Will humanity ever colonize the universe?
Will humanity ever colonize the universe?
the universe is pretty big dude, we'll probably never get out of our solar system, much less our galaxy
No, humans will be replaced by superior machines and AI before then.
Perhaps, maybe not. Science has done things which was once thought to be impossible.
We already have. I mean we're here right?
Nah mate, can't breathe up there on account of there being no wind.
It's either that or go extinct. Mankind's destiny is to become gods.
I hope we find some Alien dudes who see us like cattle XD, Humans must meet there Nemesis.
>there Nemesis.
so this is the power of Veeky Forums
>planet Earth isn't part of the Universe
No, any other answer is wishful fantasy
If you look at human history civilizational collapse almost always follows times of great peace and stagnation. Humanity will never experience a golden era of total progress and stability, thus they will never manage to put aside their differences for a common goal. For the next 100 years or so it is extremely unlikely since a global war is far more probable. After the 21st century anything goes, and no one can predict that far.
The Universe? No. Our local supercluster? Almost certainly.
And each collapse is followed by a period of rebuiling that surpasses the achievements of the previous civilisations. The general trend remains upward, and the collapses are less severe each time.
>Almost certainly.
[citation needed]
It is an issue of judgement, you asked for it and an user gave it to you. It hasn't happened already, so a citation would be a guess just a little bit better than yours.
Meds > Nords
Nedes > Nords
Nedes + Nords = Nerds
We will destroy ourselves before them
aliens will happily scavenge the remains of earth, tho
>superior machines and AI
not if we're the AI
think about it, for all we know we are the equivalent of single celled organisms, going to build a far greater humanoid superorganism that will have AI tier intellect.
if genetic engeneering is pioneered enough, flesh will replace metal and neutrons will replace coding
definitely. we still have a fuckload of years till heat death, enough to colonise the fuck out of the universe and maybe even prevent heat death or delay it
If humans do colonize other planets (and that's a big if), the inhabitants will quickly start to mutate to adapt to the local differences in relation to Earth, and will, in time, become a different species or subspecies.
So basically every "offearth" colony will have it's own evolutionary ofshoot, and in time the concept of "humanity" will no longer be viable, since there will be multiple competing species.
So, even if humankind colonizes other worlds, it still won't survive as the humans we know today.
So no, humanity won't colonize the universe.
I believe that just like we went from stones and axes to rockets we will move from simple humans to biological technology and machines
And then we won't be humans as we know. If these being arise, they will be completely different from humanity, and will only carry the flag and concept with humanity with them.
The concept itself will change. The same name will be attached to completely different symbolisms and cultural characteristics. It would be no different if these beings named themselves something different altogether.
They would still be our descendants, sure, but we were descendants of the same species as chimps and bonobos, but we do not consider them our peers and wouldn't consider the species where we came from our peers either.
Humanity will die off, the only question that matters is if we leave descendants or not
The technologies that have survived through previous collapses and continued to evolve were generally dependent on resources that were either renewable or recyclable and relatively easy to extract. Coal and Oil, the resources which form the foundations of modern technology, are neither renewable nor recyclable (at least, not on any timescale relevant for human civilizations) and all the easily exploitable deposits have long since been dug out and burned up. If society collapsed, in order to get back to where we currently are we would need a new energy source that is roughly as good as coal or oil in terms of being abundant, easy to extract, easy to extract energy from, and easy to transport. If such an energy source existed we would already be exploiting it, so it's safe to assume that no such energy source exists.
Doesn't really matter. If you want to harp on about trends, as the poster I was replying to did, then the general trend remains upwards, with more lenient disasters each time. We have surpassed the Romans, and the dark ages were nowhere near as bad as the bronze age collapse. By trends alone we will reach space.
If you want to perform actual analysis then that's a different issue.