Does capitalism destroy culture?
Does capitalism destroy culture?
It does, but so does socialism/communism. Any ideology created after the French Revolution is guaranteed to be total cancer.
>Capitalism takes your culture and religion
>Here, be a communist, and renounce your culture and religion
No, if anything the subsequent results of capitalism is the production of more culture/sub-culture groups, and the manufacture culture.
>not being an anarcho-feudalist
literally the origin of ideology
The ideological equivalent of demiromantic trisexual otherkins.
Capitalism's cultural output is a reflection of what people want. Unfortunately people can be influenced and more and more filth will be produced. pre-70's America has always been capitalist but has always had certain standards and morals, now we have scum like Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, and rappers.
Hmm..go on user, tell me more
>people can be influenced
This is what retards don't understand, that suppliers can artificially create demand. If they couldn't, advertising would never become a thing.
Fascism - whatever culture the state deems appropriate.
Communism - no culture.
Capitalism - I can most likely choose what culture to consume.
Pretty sure I know what the superior system is.
>culture is simply something that can be "consumed" at will
Fascism? And you can't 'choose' your culture, culture is whatever arts, music, film, speech, etc. surrounds you. When you have many cultures, you have no culture.
Feudalism = no quantity, high quality
Capitalism = high quantity, no quality
Communism = no quantity, no quality
To be fair if capitalism means I can be a skeleton I'm all for being a capitalist.
This is ISIS level of barbarism
No. Culture is either destroyed by movements which seek to directly attack it(i.e the nacional-socialist and marxist-leninist, genocides et cetera ) or by the people who are living in there and are slowly or rapidly going through transformations in the comunication system
It only destroys useless """culture""" such as religion or ethnic nationalism
At least ISIS are following their ancient cultural customs that preaches rabid iconoclasm, Maoists just adopted a completely foreign ideology created by some autistic German Jew and flushed 3000 years of their history down the shitter.
Yeah communism
Sorry, I meant consummate, as in being able to take part in listening to pretty much any band I want, reading pretty much any book I want, watching pretty much any dance or theater play or TV show I want, etc.; without the government deciding it's demoralizing, or bourgeois, or anti-nation or what not and banning jazz or Hemingway or whatever.
Capitalism is most likely to provide the most cultural freedom. Sure, there can be governments (there have been and there are) arbitrary restrictions on culture in capitalism but it's not an inherent characteristic in such a system.
Culture of masses was always cancerous. Do you think commoners in past enjoyed opera and stuff like that?
It improves it agrifag
>Believing in the false dichotomy of Capitalism vs Communism
Imagine being this much of a faggot
maybe be accident, it commercializes aspects of culture into a McCulture, but it doesnt destroy it like the communist do. Go rip down another statues faggot and jerk off to Maoist destorying chinese culture faggot
shhh if you say there are other options here they'll say you are from leftypol
Humans are evil by nature. Capitalism accepts that, and builds around it. Other economic systems, like socialism, are built on the lie that humans are good, and it's the fault of the system. If humans are so good, and socialism works, then why does it always lead to a tyrannical dictator and millions of starving slaves? Capitalism has three classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class. Socialism only has two: The government, and the peasants.
Fascism = high quality, high quantity
Meant to write "governments that placed arbitrary restrictions".
it puts a price tag on culture and sells it
It reduces the quality of most of the culture because culture becomes something for the masses as opposed to for the high IQ elite like it used to be.
this ^roughly 1 billion and a half
at least capitalism acknowledges mankind's bad side's and allow peoples to associate themselves with who they want.
There is also a limit on how much people's taste can be steered. Commercial radio stations do extensive research on what songs people dislike and avoid playing them, because people change the channel rapidly if they don't like what they hear.
let's see here
Capitalism - weeaboos exist
Communism - no weeaboos exist
I think I know which system is superior here
There is literally nothing wrong with ISIS
Well yes but communism is completly erase it.
Nationalis on the other hand......
It depends on what you view as culture user, the aristocratic culture /pol/ fetishizes was not that of common people like us, it was restricted to the few, capitalism only made culture more conformist because by commodification and mass consumerism it becomes profitable, but that also entails it's decay.
tl;dr : Read Adorno
>communists chimping out and destroying statues
What else is new?
Capitalism really must have damaged culture in order to have people see it as a good to be consumed.
>Religion is not culture in its purest form.
>I didn't mean consume, I meant consume.
Culture is the very fabric of society, the spirit of a certain people at a given time and immaterial.
This is why these modern materialists never understood its concepts.
Capitalism really must have damaged culture in order to have people see it as a good to be consumed.
>Religion is not culture in its purest form.
>I didn't mean consume, I meant consume.
Culture is the very fabric of society, the spirit of a certain people at a given time and immaterial.
This is why these modern materialists never understood its concepts.
It is nothing to posess as an individual.
Furthermore, replace peasants with workers.
Communists hated and hate peasants. Peasants work the land and have their own food. Peasants are highly religious and traditional, generally monarchists. Should they own their land they are the enemy of communists incarnate.
communism is literally for people who can't think for themselves. please really think about making any decision you ever made about taking care of YOURSELF. fuck communism is over, and still causing stupid people so much difficulty.
- Most people who aren't retarded make choices at some point. think about that.
Politics in general destroys culture.