Is Nazism the most low IQ ideology?
Is Nazism the most low IQ ideology?
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Any far-left or far-right collectivist authoritarian ideology is for low IQ people.
No. That's democracy OP.
No That's monarchy
Maoism/third worldism has it beat by a country mile
so who's THE centrist of history?
Obama, Clinton, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel would be your best modern examples. Basically support liberal democracy and market capitalism (albeit with a modest welfare state) and globalization.
The true big brain boy rejects both this and right-wing populism in favor of social democracy + modern monetary theory.
IQ is a spook.
I would at least say it's followers tend to be very weakwilled and underachieving
>Alfred Rosenberg
How'd this guy not get gassed?
hello brainlet
probably not, but it's the easiest one to pick
ever seen the IQ of the Nazi top?
Intelligent people wouldn't have lost the war though :)
No, communism is.
Nazism is a close second though.
The future is going to be something more similar to communism though
If out species survive that far
it's a German surname, crypto infiltration tactics 101 silly goy
Keep in mind this was in the mid 40s when the average IQ was 21 points lower than it is today
Oriental or occidental communism? Occidental certainly is not lower than Nazism.
Protip: Yids Germanified their names to try to fit in better, not vice versa.
It's posted above. Most hillarious thing is that the smartest one is not even a Nazi.
>hitler is not on the list
tfw the fuhrer was a brainlet
Nope, Christianity is. These days Christianity is called Flat Earth movement.
It painful how stupid people, who do read and buy stuff, can be.
That is so stupid. You can be intelligent and have wrong or arbitrary presumptions.
If their IQs were so high then how come they were so stupid?
I like how the highest scoring guy is Hjalmar Schact who opposed Nazi economic insanity and got sacked for it
Actually communism which purges the cognitive elite because lolnurture>nature.
t. American
A lot of Ashkenazi Jews have German surnames. Surnames that end with -berg, -stein and -man are German, not Jewish.
>Streicher was the dumbest one
Not surprising
>Speer had lower IQ than Goering
No, the guy is right. While -berg names aren't uncommon among ethnic Germans, ROSENBERG is pretty much a typical Ashkenazi surname. He was even suspected of being a Jew during his lifetime.
I'm susprised Speer is even that high, the guy was an idiot.
Three-way tie with communism and religious jihadism, all the way at the bottom.
Why do you think so?
Every single architectural project he developed turned out to be brainlet tier. I'm not really sure why you're surprised Goering was smart, even today a high score on IQ test is a requirement for becoming a fighter pilot, and he was one of best aces of WW1.
He is based
Nope. Any Socialism/Communism is.
No, the most low IQ is blindly following the dominant ideology like a lemming, no matter what it is, usually because it doesn't require thinking and it's the comfortable thing to do. I mean the "liberal democracy is the best because a liberal democratic party is in charge right now and my liberal democratic university professor says it's the best system!" types. And I'm not even criticizing liberal democracy per se, you can apply the same shit to fascism or communism.
>architectura brainlet
I tought that he just adapted to Hitler's megalomania.
He had some good points, but seriously, return to paleolithic?
I don't know about the most low IQ ideology, but the most high IQ ideology is objectively Islamism. Scientists, engineers and physician are massively overrepresented among Islamist movements. See:
Yes, keep giving me your shekels proletarian!
Is there any source for these "nazi IQ scores"?
>tfw we'll never know what Hitler, Himmler or Goebbels IQ was
feels kind of bad desu, also the smartest Nazi was purged and imprisoned in Dachau in 1943 kek
That sounds fine and dandy but then why was it the west that has lead the world, also why is it the west that regularly wins nobel prizes in stem?
>his predictions and observations are some of the most accurate
Sure thing my libfrend, and the mob rule aka democracy is the most high IQ.
I remember reading a study that showed high I.Q. people have a tendency towards extremism whether Islamism, White Nationalism, or Communism, contrary to popular belief that only "losers" would adopt these views the study found that the highly educated are drawn to such views for whatever reason.
That's because you're a libtard and a cuck who doesn't understand that life does not forgive the weak. You have to be strong and fit. Before you say, " oh but the Nazis lost" listen cuck they were going to win but they were backstabbed at home. They were still based. On the contrary national socialism was for winners not for low IQ foreigners.
>On the contrary national socialism was for winners not for low IQ foreigners.
But they didn't win.
>Is Nazism the most low IQ ideology?
Judaic "theocracy" is probably the single stupidest political system in history - at least among literate peoples.
No, communism is worse
Best one I've seen
Germans are such a superior race, even the mentally challenged had IQ's of 120.
>Before you say, " oh but the Nazis lost" listen cuck they were going to win but they were backstabbed at home.
lmao it doesnt fucking matter they lost and they were idiots for allowing themselves to get "backstabbed" whatever the fuck that means
>flies alone to britain in secret without telling anyone
>gets arrested
>makes hitler look like a shithead for keeping such a retarded slobbering sycophant by him all those years.
>forced to make propaganda that hesse is mentally ill
>brings up questions why hitler was hanging out with a mentally ill person and giving him such huge responsibilities, after he had just killed 100k mentally ill people in asylums
He was insane though. Not all fascists are insane, just dumb.
Corruption and arrogance blinded him during the war. He severely underestimated every enemy and had more blunders than anyone because he let his wish to be the only one responsible for taking Dunkirk and let a good opportunity go to waste. Cared more about looting than the actual direction of his Luftwaffe as well.
Dwight Eisenhower.
They were intelligent, but weak willed men who let jingoism and blood lust get ahold of their decision making abilities. Even Hitler, who was a drugged out nut himself, wasn't the bumbling retard everyone says he was.
The worst part is that he actually thought he could make a peace deal with them.
The leaders of the party should be the cream of the crop in terms of intelligence. The fact that some of them aren't even above 120 is what's hilarious. Like out of the entire party they couldn't scrape together more than 18 somewhat intelligent Nazis.
So basically you agree with Hitler and Goebbels in that every last German should've fought until they were dead. Not even the Japanese went that far. They 9/11'ed ships en mass, and even they knew when to just give up. Your based Germany did the right thing by not fighting until there was no Germany. Now you have a bustling Fourth Reich behind Bundeskanzlerin Merkel.
And? They all look like subhuman propaganda poster they despised.
he was asking why goering had higher IQ than speer though. all those things you say confirm goering as low iq monkey grasping for riches
>Even Hitler, who was a drugged out nut himself, wasn't the bumbling retard everyone says he was.
he was pretty fucking close. reading hitler biographies without fail every scene with him meeting people goes something like "hitler mad e 2 hour rambling monologue of the same recycled garbage he said the other thousand conversations" or "hitler went into a mad fit and started shouting and yelling and took a deep hatred of this particular person he met who was acting reasonably but who hitler couldn't come up with good arguments against and he felt inferior to"
Not everyone is up there. Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, Rommel, Goebbels, Bormann aren't on there because they were dead. Who knows what they were.
Nah, ancaps are worse.
And yet, even after boring everyone to death, he was able to lift an entire national party, out of dozens of the same parties, to prominence and become and absolute dictator of a nation. Being an evil narcissist doesn't mean you're not intelligent. Its not like any retard can just come in and do what he did, he was never even properly elected with an outright majority. There was even a period of time where it looked like they won the war, but their arrogance in crucial circumstances fucked everything up. You can be intelligent and an emotional fool at the same time. Same goes with Goring, where once again the WW1 era Luftwaffe didn't just let any retard become a top pilot.
It's only second to communism in its encouragement of complacency and mindless conformism, so yes.
>he was able to lift an entire national party
not his work
>out of dozens of the same parties
he did absolutely nothing. it all fell into his lap. the only thing he had going for him was obstinacy and his unwillingness to take a political stance so he wouldn't get bogged down in politics. his totally emptiness of ideas he hid under the mystique of the "hitler cult" that wasn't even his own creation, but what other people projected onto him. It also helped that his ban from politics after his Putsch made him absent from the severe struggles in the volkisch nationalis movement
>to prominence and become and absolute dictator of a nation
let's get some facts straight. he had almost no serious political support before the Depression. he had no credibility after his failed putsch in 1923 except among extremists. He was responsible for almost NONE of the electoral success of the Nazis. That was entirely Strasser and the party apparatus he created. Hitler played nearly no part in the party's success nor did he even appoint the best people. He hated work; he did none and was found most of his day in the cafe surrounded by sycophants which he gave his rambling monologues too. He only cared about speeches and propaganda and even this fell on empty ears after his speaking ban was lifted and the Depression didn't happen yet.
>Being an evil narcissist doesn't mean you're not intelligent.
Sure, it need not be related to intelligence. But hitler was all narcissism and obstinacy. He nonetheless could be perceptive but that was rare. He mostly stumbled into where he was through luck.
>Its not like any retard can just come in and do what he did
I think the fact that he was a failed artist and police spy after WWI shows that, indeed, he did fall into this position.
>he was never even properly elected with an outright majority.
because of conservative power politics. the conservatives chose him in the end because they thought they could control him.
Lots of the -berg names are actually german names that the jews took on.
In Rosenbergs case he was an exception and was deemed a worthy jew.
(yes plenty of jews around the natsoc state. Even in the SS. but no one tells you that right)
The delusion grandeur.
This is such a lefty board its unbelievable. Nobody can talk about ww2 without either poltards or leftie faggots sperging out.
The soviets were as bad or even worse at times as the nazis. Allies did horrible things to POWs and while they fought against racism and genocide there were hundreds of black people being lynched in the US for being black.
Think about that double think.
What a giant load of bullshit.
>There was even a period of time where it looked like they won the war,
It was doomed from the outset, buoyed by a few lucky victories that were huge gambles on hitler's part
>but their arrogance in crucial circumstances fucked everything up.
examples? the whole idea was arrogance to begin with, arrogance born by the early gambles that hitler made over the rhineland, austria, czechslovakia, poland and france.
>You can be intelligent and an emotional fool at the same time.
agreed, but a really intelligent person would have a degree of self-mastery over his emotions
>Goring, where once again the WW1 era Luftwaffe
flying and looking over the macroeconomic situation of a complex industrial society are two different things entirely.
not an argument
>there were hundreds of black people being lynched in the US for being black.
> literally whataboutism
>there were hundreds of black people being lynched in the US for being black.
The difference is that was at least nominally a crime, rather than something the state systematically carried out.
> Rosenbergs
he was a fucking baltic german
>yes plenty of jews around the natsoc state.
yes because jews had already lived in germany for centuries idiot. they didn't just disappear, though the nazis did that within a decade as it so happened.
>Even in the SS.
they absolutely weren't. maybe half jews and certainly quarter jews, but even then SS was all about your geneology so I highly doubt that. Youre also totally neglecting the fact that SS slaughtered hundreds of thousands of jews by firing squad, which is a big fucking difference from a few SS of jewish descent.
> but no one tells you that right
because its besides the fucking point and is a sideshow in what actually happened. Those exceptions prove the rule anyway because it shows you that either racial laws were harshest to full jews with some leniency for 1/2 jews and nearly no persecution for 1/4 jews and more diluted.
>blocks your path
germans and jews are the same people
There are certainly worse.
Why so salty?
>radical centrist.jpg
Fascism would have had a philosophical tradition as rich as anarchism or liberalism if it had first been tried 50 years from when it was first formed
Man this guy was a bust, surprise surprise, the media hype didn't hold up.
You're right, Marxists are worse.
>but even then SS was all about your geneology
Explain the African SS units, then.
The average iq at the time was 21 points below what is it today. Having over 100 is pretty elite
Hitler definitely was a brainlet, just take a look at this low IQ art.
not defending that one guy but the Nobel prize is hardly an objective study of achievement
Literally NOTHING to do with history.
Non-nobility monarchists are litteraly cucks. Noble monarchists are just parasites.
>A former teacher recalled that Ribbentrop "was the most stupid in his class, full of vanity and very pushy""
>Joseph Goebbels expressed a common view when he confided to his diary that "Von Ribbentrop bought his name, he married his money and he swindled his way into office"
>One German diplomat later recalled that "Ribbentrop didn't understand anything about foreign policy. His sole wish was to please Hitler".[28] In particular, Ribbentrop acquired the habit of listening carefully to what Hitler was saying, memorizing his pet ideas, and then later presenting Hitler's ideas as his own
>Ribbentrop informed Hitler that all elements of British society wished for closer ties with Germany. His report delighted Hitler, causing him to remark that Ribbentrop was the only person who told him "the truth about the world abroad".[43] Because the Foreign Office's diplomats were not so sunny in their appraisal of the prospects for an alliance, Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler increased
>Ribbentrop's time in London was marked by an endless series of social gaffes and blunders that worsened his already poor relations with the British Foreign Office.
>Ribbentrop often displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of British politics and society. During the abdication crisis of December 1936, Ribbentrop reported to Berlin that it had been precipitated by an anti-German Jewish-Masonic-reactionary conspiracy to depose Edward (whom Ribbentrop represented as a staunch friend of Germany), and that civil war would soon break out in Britain between the supporters of the king and those of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. Ribbentrop's civil-war statements were greeted with incredulity by those British people who heard them
>Ribbentrop had a habit of summoning tailors from the best British firms, making them wait for hours, then sending them away without seeing him but with instructions to return the next day, only to repeat the process. This did immense damage to his reputation in British high society, as London's tailors retaliated by telling all their well-off clients that Ribbentrop was impossible to deal with.[28] In an interview, his secretary Reinhard Spitzy stated "He [Ribbentrop] behaved very stupidly and very pompously and the British don't like pompous people."[28] In the same interview, Spitzy called Ribbentrop "pompous, conceited and not too intelligent", and stated he was an utterly insufferable man to work for.
>Ribbentrop chose to spend as little time as possible in London in order to stay close to Hitler, which irritated the British Foreign Office immensely, as Ribbentrop's frequent absences prevented the handling of many routine diplomatic matters.[67] (Punch referred to him as the "Wandering Aryan" for his frequent trips home.)[68] As Ribbentrop alienated more and more people in Britain, Göring warned Hitler that Ribbentrop was a "stupid ass".[28] Hitler dismissed Göring's concerns: "[b]ut after all, he knows quite a lot of important people in England." This remark led Göring to reply "Mein Führer, that may be right, but the bad thing is, they know him."
>In November 1937, Ribbentrop was placed in a highly embarrassing situation, when his forceful advocacy of the return of the former German colonies led to an offer to open talks on returning the former German colonies, in return for which the Germans would make binding commitments to respect their borders in central and eastern Europe.[83] Ribbentrop was forced to turn down the Anglo-French offer that he had largely brought about. Immediately after turning down the offer, Ribbentrop, for reasons of pure malice, ordered the Reichskolonialbund to increase the agitation for the former German colonies, a move that exasperated both the Foreign Office and the Quai d'Orsay.[84]
>Ribbentrop's inability to achieve the alliance that he had been sent to conclude frustrated him, as he feared it could cost him Hitler's favour, and it made him a bitter Anglophobe.[85] As the Italian Foreign Minister, Count Galeazzo Ciano, noted in his diary in late 1937, Ribbentrop had come to hate Britain with all the "fury of a woman scorned".[86] Ribbentrop (and Hitler for that matter) never understood that British foreign policy aimed at the appeasement of Germany, not an alliance.[87]
>Believing himself to be in a state of disgrace with Hitler over his failure to achieve the British alliance, Ribbentrop spent December 1937 in a state of depression, and wrote two lengthy documents for Hitler denouncing Britain.[84] In the first of his two reports to Hitler, which was presented on 2 January 1938, Ribbentrop stated that "England is our most dangerous enemy"
>Ciano complained in his diary that his arguments "had no effect" on Ribbentrop, who simply refused to believe any information that did not fit in with his preconceived notions.[165] Despite Ciano's efforts to persuade Ribbentrop to put off the attack on Poland until 1942, so as to allow the Italians time to get ready for war, Ribbentrop was adamant that Germany had no interest in a diplomatic solution of the Danzig question and only wanted a war to wipe Poland off the map.[165] The Salzburg meeting marked the moment when Ciano's dislike of Ribbentrop was transformed into outright hatred, and of the beginning of his disillusionment with the pro-German foreign policy that he had championed up to that time
>On 25 August 1939, Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler wavered for a moment when the news reached Berlin of the ratification of the Anglo-Polish military alliance and a personal message from Mussolini telling Hitler that Italy would dishonour the Pact of Steel if Germany attacked Poland.[181] This was especially damaging to Ribbentrop, as he always assured Hitler that "Italy's attitude is determined by the Rome-Berlin Axis"
>When on the morning of 3 September 1939 Chamberlain followed through with his threat of a British declaration of war if Germany attacked Poland, a visibly shocked Hitler asked Ribbentrop "Now what?", a question to which Ribbentrop had no answer except to state that there would be a "similar message" forthcoming from the French Ambassador Robert Coulondre, who arrived later that afternoon to present the French declaration of war. Weizsäcker later recalled that "On 3 Sept., when the British and French declared war, Hitler was surprised, after all, and was to begin with, at a loss". The British historian Richard Overy wrote that what Hitler thought he was starting in September 1939 was only a local war between Germany and Poland, and his decision to do so was largely based on a vast underestimate of the risks of a general war.
>On 1 March 1940, Ribbentrop received Sumner Welles, the American Under-Secretary of State, who was on a peace mission for President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and did his best to abuse his American guest. Welles reported to Roosevelt that Ribbentrop had a "completely closed and very stupid mind".[203] On 10 March 1940, Ribbentrop visited Rome to meet with Mussolini, who promised him that Italy would soon enter the war.[204] For his one-day Italian trip, Ribbentrop was accompanied by a staff of thirty-five, including a gymnastics coach, a masseur, a doctor, two hairdressers, plus various legal and economic experts from the Foreign Office.[205] After the Italo-German summit at the Brenner Pass on 18 March 1940, which was attended by Hitler and Mussolini, Count Ciano wrote in his diary: "Everyone in Rome dislikes Ribbentrop"