Why were the Japs in WW2 so fucking stupid and have such shitty equipment?
Why were the Japs in WW2 so fucking stupid and have such shitty equipment?
They were playing industrial catch-up for one, and lacked the resources they needed to do so on the Home Islands. Thus the need to expand.
didnt the japs waste alot of their domestic resources on battleships that ended up getting destroyed also?
that probably slowed things down for them
what am I looking at?
Una vela
but they had the Zero
But not the tetra-ethyl leaded aviation gasolene in the quantities the Zero required. According to the minutes of the meeting where the attack on Pearl Harbor was authorized the first item on the agenda was TEL Avgas. Also it was discussed for app. 20 minutes, longer than any other topic.
They also had this incredible feat of engineering.
A zero that burns up quickly when shot yea
pretty much this, in order to match western equipment they would cut loads of corners on theirs. a good example would be the zero fighter, it attained amazing speed, performance and range by completely sacrificing armor making it easy to shoot down. or many of their 'battleships' that were actually just battlecruisers with far less armor that they had superficially upgraded and relabeled battleships.
that and they still clung to the ww1 era belief that war was won based on troops spirits and belief in a cause, ignoring that industrial production and technological innovation were now far more important factors.
>didnt the japs waste alot of their domestic resources on battleships that ended up getting destroyed also?
Japs built fewer battleships than Americans or Brits.
>it attained amazing speed, performance and range
It attained amazing range, that's about it. Its speed was pedestrian, performance was ordinary.
Army-Navy rivalry
Because their main land based competition were the Soviets (Khalkin Gol) and the Chinese (Nanking'd). The former got a treaty and the latter wasn't exactly an industrial powerhouse.
Can Japanese people even pronounce 'gyrocopter'
What about the knee mortar?
Craft manufacturing. They made ammo and parts in homes and little workshops, like regular peasants being handed the parts and told 'you make now!'. That's partly why America tried to bomb the shit out of civilian sectors. If you have ever handled late war gear in person, you'd notice how things are often hand filled or cut. Stuff like food rations and clothes were sorta random bits or personallly aquired from your family.
I mean they did have more regular manufacturing, but what they did have was pushed really hard, and once 'merica got In to bomber range, they pretty much never recovered. Early war they were fighting the Chinese, who were so shit that the japs were able to roll them with WW1 era junk. When you use old stuff, you generally are forced to keep making parts for them, even if you make a replacement.
Just look at these things.
>you dont need tanks for island warfare kawasaki sama
turns out you do
Lack of resources(which was one of reasons why they even started invading shit) and limited industry.
Zero was the best design for a 1940 carrier plane forced to fight into '45 with only insufficient incremental upgrades.
F4F Wildcats managed to edge out a 1.1 kill to loss ratio, and things only got worse as better planes were brought into the theatre.
Major resource and industrial limitations.
>be a jumped up regional power
>so far your only opponents have been either failed states (china), rotting empires nearing collapse (russia), or busy trying to deal with more powerful enemies (german empire)
>only reason why your navy was even somewhat compatible to your major rivals is because you spent one third of your entire budget on it
>delusions of grandeur settle in
>decide to go and piss off the two most powerful nations in the world
>before the war one of them also supplied most of your metal&oil imports
It is a small miracle that Nips managed to last out as long as they did.
You know, when someone started the meme of "drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword", we didn't think anyone irl was stupid enough to actually do it.
looks like a V1
thats the british wippet tank
it's an Ohka manned cruise missile by the japs
>looks like a V1
no it doesn't at all
Retard tier Nationalism
it does though
where is the engine?
look at the v1 again retard it doesn't look like it
fuselage and wings look fairly similar though
Zero is the ultimate recon plane. Dat range.
Pretty terrible without a radio operator/navigator/observer
This, they were way advanced for the rest of asian and Russia, and not just manufacturing, but banking and statistics and planning, but still behind us at the time.
They weren't fully automated yet, like they were using horse drawn carriages to move parts between zero factory's.
^but a lot of that was the draining war in china they had been fighting and occuping for 9 years before Pearl Harbor.
It was always, "one more troop surge", "one more big push" and we will win aurgument, kind of like the US in Vietnam or the US in Iraq. They mortgaged everything on China and lost. Even way before Pearl Harbor their currency reserves were low, they home economy was hurting very badly, with privations. The US sanctions were the death blow.
Btw their own internal projections said they could never win the war.
Oil, rubber and iron, specialized machine dies, and chemicals too. they needed more than they could get.
At the time only the US and German had perfected synthetic fuel. fun fact, the Japanese were in the process of buying the semantics and parts from the US for synthetic fuel and were only stopped by the informal ban and the intervention of the state department with the Us companies CEO.
>Comment long long....
This, they were way advanced for the rest of asian and Russia, and not just manufacturing, but banking and statistics and planning, but still behind us at the time.
they needed iron and captial to make the machine plants to become self reliant but they also needed iron and captial to keep up the war in China, and they kept having or choosing to put off the formar for the latter. Don't underestimate the Capitol part, thier import export problems were hurting thier currency reserves dearly.
Finally their government had been shaken by a series of assassins in the early 30s, that made reform or looking too soft hard.
I mean at one point in the 30s they ran out of arrtillarty copper parts in srimishies with Russia.
Finally their Pac with Germany, that was made be a headstrong japanese outside of normal government planning, made them toxic to the west in regards to trade (they thought it would make thier trade and bargaining power better). A lot of japanese government wanted out of the treaty but lacked the will to make it happen. And they thought "anglos respect those that honor their agreements". This going back to the Meiji restoration and thier will on thier way efforts to join the western world. They completely failed to see how that agreement made them look to the US and England.
Never forget japanese ww2 was lost before it started. They even knew this.
The thing that baffles the fuck out of me is how officers refused to listen to reason regarding logistics. There's multiple accounts of level-headed junior officers and intelligence operatives telling their superiors that there was no way Japan could feasibly operate against the Western powers because their supply lines would be stretched beyond capacity. And how did their superiors respond? Bushido and morale will overcome any obstacle.
There is something seriously broken with Japanese culture. The whole thing is a mess and it needs to be revamped.
>that and they still clung to the ww1 era belief that war was won based on troops spirits and belief in a cause, ignoring that industrial production and technological innovation were now far more important factors.
Japanese observers in WWI tried to caution their countrymen about how warfare dramatically changed from 1914 and onwards, but their voices fell on deaf ears.
If the Japanese were fully involved in the Western Front, they would've had second thoughts of going militant in the 1930's.
They fell for their own fighting spirit meme from 1905,thinking that their victory was due to any superiority in their will and zeal rather than being more organised than the Ruskies
Don't forget not being hampered by thousands of kms long supply lines.
> The whole thing is a mess and it needs to be revamped.
It is, but thats exactly what makes them unique and appealing. I want each country to have as unique culture as Japan can produce, rather than shitty copy paste capitalist/communist countries that sold out their culture for pennies.
They could still be a distinct culture and ditch the shitty elements. All this conformist bullshit, adherence to hierarchy regardless of the idiocy from those above, being xenophobic autists.
They rather hold onto their culture rather than dilute it with thirdworlders and weebs. What's wrong with that?
It triggers westerners who think that Japan should be like Europe, Canada, USA, etc. and take in millions of 3rd worlders with no marketable skills, no knowledge of language, no knowledge of culture, little to no desire of becoming part of the country's culture, tendency to commit more crimes than the native population, etc.
People like you are why I come to this board
>this is your brain on /pol/
Not that user, but I'm from an ex-commie country and whenever we had a looming demographic crisis (like after WW2), the government just heavily invested into things like interest-free loans for newlyweds, or tax breaks/benefits for having children. At no point did anyone say we need to import hordes of immigrants.
That's one of the things they have right, actually. It will guarantee the Japanese people will continue to exist into the future
You are baffled because you somehow managed to convince yourself that your retarded strawmen examples are real. Pro tip: they are not.
>implying Japanese culture isn't literally copying and pasting tech ideologies and culture from China and the West couple with retarded levels of xenophobia
inb4 someone posts the semple tank
Wippet good
to be fair european countries and japan are implementing policies like this
If you can hit it.