I heard that they are culturally much closer to Austrians than Germans, especialy because of catholicism.
Why isnt bavaria part of Austria?
Other urls found in this thread:
because nobility
house of wittelsbach
Austria is just lower germany anyways
They were Austria 2: No Empire Bogaloo so they were too weak to resist the Eternal German.
>Why isnt bavaria part of Austria?
Because Austria broke away from the Bavaria in 976
It is in my Alt-his ;^)
Any Bavarians care to way in on this?
>I heard that they are culturally much closer to Austrians than Germans
Austrians are Germans you tard.
Weight in, not way in.
It's all part of our master plan.
We fucking hate austrians and would rather be independent from the rest of germany.
I meant we rather be completely independent.
Why are we not united with austria?
Political and geographic boarders.
Oh yeah and we hate them even more than all thr other "Saupreißen" pig-purssians (basically every german not living in bavaria)
Are you sure it isn't weigh in? I thought it was weigh, and it makes sense since it is a verb.
Why did you write Saupreißen but not Preußsens?
I'm telling Fritz.
My pig disgusting Franch keyboard makes the Eszett by typing S a bunch really fast, blame those guys.
Germans and Austrians are the same you dense Anglo. Like literaly the same people with a bit difference in culture because of more mountains etc.
All in all, jsut the fucking same
t. half german half austrian
The whore bitch called Otto Von Bismarck is to blame
You take that back you fucking nut.
Bismarck was the greatest german strategic diplomat who ever lived.
Also bitching moustache.
>Why are we not united with austria?
Because other countries would not have accepted it. Austria was powerful and together with Bavaria it would have been the most powerful country in Europe.
Same reason why we could not include Austria in the German Empire, other countries would have declared war on us. (Kleindeutsche and Großdeutsche Lösung)
No one hates Austrians by the way, it's just an old meme. They are slightly more racist Germans who don't speak high German, only dialect and that's it. They also make good music.
>blame those guys
There's nothing I won't blame on the French.
it's bavarian dialect
Why is Austria not part of Germany? It's 2017, all countries that speak the same language (bordering eachother) should be 1 country
>allowing germany to get an even greater hold over europe
They've got enough.
no, they are better you nigger
Why should Bavaria be a part of us when in reality it's we who should be a part of Germany?
>Bismarck was the greatest german strategic diplomat
King of the retards is still a retard
Except not really because it was quite common for a king to not be a national of whatever nation he held the throne in. So in the end you're the retard.
>No one hates Austrians by the way, it's just an old meme.
What are ypu talking about ?
I am bavarian and everyone I know hates austrians.
Because if Austria and Germany are different enough to be distinct, then Bavaria should fall in closer with Austria. This is OP's assertion.
Sometimes countries just get weird additions that make no sense. Why is South Tyrol part of Italy, when it's a treasonous cancer?
>this thread
So what I get is that you krauts hate each other but hate non-krauts even more so you're only united out of hate for everyone else even if that means sharing a country with people you hate?
What we have for most of our history are regional stereotypes. Hanover is apparently a pretty boring place, East Germany a shithole, Schleswig Holstein a drunken rainy coast, at least from what I heard. Austrians are apparently really damn arrogant.
And according to Bismarck, Bavarians where halfway between slavs and humans.
The rhineland is catholic too
What are ypu talking about ?
I am bavarian and no oneI know hates austrians.
You should reconsider your life if you hate someone purely based on what country they are from. We have nearly the same culture and no quarrels at all with Austrians. It's a beautiful country with great food and friendly people.
ka woher der kommt.
This will answer all your questions OP plus you get a quick history lesson on the kraut
Epic post, how can I upvote it?
Why does the German race hate France so much? Anglos, Germans, Flemincs, and who knows how many else. Why must you hate the God approved nation of Europe?
The french are descended from an germanic tribe themselves. Two if you count the burgundians.
Well, the Franks were just Primitive Dutch, so it's german all around. I'm honestly starting to believe that the Celts were just complete untermenschen
Aren´t the Dutch descended from the Frisians along with the Belgians? The Franks from what I remember where from the same coastal region though.
Well the Dutch speaking Belgians are just the same thing as the Dutch. The Dutch Language is descended from the Frankish one, though. Old Dutch is synonymous with Oude Nederfrankische.
München (Monachium) is called "Minga" in "Boarisch".
cool map
The Dutch descended from both Franks and Frisians. Frisia (Friesland) is still a northern Dutch province with it's own language.
i want that to happen
Prussia intervened diplomatically one time, if I recall, to prevent a habsburg inheritance. Don't recall the details, something to do iwth netherlnds.
At the end of the great war a southern Germanic union was thought up to unite Austria and Bavaria.
This was rejected by the british who wanted Bavaria to remain in Germany which would allow it easier access to bavarian markets via the strong trade that the customs union had already created.