Is Veeky Forums a Trump board?

Do we hate libshits on this board? Or is this a-political?

Seems like Veeky Forums is becoming a /pol/ colony

fuck off with your neo-con puppet redditor. I dont give a fuck im here to make money

>Reminder that the neo-con puppet wants to cut your capital gains tax by half so you can cash out your crypto and keep more of your money.
Get out faggot.

Dont come in here trying to stir the pot, faggot. We are all trying to be rich.


anyone who understands the basics of finance is conservative or libertarian. trump is neither of these things, but great entertainment. the stock bubble will crash during his presidency and he will be the patsy for it.

I would suspect the majority of the anons on this board are Libertarian and would like both major parties to step the fuck off.

Trump just announced today that he is reducing taxes

Sounds pretty conservative

I loved /pol/ when it was good, and the Trump election and zimzam trial were some of the best moments in internet history.

That being said this is about money. We're using our skills developed on Veeky Forums to discern between the shills, FUDs, and larps to find the real payoffs.

There are some libshits here, which is annoying. But at least as a racist /pol/lack you won't fall for the "empower Africa with blockchain" meme coins like Humaniq

Trump is a fucking idiot.



Trump youth out in full force there

I hate Trump supporters more than libtards. At least they aren't in a cult.

>progressives aren't in a literal death cult

Trump is great. /pol/ is a little too young for me though. It's like /r9k/ with politics.

it is no where near as beta as /r9k/

Fuck off.

Some here might not like Trump because he isn't right wing enough for their liking, but whatever the case may be, we can all agree that this entire website is anti-shitlib (and those retards who don't agree need to GTFO this website)

fuck off to pol trumpboo

Leave and never return faggot

I dunno if I would go that far. There is definitely some competition.

Trump sold out to the kikes.