James Buchanan aspired to be a president who would rank in history with George Washington

>James Buchanan aspired to be a president who would rank in history with George Washington.
>consistent ranking by historians as one of the worst presidents in American history.

Can some shop some JUST hair on this loser?

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George Washington being considered anything better than average is just the result of him being treated like a demi-god

Who do you place as the best presidents?


>people shit on Buchanan appeasing the south and not stopping the civil war
>people forget that Lincoln was willing to enshrine slavery into the constitution if it meant stopping the war and still failed to stop the war

People don't just shit on Buchanan because he didn't stop the civil war. They shit on him because he didn't even try.

>literally started a new country
>voluntarily steps down after 2 terms
>future presidents kept a two term tradition for decades after his death
>calmly and quietly put down the whiskey rebellion
>left us a legacy of civil service and humility

Stop trolling user

The south seceded because of Lincoln's election, how is that Buchanan's fault? The civil war started when the south attacked fort sumter when Lincoln became president, how could Buchanan stop a war that hadn't started?

It's funny, Lincoln was pretty much doing the exact same thing as Buchanan until Sumter.

>Claiming Reagan was good
>On a history board
Now THIS is b8

Yeah, people only seem to focus on policy, handling of wars, and scandals when looking at a president. Washington didn't pass landmark bills, but he did what few others did in that time. He stepped down after two terms as the first president of a new country and set the unwritten precedent for every president to follow until FDR. He set the mark that the presidency wasn't going to be an autocratic rule.

Get out

George Washington is the closest thing America has to a God.

He could of worked to make it harder for them to succeed or attempt to modernize the southern economy in some way. But he did nothing and let the south pretty much prepare to secede. The Civil war was a possibility when he went into office and when he left office it was practically inevitable

George Washington was the ultimate history shaper who dwarfs even Napoleon. He's right up there with Alexander the Great and Charlemagne.

Given more time, he will join their ranks but I wouldn't say he dwarfs Napoleon. Unless we're talking actual stature.

are those his real teeth

I mean Napoleon has shaped European history greatly, and while Washington heavily helped create the US, which then went on to be the most powerful nation state in human history, we have yet to see how exactly they'll effect the world in the long run

its an app that pastes a smile on human faces

everybody dwarfs Napoleon

If all that it takes for a man to become great is to father a new country and then not become a president for life then there are plenty of equally capable "great men" available.

>father of finnish constitution
>voluntarily stepped down after 1 term
>major figure in successfully reconstructing and unifying the country after a bloody civil war
>greatly improved the living conditions of lower classes
>strong supporter of western liberal democracy in a country filled with germanophile monarchists
>after stepping down worked as a legal advisor for the government and as a mp

Honestly Im a fan of Jimmy Carter.

Why do Americans worship their presidents so much?
Why the hell do you have to know about every single one of them?

>why do you care about history
why are you even here

Reagan was literally one of the most powerful, most popular Presidents in American history. People forget how hard he BTFO the Democrats in 84.

Pass the jelly beans...

>literally saved the republic
>steps down as dictator out of respect to the senate
>future emperors don't fucking dare to desolve the senate for 400 years, even if they don't listen to them
>calmly and quietly put down Mithridates
>left a legacy of civil service and humility
Sulla truly was /ourguy/

polk stepped down after just one term. it would have been easy for washington to be a despot, but he doesn't deserve special points for not taking that route

fpbp washington is deified for inadequate reasons


250 years of near consistent power playing at the least, for other stretches of time outright hegemony.

>>voluntarily steps down after 2 terms
Washington was a pussy who was too afraid to go ham like Roosevelt did

>consistent ranking by historians as one of the worst presidents in American history.

This doesn't mean shit. So-called historian consensus on US presidents is shit-tier.

But yeah Buchanan was pretty bad.

He tried to stop the civil war, James Buchanan is one of our greatest presidents and a hero.

Not so fast

At that point what could you do outside of completely capitulating to the Southern demands? Anything else would've been a band-aid on a gunshot wound because of the inaction or stupid decisions of previous Presidents, especially Pierce's signing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act which caused a considerable upswing in violence.

The French Revolution was directly inspired by the American Revolution (Jefferson helped draft the Declaration of the Rights of Man after all). Napoleon would not exist without Washington and the Founding Fathers.

Two things. First, nothing like the United States' form of government had been tried in its modern form going back to the Roman Republic if ever. Washington not seizing complete power and stepping down, the free and fair elections, all among the first of their kind and thus an example that a liberal, constitutional republic without violent civil war to transfer power was possible.

Second, nobody cares about some obscure Finngolian whose influence doesn't extend beyond his snow forest kingdom..

Dude was nothing but an empty headed, alzheimer's riddled puppet of the MIC and Bush, Sr. The single most overrated President in history and definitely not worthy of any of the praise he received (or indeed any praise at all).

> First, nothing like the United States' form of government had been tried in its modern form
I think you're discounting how much America followed in the example of the British Parliament.

Polk stepped down because
1. He was a political stand-in for two sides of the Democratic party who didn't want him anyway and only nominated him on the assurance that he wouldn't run for re-election
2. he was dying--Polk died several months after leaving office

Hardly surprising considering how Murrican education about British government during 18th century can be pretty much summed up as
>king george iii was a bloodthristy absolute monarch with no limitations to his power and ate babies for breakfast

The French Revolution would have still happened if America lost.

Not if it didn't happen at all though.

fukken underrated post

Mannerheim > stahlberg
prove me wrong
you cant

>literally funded the Taliban
Regan is responsible for 9/11. Just because idiots fell for his charade doesn't mean he was a good president

The Taliban had nothing at all to do with 9/11. Al-Qaeda did thanks to Saudi support.

Historians are retards. I bet most stilk think Grant was an alcoholic mess.

>Jefferson helped draft the Declaration of the Rights of Man after all
no he didn't.... it was partly inspired by the virginia state constitution written by george mason, who included a part on the virginia declarations of rights.


You really are not wrong. Admittedly, my high school education was even more of a joke because i live in a nowhere town in Alabama where they can get away with anything. Still did Bible reading to the whole class in grade 2, taught in grade 7 nobody is pagan anymore, taught in grade 10 the Lutheran Church disbanded, (I got some stories if people are interested but I don't want to completely derail the thread otherwise. )We glanced over EVERYTHING and mostly just had to define terms in every class so there was huge anti-education sentiment from being overworked but with no pay off. I had to learn it all online and having been a waiter for 2 years here so after basically getting to know most of the town I realise my class was no exception and the sheer amount of history I feel should be common knowledge is obscure to all but college professors and a few woke black folks.
>On topic
Fav pres here was usually George Washington or Teddy Roosevelt but the only thing we were taught was he was in the rough riders, the teddy bear story, and national parks. Also Night at the museum was probably an influence

>Nobody is pagan anymore
That's almost literally true, with the only exceptions being fedora tipping atheists cosplaying wiccans, and uncontacted tribes. (I'm not counting Hinduism as a pagan religion, if you are your point makes more sense)

She was referring to the Greek Gods and Hellenism is still a thing



>The Declaration was directly influenced by Thomas Jefferson, working with General Lafayette, who introduced it.

>The key drafts were prepared by Lafayette, working at times with his close friend Thomas Jefferson.

Polk is very arguable. He did what he set out to do and greatly expanded the country fulfilling Manifest Destiny but he did so to the benefit of the Democrats and slave owners, enjoyed wide protest of the Mexican-Ameican War (hence Civil Disobedience) and his actions exacerbated the slave issue and was further kindling for the Civil War.