Should the Germanic people be united under the Dutch flag?

Should the Germanic people be united under the Dutch flag?

No! They should be unified under the Luxembourgian flag!

They should be united under the Flemish flag

>Germanic people

>not Liechtenstein's flag

They should be united under the French flag !

All of those except for Quebecois are Germanics in denial.

The Flemish flag looks cooler

>Polish-Preußen union

Holy shit I've been wanting this map forever.

Germanics are Celts in denial

if the Dutch want that, better than under Prussians.

pic related would be God tier though.


Oh God, please no

I'd rather be under Germans than Russians.

I think you are the first Pole on Veeky Forums I met that doesn't hate Germans to death...

Vienna will rule the world btw

I think majority of polacks would rather be under German(not nazi) administration than under Russia.

Germans made Poles hostile towards their country and people by shitty racial policies, with their Prussian Kulturkampf, not to mention Nazi Germany where things were taken to extreme.

Een volmondig "ja"!

Flanders is a NonRegion in a non-country. It's flag is ethereal at best


Pah, the only rightful claim to the holy roman empire is it's one surviving indepdendent principality, who never fell to the scourge of republicanism.





And that's all I have
