In 100 years (if America or the world exists til then), will Obama:
1. be just a mere footnote in history textbooks, like Chester Arthur?
2. have his own chapter in history textbooks, like James Polk?
3. have a unit about him in history textbooks, like Abraham Lincoln?
In 100 years (if America or the world exists til then), will Obama:
Considering America is getting less and less white over the years, Obama will probably get an entire book named.
Librulazion of whitey by a Black Kang: biograppy of Barak Obama
go back to /pol/
None of the above, people in the future won't read.
He is to communism and America what Constantine was to Christianity and Rome
Hopefully erased from history, which is what communists like him deserve
because connotations don't exist
Go back to Africa
Congratulations on posting a false picture.
im white lol. canadian german fuckface
Obama will be remembered because he was the first black (or mixed) president, its mostly a matter if he will be remembered for anything but that
quad checked
Typical low-test leaf
>america being one continent
wrong, north and south are two completely different continents.
I was born in america. canadian and german is my heritage. and it's odd you skipped over german and went right to attacking canadian...
The German part is irrelevant, all Canadians I've met are very weirdly liberal even by our standards as I'm not American myself
Because canadians are fucking stupid.
Im not liberal, i just dont subscribe to the whole "save the white race" bullshit
Ive never even stepped foot in Canada. My dad's father, whom i never met, was canadian
Since we're already breaking the 25 year rule, I wonder how history will remember Trump.
the only reason I asked is because Obama's presidency is over... Trump's isn't so i think it would be getting a little far ahead of ourselves.
Trump could be shot, he could be impeached, we could get in a war and his approval rating could skyrocket, there could be a civil war, etc etc etc
hes one of the smartest presidents you had, you dumb sharters
you kept the face of supporting freedom and democracy while doing the exact if not worse things than trump
negros didnt chimp out either while they didnt have it any better
you can simply not employ mexicans if it matters to you
Depends on how influential Obamacare turns out to be and how long it lasts. Although being the first "black" president automatically makes him more noteworthy than Arthur.
sure but saying "Barack Obama was the first black president" is still a footnote. there's not much more to say
>1. be just a mere footnote in history textbooks, like Chester Arthur?
Obama, first black president.
That'll probably be it.
Depending on how much info gets out on his murder spree in the middle east.
The man bombed the middle east to fuck with drones and no one batted an eye. One of the biggest killers who ever got to be president.
All his smooth talk and flaunting around his more masculine than him build wife helped his public image but man did he do evil shit in his presidency.
>being an anal wat
>being a WRONG anal twat
Tripfags, I swear.
It's not like the rupublicans are better, but holly shit, Obama won a nobel price for his "peacefull" regime and created the most effective machinery of drone warfare ever seen.
please return to your containment board
Definitely footnote tier.
He didn't really do anything.
No major wars or events started or ended during his tenure.
Literally just "he was black and another link of the chain of Democrat-Republican-Democrat-Republican control swing."
>Drone warfare
>with this he paved the way for the ongoing refugee invasio in europe
>didnt really do anything
He did more for the worse in the world and the great W.
I don't understand your mindset. If you think that he's shitty commie, don't you want him to be remembered by History so like that the future generations don't do the same mistake.
>Drone warfare
Nothing that's wouldn't be done and isn't going to be done under other presidents
>with this he paved the way for the ongoing refugee invasio in europe
We are talking American history here, pollack
>didnt really do anything
He didn't. He's a totally forgettable and mediocre president. You're only looking for an excuse to hate him. He didn't even have enough influence to get a true health care reform through. All we got was more of the same except with more corporate and special interest dick sucking.
Germans are even worse, at least Canada didn't have a high point to fall from.
>negros didnt chimp out
What propaganda do you consume?
I'm part Mexican too. any racist comments on that?
What propaganda did you consume?
There were no riots following the trump victory.
I thought you were talking about Obama
>There were no riots following the trump victory
What the fuck are you talking about. Do you actually believe the "The left does not and has never gotten violent?" How many levels of memory hole are you on?
That actually depends on the prevailing attitudes of the time. If we still accept the overreach of Executive Power as an inherent positive, as many historians do today, he'll be viewed as a good president. If, on the other hand, we have come to distrust an Imperial Executive, he'll be viewed as so bad and overreaching that Congress finally took steps to reduce the power of the White House under his successor.
Normies will remember him as the First Black President, slightly more educated normies will remember him as the first Social Media President.
He was and always will be the first non-white president so he will always be more than a footnote.
He will probably not be as relevant as Abe Lincoln or FDR though simply because his term didn't have a crisis that relevant as the civil war or the WW2.
>This person finds my idiotic opinion idiotic
>That mean he must be of African descent!
He's also the first sitting president to win the Nobel Peace Price.
His "Yes We Can" campaign will definetely be remembered.
His term though, not so much. Maybe as the first presidency where government stopped working due to a overly destructive congress.
>He's also the first sitting president to win the Nobel Peace Price
I wouldn't be surprised if this gets swept under the rug, since it doesn't really reflect well on anyone involved.
I wonder though what the quote would be that he will be remembered for. FDR had "Only thing we have to fear is fear itself, JFK had "Ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country", Reagan had "Tear down this wall, Mr Gorbatchov". You'd expect from somebody with his rhetorical talent and charisma to also have a memorable quote, but I can't think of any.
Bin Laden died under him
His decision to get out of Iraq, as well as his Iran deal, and his decision to not intervene in Syria are all pretty big deals and will shape the Middle East for decades. He also took Ukraine out of russian influence (though without Crimea) and heavily sanctioned Russia. His foreign policy will definetely have a big impact. He also started to put the Pacific into the main focus of american foreign policy.
Domestic policy wise he will definetely be remembered as an example of good governance. He had a huge economic crisis on his hands and turned it around despite facing a destructive congress, while introducing Obamacare.
Obama is the kind of president you don't really notice how much impact he had because he acts with a lot of small steps, but he did have a big impact.
>He's also the first sitting president to win the Nobel Peace Price.
while gettimg more people killed than Bush
He had no lasting or memorable accomplishment.
I'm sorry did he say something that made you mad?
Why do you even post?
You're just a cuck then.
If Obama is a communist he is the worst communist ever. Considering how hard he pushed for TPP.
Pick one
This is a history board.
Obama passed that gay marriage thing. That's kind of historical unless you're from /pol/
>u mad bro? XD
gay marriage became legal through the supreme court