Why did Zionists hate the British so much? Didn't they give them Palestine in the first place?
Why did Zionists hate the British so much? Didn't they give them Palestine in the first place?
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They hated them because after fighting a fuckhuge war to save the Jews, they didn't hand over half of the middle east to them fast enough.
They halted Jewish immigration, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of Jews who otherwise would have survived. We just wanted them to stop occupying our land. The martyr Eliyahu Bet-Zuri, may Hashem avenge his blood, explains in pic related. He was hung by Anglo thugs for resisting their unjust occupation.
We should have left your sort rotting in Belsen.
>‘Helen’s was the face that launched a thousand ships. In our golden age the face wears more often the shrewd features of some Hebrew financier. To defend the interests of
Lord Rothschild and his fellow bondholders, Egypt was first occupied, and then practically annexed by Great Britain . . . The extremest case of all is, perhaps, our own South African War’. Was it not obvious that the Boer War had been fought to ensure that the gold mines of the Transvaal remained securely in the hands of their capitalist owners? Was not Rhodes merely, in the words of the Radical MP Henry Labouchere, an ‘Empire jerry-builder who has always been a mere vulgar promoter masquerading as a patriot, and the figure-head of a gang of astute Hebrew financiers with whom he divides the profits’?
Henry Noel Brailsford
According to his wiki - "the most prolific British left-wing journalist of the first half of the 20th century."
>‘His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine . . .’
Jews like to forget that last part, and seem to have been thoroughly wound up when they realized Brits weren't interested in being their obedient war-dogs so they shifted their "support" to a race of more pliable Brits and thus we have the modern USA, at Israel's beck and call and the Jewish lobby.
>Smartest race in the world
>Would have been exterminated were it not for the the UK, USA & Russia
>Conspire to destroy those of the aformentioned
What is their end game Veeky Forums?
Because the British didn't allow them to kill Palestinian children
kek, what dramatic revisionism.
Why didn't jews try to fight the Nazis?
>Fight the most civilized magnanimous, and conciliatory power in human history
Really brave, and then like cincinnatus into a dignified retirement of shooting Palestinian children
Declaring war on Germany was a mistake. Tfw Man in the High Castle isn't the timeline we live in.
I'm not an AshkeNAZI Jew, nice try though goy. That war wasn't for Jews. None of you cared about Hebrews, the Brits are just as guilty as the Germans. They were blocking Jewish ships and sending them to their deaths. They gave the Arabs military support over the Yishuv in the 40's. I will never despise a European like I despise the Anglo. I'm not the only Mizrahi Jew that feels this way either, the nerve of the British to think they can "give us" a land which has been ours forever.
>calls them Nazis
>cares about their deaths
Is it schizophrenia?
You should forever kiss those dirty Anglo feet for not letting the Turks slaughter you LARPing leeches to the last one.
>They were blocking Jewish ships and sending them to their deaths.
>Not letting in "refugees" *illegal immigrants* in is tantamount to genocide
How Jewish can you get?
Why didn't they fight the Nazis like a dignified people? Is dignity for goys?
People with a better claim to the Levant than the jews, I'll start:
>Palestinians &or Arabs
>Every goy ethnicity in the middle-east
>Anglos &or Brits
>Byzantines &or Greeks
>Normans &or French
>Romans &or Italians
who else am I missing lads?
The only LARPers are the Arabs who pretend to be indigenous.
How Goyish can you get? My family has been in Eretz Israel longer than any "Palestinian." One of my great-great grandparents are Samaritan too. If you think Arabs, Anglos, Greeks, Turks, French or Italians have been in this land longer than my family you truly have a goyishe kop.
>Why didn't they fight the Nazis like a dignified people?
Because they are AshkeNAZIs. I'm Mizrahi I don't associate with Hellenists. We fought against the British, and the Ishmaelites who have tried to massacre us for decades. Everytime a Brit or an Arab would kill a Jew, my grandfather and his friends would kill twice as many Arabs or Brits. That's how it's supposed to be done. We don't associate with Ben-Gurion Labor Zionist racists.
Some are good. Menachem Begin was a hero. Ones like Finkelstein are a disgrace.
was it Lehi or the irgun? what did they do in 1948?
Thanks wise rabbi for your answers
>was it Lehi or the irgun?
First with the Haganah but they were AshkeNAZI supremacists who were trying to use "Havlagah" which is basically "show restraint when the Arab savages slaughter your entire family." Then Etzel, until he got into the Canaanite movement and eventually joined Lehi. People act like the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel were Jewish fascists, that's not true. In contrast, Lehi was the only Zionist militia that accepted Arabs. My grandfather went into an Arab village pretending to be an Arab alongside a Druze and a Bedouin who were both members of Lehi. They assassinated one of the Palestinian leaders who incited the 1929 Hebron and Safed massacre. The Bedouin personally pulled the trigger, and the Arab tribe he comes from still supports Likud in Israel today. A Bedouin and a Druze were willing to risk their lives just to kill some dirty Pali who helped incite a massacre of Jews that happened years prior. It's beautiful.
Prove he was wrong. You are just mad he challenged AshkeNAZI establishment. He went as far as questioning if they are even Jews.
>On the Holocaust
"The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone."
>On Hurricane Katrina
“There are many blacks there, in America. Blacks will study the Torah? Of course not. Yalla! Bring a tsunami on them. Drown them. They have no homes and a roof to live under now; Only because they don’t follow god. ”Bush was behind the expulsion of Gush Katif, he encouraged Sharon to expel Gush Katif...We had 15,000 people expelled there, and there in New Orleans 150,000 were expelled. It was God's retribution...God does not short-change anyone.
>On Homosexuals
“Evil, abominable creatures. Sick, no doubt on that. They’re sick and proud of it, showing it off at parades.”
The Jews hate the goyim because their religious scriptures tell them to
>Palestine has been Jewish forever
Imagine being this delusional
Wow rabbi, you're so redpilled. I'm impressed, please continue the good work then, those goys need to know.
Jews come from Judea, Arabs come from Arabia.
whilst brits were fighting to free jews from concentration camps zionists were chimping out attacking britbongs
Palestinians aren't genetically Arab and segregating someone on cultural lines is Apartheid.
Perennial whiners. You have your holy land now chosen one, don't test the perfidiois Anglo.
Your texts l i t e r a l l y discuss the genocide of the original Canaanites.
you semites are a nuisance, I hope both of you kill each other until the ends of the days.
Can someone provide a translation for the words on this coin?
Here is a better image.
>We just wanted them to stop occupying our land.
My land, not yours. You're a delusional psycho-killer - I'm the Lord.
>Your texts l i t e r a l l y discuss the genocide of the original Canaanites.
It's ok, the Jews took on Ba'al and lost big time.
"What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" - Jesus
>No, this is Veeky Forums - you can censor the truth about history and reality as much as you want - but it never changes the truth to do so.
>Your texts l i t e r a l l y discuss the genocide of the original Canaanites.
We are the Canaanites, you ignorant Goy. The transition from Canaanite --> Israelite was a spiritual transition, and murdering the child murderers among us was just a purification of our group.
"Palestinians" don't have a culture, that's why they steal ours.
>Palestinians aren't genetically Arab
>Sterile desert
what did he mean by this????????
>every infidel must convert or die
just wrong
Shlomo here,
The British didn't really have any final plans for Palestine, at least not ones that they put into practice (yes there was the Balfour Declaration, but nothing really came out of it IRL). They basically just a played a back and forth game of concessions between the Jews and Arabs in an attempt to stop an all out civil (shitty term, but you get what I mean) war. So they would make a concession to the Jews, the Arabs would get uppity, so they would make a concession to the Arabs, the Jews would get uppity, and ad infinitum. It didn't take long at all for both sides to see through the bullshit and start hating the British.
They did you tard. European Jews of conscription age got conscripted into their country's armed forces just like every other citizen. They usually just got assigned shit jobs like cleaning toilets because their commanders didn't trust them/wanted to humiliate them.
Also, there was a whole brigade in the British Army of Jews from Palestine who volunteered to fight the Nazis.
I can't find any evidence this quote exists
>actually posting rabbi ovadia
fucking sudoku yourself
dumb jews like you are why our country is going down the drain
>In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose:
>“Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[74]
This guy was a living /pol/ meme
> 5,000 Volunteers
>The brigade was formed in late 1944
What would we have done without them?
>late 1944
Did they wait until it was literally German children they'd be fighting on purpose?
>t. Hellenist scum
Fuck off, it's Euroscum like you that want us to pull out of Judea & Samaria, you've already made us pull out of Gaza. Your kind will lead to the destruction of the Jewish people, I know it. We've found over a hundred billion dollars worth of oil, Israel is fine. I guarantee the Arab question will be solved the day a Mizrahi PM gets into power.
>Taking anything a Mizrahi Jews says seriously
Why do goyim do shit like this, Mizrahim are literally the sandniggers of Judaism.
>I guarantee the Arab question will be solved the day a Mizrahi PM gets into power.
What will happen is we will unironically have an Arab PM in power.
Fuck off you disgusting AshkeNAZI rat. Your disgusting kind created and spread Hasidism and Kabbalah, the most satanic subversion of Judaism ever to be created. You know this is true. You are a diluted Hebrew, my family never went through Exile.
Your people are Arab apologists, you have no right to call me an Arab when your kind spreads pro-Arab propaganda 24/7. When has an AshkeNAZI Jew ever resisted Arab supremacy? When has an AshkeNAZI Jew avenged the blood of a Jewish martyr? Not in recent years.
Both semites and burgers are cancer
This thread right here is a proof why Israel doesn't deserve to exist. I hope Hezbollah and Iran push those rats back to the sea.
Israel does exist, and it always will. Islamist thugs and Arab sympathizers like you will be slain. We remember Palestine. Never again will we allow ourselves to live under Arab rule. I honestly hope the Arabs or Iran wage war against us, i'm in my prime. There are some nice new US weapons i'm eager to use, I would make sure to kill atleast 100 of them before being martyred.
This is what happens when an Arab rat tries to throw a grenade at a Hebrew warrior:
Didn't a bunch of Hezbollah peasants kick your spoiled sissy asses to hell and back in 2006? Can't wait until your daughter gets her pelvis shattered by a mudslime cock.
Mizrahis are practically indistinguishable from Arabs
>Didn't a bunch of Hezbollah peasants kick your spoiled sissy asses to hell and back in 2006?
Nope. I had family fight in 06, they took the lives of many Ishmaelites and left without a scratch. Arab subhumans consider losing 10 times the amount of people as us as a victory. Also, you must be thinking of diasporic Jews when you say "sissy," such titles do not apply to Mizrahi warriors.
>kicking the kikes the fuck out of southern Lebanon
Top kek.
>Mizrahis are practically indistinguishable from Arabs
No we aren't. Everyone can tell the difference. Try calling one of us an Arab, see what happens.
No one kicked us out, we love voluntarily. Either way, future terrorists were killed in 2006, thousands of them. Many future Jewish lives were saved with their deaths. We sacrificed barely over 100 Israelites. It was worth it, just like Gaza was worth it.
>ashkenazi jew
>thinks he isn't a sandnigger
You're bedouins with some italian thrown in.
>we left voluntarily***
>No one kicked us out, we love voluntarily.
Literally America in Vietnam tier.
This. Palestinians are white and an extension of the Roman Empire. Even the name "Palestine" was a European name. It's the main reason I support them over the shitskin Jews.
How do you justify Gaza? How do you justify the amount of children's death? I say this as practicing Jew btw
>we left voluntarily
Like in the past, right?
>How do you justify Gaza?
Most of the people that died weren't innocent.
>How do you justify the amount of children's death?
Most Palis in Gaza will grow up to hate Jews, and in many cases, will end up killing Jews in the future. Preventing future terrorists isn't immoral just as killing the Canaanites wasn't immoral.
>I say this as practicing Jew btw
Let me guess, Reform? Do you believe G-d gave the Jewish people the Land of Israel?
>palestinians are whiiite! Take in 3252352 rapeugees! Die for Gaza!
no thanks MIDF
I can't tell you how many times I've seen the pic of these 2 jewish kids on Veeky Forums after all these years. You'd think in the last decade /pol/ or the muslims or whoever would have found another ugly jewish kid to spam
Reminder that """"palestinians"""" are literally EATING "their" own "land". There is no nakba. Fuck rapeugees
Useful idiots fulfilled their role and now they can be wiped out along with the rest of the Ameleks (northern Europeans) whom God commanded the Jewish people to destroy.
>Ameleks (northern Europeans)
Nobody wants to be them. They're basically genetically evil according to the bible
Where the fuck this fashy jew comes from? is a LARPer like the mexican aryan guy?
I wish advertising was still a bannable offense
The Amalekites are not Northern Europeans, they are whoever is currently trying to destroy the Jewish people. It was Babylon, then Rome, then Spain, then Germany, and now it's Ishmael. I know it's difficult for you with your Goyish brain to comprehend the Torah, but atleast make an attempt to understand.
>Where the fuck this fashy jew comes from?
Jerusalem, Israel
No they're not. They are a specific lineage. Who that lineage is, is up for debate. They are a specific peoples, though. It make absolutely no sense for God to specify a tribe and say you need to wipe their seed from the world if that target can shift at any time.
You are clueless. Goy simpletons like you think the Written Law is that simple. It's not. Just like strangers in Egypt could join the Hebrew nation, any gentile can join Amalek by proxy of trying to destroy the Jewish people. That's who Amalek is. Germans were Amalek in 1941. Ishmael is Amalek today.
>It make absolutely no sense for God to specify a tribe and say you need to wipe their seed from the world if that target can shift at any time.
It makes perfect sense. The spawn of Amalek has came about many times throughout history. First Amalek ambushed Israel in Egypt, then hundreds of years later Amalek attacked Israel during the reign of Saul. Those weren't the same people. Just as Rome wasn't the same people, but they were still referred to as Amalek. Because they were.
Is there a historical reason why sand jews are so redpilled compared to snow jews?
Because everyone with a brain hates Anglos.
have you herd of the white paper (1939)??
the 3 main points..
To place the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People. To facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions, and to encourage, in cooperation with the Jewish Agency, close settlement by Jews on the Land.
To safeguard the civil and religious rights of all inhabitants of Palestine irrespective of race and religion, and, whilst facilitating Jewish immigration and settlement, to ensure that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced.
To place the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the development of self governing institutions.
basically wanted to set up a single palestinian state, with equal rights for all.. not exactly what the zionists had in mind
>basically wanted to set up a single palestinian state, with equal rights for all.. not exactly what the zionists had in mind
That's exactly what we had in mind. If racists like Ben-Gurion didn't take power that's what it would have been. You think we wanted Palestine to be carved in half? No. We just wanted the British to leave so we could create Israel. This is why the only Zionist militias with Arab and Druze members was the Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) and EZL. There were no Arabs in the Haganah.
Because the snow jews are fake jews.
The British established a military occupation of traditional Arab lands just for your kind, and then you dare say they did nothing other than the Balfour? Jewish historical revisionism is truly legendary.
>The British established a military occupation of traditional Arab lands just for your kind
You are so retarded you think they cut up the Ottoman Empire for the sake of the Jews? Fuck no. Learn your history. Also, the Levant isn't "traditional Arab lands" you might be thinking of the Arabian Peninsula
>Try calling one of us an Arab, see what happens.
So only you guys can tell the difference, got it.
Nice try Achmed
Google "loxism"
I'm Ashkenazi and I can tell the difference pretty easily.
You know you guys are unironically proving /pol/ right with your arguing, right?
>dumb jews like you are why our country is going down the drain
Jews like (((him))) are why you exist, whitey. Never forget you are just a Aryan'd down version of the pure Oriental Jews.
>One of my great-great grandparents
By that logic I have a free ticket to live anywhere I want in Northern Europe, but you don't see that happening.
>Nothin personnel goys
hahaha he is a /pol/ meme
What the fuck are you talking about you snow ape? That was talking about my distant Samaritan ancestry, both sides of my family are Mizrahi Jewish. I'm not some Hellenist returning to the Holy Land, I am the remnants of those who never left. The Arab invaders must go. AshkeNAZI Hellenists must go if they refuse Halacha.