Why are these presidents always forgotten? Did they even do anything?
Why are these presidents always forgotten? Did they even do anything?
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They are from a boring time period where nothing intertesting happened.
Hayes=>McKinley was arguably more forgettable
>finally become president of the US
>serve your years
>time passes
>even history books dont talk about you
You say that, but Coolidge isn't even on the list.
Who even makes a list of presidents, and leaves out the ones who had to become president after the residing one croaks? kys OP
Your chart is wrong.
WTF is going on with that bottom row? Most of those guys lost. And what do the colors mean, like if they're supposed to be political parties how in the fuck are John Kerry and Bob Dole in the same party?
>Why are these presidents always forgotten?
because nobody cares about american history other than muh revolution and muh civil war. I'd say most the presidents between Grant and TR are literal who tier as well. Though, a more detailed answer would be that during this time the party organizations were so strong that candidates were seen as tools of the parties and not their own men considering almost all campaigning required heavy party support. This is why Party leaders like Calhoun, Clay, Quincy Adams, and Webster in the Senate are more remembered from this time.
>Did they even do anything?
Yes, James K Polk won the war with Mexico, annexed Texas and almost doubled the size of our country.
>Presidents of the United States of America
That image is all sorts of wrong.
>Making Washington the first president
>Forgetting about the Articles of the Confederation
>Leaving out Presidents Hancock, Hanson, and St. Clair
Wow, what a garbage image.
I was drinking and became convinced I was losing my mind because I know that wasn't the case
why is this pic blatantly wrong?
wait what the literal fuck is this? is this Fallout canon or something?
The brainlet/normie take on the guys between Jackson and Lincoln:
Van Buren is known for being Dutch
Harrison is known for dying in office
Tyler is known for the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" from when he was Harrison's running mate, which is a pretty great slogan.
Polk is known for invading Mexico.
Taylor (it's not Tyler) is perhaps the literal whoest of any U.S. president.
Fillmore has a great name, Millard Fillmore.
Pierce is another literal who, but his name is more familiar seeming than Taylor's.
Buchanan is known for being a terrible president who mismanaged sectional tensions and for being a "confirmed bachelor," aka gay.
It's gotta be some sort of alternate history thing.
>100 years after the point of divergence from OTL
>Obama still becomes president somehow
So this is the power of hope and change...
>no Goldwater
and it's trash too
OP here, I have no idea why the chart is fucked up I just did a quick search on Presidents and this was the most complete image, It came from a youtube video so maybe thats why its fucke dup
also Robert Kennedy became president instead of his brother
>no William Jennings Bryan
>there will never be a timeline where we aren't crucified on the cross of gold
>and he was too busy being President to help destroy conservative Mainline Protestantism
>james j polk
>literally the best president ever
>possibly the biggest fuck-up
Guys I genuinely can't name a single thing President Arthur has done and never read/spoke to anyone about him.
Whats the deal
the 1880's is false, that's why, we're really in 2007 and the 1880's were made up
don't even get me started on the Carolingian period
I think Obama's a Republican, now, too.
He reformed the patronage system, mostly because it had resulted in the death of his predecessor.
If i made a chart showing the primeministers of england, would it be approopriate with me to put harold godwinson on the list because he held the powers that would one day be invested into Robert Walpole? the AOC presidency and the modern USA's presidency were different political animals.
You are bad at detecting sarcasm on Croatian fingerpainting forums.
>nothing interesting happened
Polk increased the territory of the US by a third in 4 years.
Yeah Polk actually made it into the history books, but most of the other guys are footnotes.
Polk is generally seen as a high tier president dude.
>Make alternate history list of presidents
>No Huey
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
>Mexican-American War
>mass expansion of industry, cities, population (many immigrants, hence nativism and the Know Nothings) and territory (peak Manifest Destiny)
>Second Great Awakening (at least part of it)
>Mormonism getting kicked out of every state they try to settle in (sometimes by the militia) before settling in Utah
>the rising and intense debate over slavery - everything from brawls in congress (and the subsequent gag order on talking about it), to the Fugitive Slave Laws that made slave-catching a legit business, and of course Bleeding Kansas
>constant tension/border disputes with British Canada
>US Navy shenanigans throughout the Pacific - peak of which was Perry's visit to Japan
>ongoing wars against the Injun
>filibustering in Latin America
and in arts/culture, if that's your thing, this was the era in which the US started to assert itself as being on European levels
>Hudson River School, Thoreau, Melville, Hawthorne, Whitman, Emerson, the Smithsonian
those presidents themselves may be boring, i'll give you that
Shit James K. Polk was objectively the most effective President we ever had, the Madman delivered on all his campaign promises and did not run for a second term because of this
>ywn raise money in your local newspaper to recruit and arm a private army in order to conquer the savages to the south and build a personal fiefdom on their territory
We are the mediocre Presidents.
You won't find our faces on dollars or on cents.
There's Taylor, there's Tyler, there's Fillmore and there's Hayes,
There's William Henry Harrison.
I died in thirty days!
Adequate, forgettable,
Occasionally regrettable
Caretaker Presidents of the U.S.A.!
Don't be talking shit about my nigga James K. Polk
He made a bunch of promises about manifest destiny in his campaign for President, and in 4 years he achieved all of the goals he made, and then didn't run again because he was happy with what he managed
You got to respect a man for that.
>2 t. roosevelts
>no hoover
>robert dole
>ralph nader
>john kerry
who made this fucked up chart?
>you will never become President of Nicaragua in the process
on the contrary you NEVER hear about the post civil war ones. any good books on late 19th century?
>Strom Thurmond
This is the kind of man who would respond to your NAP violations with a recreational mcnuke
>Taylor (it's not Tyler) is perhaps the literal whoest of any U.S. president.
>mexican american general
>literally who
What the hell is going on in the bottom row, I was wondering why I was seeing so many that I never even heard of
Tyler was known as "His Accidency" because Harrison died only 30 days into office
We try not to talk about that war.
>to help destroy conservative Mainline Protestantism
And I thought I was the only one who cared. What denomination?
garfield is breddy gud
>John Kerry
Holy shit, the salt is burning my eyes.
Also from my pov as a non-american, these are the ones who are never mentioned.
>Im gunna do all this shit guys I promise
>and ill only take 1 term
>OP actually delivers
>doesnt run for a second term
Polk was a cool dude
they where a series of bad presidents which led us to the civil war.
no one cares about us history
Cleveland's pretty famous for his nonconsecutive terms
>initially most corrupt man to ascend to the presidency
>dismantled political machine structures
>ended up combating corruption more effectively than any previous president
>compassionate policies towards blacks, natives, chinese etc
>beyond reproach by any contemporary or modern standards
chester a arthur is my favorite president
>Trump is the first president with a bowtie since McKinley
that pic... wtf
>tfw the Kingfish was never president in your timeline
>tfw not a king
why even live?
How did Obama become a republican?
What's up with the last line in that pic? People cannot possibly be that salty about so many elections.
never heard of andrew johnson until today
I'm PCUSA but I'm the last hold conservative holdout. It's been getting insane the last few years. I'm not going to the PCA though because I can't stand Evangelicals, they're just full of shit
I just want academic conservative Mainline Protestantism back
this thread confirms Veeky Forums is fucking dumb
The real question is what happened in this timeline after Teddy Roosevelt.
I have so many questions...
Stop being a faggot and go PCA/OPC. Help them stop the cuckery before you've lost Mainline AND Evangelical Protestantism.
Polk is GOAT
PCA and OPC aren't Mainline any longer they're just becoming more and more generically evangelical. I bet in a decade they won't even call themselves Presbyterians any longer
I am considering the RCUS
>The RCUS believes in biblical inerrancy, including a teaching that Genesis 1:1—2:4 must be understood as a literal 24-hour, six-day creation account. In keeping with tradition, nearly all congregations prohibit women from voting in church elections. The RCUS also does not allow women to hold special office (elders, deacons, pastor), a stance held by many conservative Reformed or Presbyterian bodies in the United States. In addition, the RCUS rejects some standard positions associated with American fundamentalism such as premillennialism and total abstinence from alcoholic beverages, holding instead a focus on a European Calvinist orthodoxy rather than American-style revivalism.
Evangelicals are snakes that want to water down our system of ordinance, governance, and Reformed theology just as much as the liberals and want us to become the Minister-centric fiefdoms that you see in megachurches. I'd rather turn to Ultra-Calvinism than surrender to them
>inb4 some triggered weenie says those black kids are an act of oppression and genocide.
They did a fuckton of amazing things that get taken terribly for granted. Especially fucking Polk.
>Other Kennedy
Fix your list desu
>ever doing anything
Looks like somebody swallowed too many blue pills
Admittedly I'm not America, but who the heck is John Kerry? I'm going full Mandela effect right now.
why does this picture look so dated
A politician who has never been our president. The image is wrong.
he was not an ordinary politician. he was the democratic candidate against george bush in 04
I know. But he wasn't our president.
>Huey will always be remembered as some shitty fascist
>Robert L Owen
>Nelson Rockefeller
>Robert Kennedy
>Bob Dole
>Ralph Nader
>John Kerry
Op are you from another universe? And if so, are the Beatles still all alive in this alt world?
People kept asking Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan about weather the new states would be slave states or free states and their responses basically boiled down to:
"Eh, let's have the next person deal with it"
Then came Lincoln.
Taylor actually was putting his foot down but he died prematurely. Ive read on Veeky Forums that southerners assassinated him by poison and it was found out only recently. They were indeed pissed off that he was a southern slave owner bit still said fuck slavery anyway
These are the presidents from the Bowling Green Massacre timeline.
Tons of artifacts from their timeline have been turning up since the whole meme magic thing got started.
I was more explaining for the user you were replying to, because calling him jist a politician is an inderstatement
He was pretty fucking important, my dude.
Looks like some weird timeline where the Democratic party shifted back towards conservatism after the Progressive era and the Republican party split and/or went liberal, probably in some way due to Teddy Roosevelt.
What region do you live in? I'd wager that many people's experience with PCA churches outside the South is pretty sour (Keller-esque). I'm a Particular Baptist, but most of my Presbyterian friends are PCA and they are Reformed as it comes. The fools they run into at general assembly, less so.
>Evangelicals are snakes that want to water down our system of ordinance, governance, and Reformed theology
More and more true, but it wasn't always so. I'd like for Presby's to be good Presby's, Anglicans be good Anglicans, and Baptists be good Baptists. We all just want good conversations & debates as we pass each other in the hall.
>I'd rather turn to Ultra-Calvinism than surrender to them
That's an option. But would the Gospel call allow you to? Something for us all to ponder.
it's probably from some dinner or photo ops since he more than likely hasn't taken his official presidential photo yet
Bobby Kennedy was progressive as hell for his time
>Alt-history Presidents
>No Aaron Burr
Why even bother?
NE, I'm in the Philadelphia Presbytery
I've legitimately have never cared about the call to proselytize even though it's very prominent in scripture and in a way Evangelicals are seeking to emulate the early church, at least from the standpoint of Acts, I see it as a bit of a personal shortcoming but I just find that people that get into that way of thinking are usually pretty fake and full of themselves looking to take advantage of people and pump up their egos.
I'm sure you'll agree, I do believe in Christianity unity and dialogue but I think that the modern evangelical fixation on trying to destroy denominational differences is stupid and shortsighted. Our theological and governmental differences exist from generations of trial and error, modern Evangelicalism is the tail-end of a fervor, a fad, that became big only a few decades ago. So in that way I don't believe in trying to steal other people's congregants or seeking to antagonize other denominations, not even the Roman Catholics. Betting everything on the power of the Holy Spirit has continually been shown to be a form of arrogance and a way of creating a dictatorship of a church
Based user asking the important questions.
James Buchanan is literally our worst president.
We got 2 successful assassinations in that time period.
Really? He was the first president to be impeached afaik
Well I mean if you ignore that he was Joe McCarthy's best friend and hated anything remotely communist with the fury of a thousand suns.
Man I like Nader but you'd have to be fucking crazy to think he'd ever win.
Still progressive. Everybody hated communism. Still certain everybody today does also
Most of the guys on the list has never even been Presidents.
Is this what they call Mandela effect?
kek, Obama doesn't even look black. he's barely one shade darker than the rest.
Why has nobody suggested it's because they're just further back in history and nobody remembers them? Most people around my age don't even know the majority of the people in the 2nd row. I'd say it's because there's nobody with living memory of them to tell others about
It looks like he's running as an independent in that list.