Post your favorite historical architecture. No modern shit.
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This is quite impressive even by today's standards.
Look at the detail.
Very nice
Looks like a cheap reconstruction tb.h
They are really reaching here.
One of the oldest churches in Ethiopia.
Lalibea Church named after one of the greatest Ethiopian kings.
Forgot the pic.
Almanara Tower in Mogadishu,Somalia.
thats pretty awesome
Do monuments count?
Another one I took.
Ruins of the Adal Sultanate in Zeila(Zayla)
Ashante homes in modern Ghana seem comfy
Lol no.
Buildings are amazing
le modernism has arrived
>genetic memory
>of how to build stone grandstands
not to mention the bottom example completely omits the ostentatious (yet still shit-tier fake classical) colonnade
Wonder if they'll knock him down in a year or so?
This is a VIKANG hut. The Scandinavian Special. Notice the masterful craftsmanship.
This monumental arch was built in Palmyra, Syria, during the reign of Septimius Severus (the African Roman Emperor.) The arch was blown up by ISIS in 2015 but there are plans to rebuild it.
Another arch built during the reign of Septimius Severus. This one is in Lepcis Magna, Libya, which had been Severus's home town.
Aksum (Ethiopia) around 4th century AD
um, no, try again sweetie
Chittor fort, a fortress constructed in India in the 7th century. It stretches over an area of 2.8 sq km.
I dont know why people play down these types of houses. They really do have a lot of interesting methods for construction that work as well as a lot of modern dwellings. Considering that they were family built too is pretty impressive
stop bullying scandinavia just because some /pol/ shitposters
literally who?
whoops I meant
Russian architecture is superior, as it shares continuity with the classical age's architecture in form and color.
You may think this structure is primitive but in reality, it's very crafty. Straw and sticks are easy to find, dirt is everywhere, and feces are free! Clearly the Africans are a superior race, compared to the wasteful Europeans. Rocks are heavy, how dumb of them to build with them lol.
Praise Lenin, praise Stalin
Just look at the difference between a Russian palace and a British place (pic related). Renaissance and Western architecture is based upon BLEACHED and washed out colors from the ancient Mediterranean. But the ancients would feel at home with Russian architecture and see ugliness in bland boring architecture.
Western Classical Architecture was a mistake. Greeks loved color, as did the Romans and Egyptians, we're truly old in the west, we now hate the saturated colors of children, preferring to look at the bland shades of monochromatic grey and white.
Fuck you, Stalin wasn't a Russian and Lenin was an alien Jew. Russia inherits it's architectural continuity from the Byzantines.
Just look at the difference between Buckingham palace's Gates ( pic related) and.......
Catharine palace's Gates
Catherine's gates invoke what it must have been like to walk through Ishtar's Gates, you know as entering that this is a special place, whereas Buckingham palace's gates are lacking their true potential, the gates do not invoke a sense of majesty that they should.
Western architecture is akin to a Leonardo Da Vinci sketch without the color, it is incomplete.
This is Britain's most prestigious palace, Buckingham palace, meh.
t. clueless larper
How do you equate Byzantine architecture with Baroque? nevermind that the thing is not exclusive to Russians
Nice box
> Western Classical Architecture was a mistake. Greeks loved color, as did the Romans and Egyptians, we're truly old in the west, we now hate the saturated colors of children, preferring to look at the bland shades of monochromatic grey and white.
Byzantines used color and stripes and contrast, Western Architecture is bland and boring. Russia directly inherited its architecture from the Byzantines, this is a fact, it is not even up for debate.
Wrong civilisation, not Byzantine, not classical, not even western
You're pathetic, your comment is merely an attempt to communicate with me, it is the closest you'll ever come to being intelligent, reflecting intelligence.
Infact, Persian-Muslim architecture is more fitting continuation of Mesopotamian culture than Baroque
Looks like a mosque
Some of the more traditional examples of Swiss architecture just look so damn comfy
>Looks like a mosque
Probably not because he was a founding father not a treasonous general who lost a civil war over slavery. Honestly showing your lack of basic historical knowledge by lumping every American born before 1899 together
Russian architectural style has absolutely nothing to do with Byzantines, the Byzantines weren't utilizing onion domes and other Tatar shit like Russians.
I just
really like
American Neoclassical.
me too user
There's a really thin line between colorful greek/byzantine/russian architecture and making it look like a fucking casino or whorehouse.
looks like a vegas hotel 2bh
i'll dump some decent pics ffs
I know American Neoclassical is a cheap reproduction of roman/greek shit, but they still made some nice buildings
I'll now dump some never built projects, hope you like em,
Papal Palace in Israel, 1912 design by Josef Heinisch
Or maybe it's like the Nazis based their architecture on ancient Roman and Greek architecture or somethin'.
Pavilion for the Paris Expo, design by Robert Esnault-Pelterie
Here's a big one:
Basilica to the Supreme Being called, 1781 design by Étienne-Louis Boullé
Convocation Tower, NYC, 1929 design by Bertrand G. Goodhue
Grande Roma, a project to redevelop Rome in the fashion of the great european cities of the 19th Century, by Marcello Piacentini
egypt is in africa
Design for another Stalinist skyscraper in Moscow.
Winter Garden in Edinburgh, design by John Dick Peddie
Last one:
Proposal for a centric, international and utopian so called "World City", designed by Hendrick Christian Andersen in 1912.
>Lenin was an alien Jew.
>Russian architectural style has absolutely nothing to do with Byzantines
if/when they do, it'll be because "muh slabery"
Maximum comfy