one drop rule
Is this why southerners aren't well received by other americans?
are you not an american yourself?
Nah m8, eastern yuropean.
I'm not the guy you were discussing with previously, btw.
>white American create one drop rule ensuring that everyone with any black ancestry will be treated like a filthy nigger for all eternity
>he actually thinks all black people get treated like filthy niggers
aw lawdy i live in a liberal coastal city and most whites here are desperate to win the approval of the #africanamericancommunity
You can't advocate for total black repatriation to Africa and pretend that it would be in their best interest, though. They're not Africans. Their people have been in the Americas for 200-400 years now. Most of them would barely, if at all, know how to handle living in Africa better than a white American would.
>The child will not be able to properly identify with the history and culture of either of their parents.
Yeah... we all see how mexicans never identified with both spanish culture and their native one, poor mexicans
He's talking about back when the one-drop rule was something society in general took seriously.
If you had literally any fucking reason to be here, you'd know that applying current politics to history is like applying bleach to your stomach
society in general still takes it seriously and obama is a perfect example of that. everyone calls him the first black president despite being mixed which is a term along with "biracial" that doesnt really get used by anyone who isnt an undergrad sociology major anyway. even queen honeybone herself is often championed as a black feminist icon or whatever
Fair point, but now that you mention that, society seems to care about it in the opposite. What was once used as a tule to discriminatr is now used as a rule to venerate, if that makes any sense.