How much bullshit was Deadliest Warrior?
How much bullshit was Deadliest Warrior?
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It was such total bs, like all American tv lol
Also God's not real xD
>Comparing IRA and Spetsnaz sniper rifles accuracy
>Guy testing the SVD is former Spetsnaz who trains with weapons regularly
>Guy testing the G3 is the Irish grandson of Michael Collins with 0 weapons experience
>Michael Collin's grandson misses one shot against the fucking former Spetsnaz operator
>Nunchuck vs Baseball bat
Sources: S2E1 and S1E5
It's entertaining and all but fuck a lot of it is straight up bullshit
They had george washington and joan of arc winning against napoleon and william the conquerer, what the fuck do you think?
To be fair, George Washington's saber mastery probably means more than Napoleon's superior generalship when you have a 4vs4 fight.
You tell me
...As like a team?
My granddad always told me to be careful with what you show your brain and allow into your thoughts. This is one of those things you should not see.
Forgot it was only 4v4, I guess you're right on that front. Still, old guard would have shit all over burger rebels.
Nah, washington vs bonaparte, william vs joan
The only time Americans ever lost was Green Beret vs. Spetsnaz
Teddy Roosevelt fucking beat Lawrence of Arabia after taking a round of .303
wow, just wow
I cant even
They said Washington was better than Napoleon
Nuff said
>Testing non-lethal weapons
>Stinger grenades are gay because they didn't kill anyone
Good joke
Napoleon actually killed enemies (British soldiers) in hand-to-hand combat during the Siege of Toulon (and got wounded to the thigh with a bayonet)
I seriously doubt Washington the aristocrat immediatly ranked upon joining the army ever fought in close quarters (or fought himself at all for what matters)
washington was actually pretty brave he has a few stories of heroic leadership
Yeah, stuff like standing within reach of the enemy's fire maybe
But I doubt he ever killed anyone
>pirate takes flail to the face from charging mounted knight
>gets back up
>can run straight
I remember one thing from Vietcong and SS episode.
It may be a little detail but I laughed my ass off when that vc guerilla managed to shoot down a Huey helicopter by spraying from his submachine pistol all over the sky
I also remember it. The SS guys said something like "Those traps are not honourable. You would get killed for doing that in the SS."
>shooting down a helicopter with a machine pistol
Don't seem like a little detail to me, user
Yeah but the SS team were the biggest fucking LARPers ever on the show
>One of the SS weapons is a fucking MP28
>Another is a C96
I'm sure they were pressed into service, considering the severe lack of equipment on the german side.
No I mean the "experts" they called in, they were LARPing like all fuck turning up in SS uniforms and everything
Don't all of the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""(((((experts))))"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" do that though?
Never to that degree, it'd be like if the Samurai team were in armour for the whole episode
>british documentary
>american documentary
Joan would win against William as she has God on her side. But yeah, Washington winning against Napoopan was such horseshit.
m8 william won his war and got burned at the stake, if anybody had god on his side it was the bastard
*didnt get burned at the stake
I'm just shitting you. Joan wouldn't even physically kill another person
Is that true? Did she refrain from stabbing bongs?
She was in the thick of things (she was shot in the shoulder with a bolt from a crossbow) but she wasn't this Xena like warrior dicing up Englishmen left and right.
>thinking Napoleon had a chance
manlets when will they learn
>manlets can't be good at wa-
100 kills for every foot of height
He must be 7 feet then
he's got 538 kills afaik
literally a glorified cheerleader that got hit with a bolt once while she was cheerleading in the back
please stop mansplaining me
we're talking about war, its impossible not to mansplain something that only men can relate to and understand.
Even today bitches get all the easy safe jobs in the military.
Yeah, but she had magic Anglo defeating powers. William would have seized up and died on the spot if it was 1V1, or his army would have been routed if arms were in play. Joanie doesn't lose
well memed, friend
It's true
nuh uh
William was French user
>inb4 Normans aren't frogs
God would recognize the difference. Plus, Deadliest Warrior pits fighting forces against one another, and Charles VII's army had cannons, so that's already game over for Bastard Bill
Its 5v5 combat, there aren't enough dudes to man a fucking cannon
Still leaning Charles VII here, due to weapons technology and armor, even if Jehanne herself is a liability
In Deadliest Warrior one man is enough to man to a cannon, or a catapult
This hurts my brain. Why does my country have such shitty television programs and documentaries? It's like the shows are literally designed to dumb down the population.
if it was 1v1 william would rape joan tbqh
It's SPIKE TV dude, what else are they going to put on?
more "thousand ways to die" episodes. I like getting high and watching them.
No, this is something that is typical of most American television, particularly documentaries nowadays. They are filled of flashing lights, strange flashing pictures that occur for one second or so during scene changes, dramatic and unfitting music, and outright idiots in charge of production.
At 5v5 it's basically anyone's game, though. At that point, tech and tactics don't matter, except maybe armor.
But it answered the greatest question faced by modern historians
what the fuck nigger
Ironically it's one of the more credible ones because the "experts" aren't just professional LARPers and have written books about the subject
This was so fucking stupid. Why wouldn't the vampires just turn into mist like they're supposed to and go up a drain to avoid the zombies?
Washington was also a 6 foot 2 wrestling champion.
Was he boss of the gym?
Fuck you!
because that would be fucking boring. What are you, some sort of fucking queer?
Redubs of Takeshi's Castle?
Excellent taste, I enjoy masturbating to a few.
They do put a ton of TNA in there, that show is such ameritrash
The episode where the roastie chokes on the cucumber is kino. As is the episode where the girl cuts herself by masturbating with a carrot and dies
Nah, they just accidentally cater to my fetishes.
Right you are Ken.
Where did they even get DPRK special forces experts?
They got a "tactics expert" (whatever the fuck that means), a former SK officer and a former US intelligence guy, surely great experts on the hermit states special forces
Why did those special forces have absolutely no fucking combat knives? Why did the DPRK have rifles without stocks?
Because they didn't test for knives, dummy, everyone knows soldiers only have 4 weapons allowed when at war
Why didn't they have sidearms and more than one magazine of ammunition?
They were only allowed to have a carbine, a scoped rifle, an explosive and their fists. But don't worry, they accounted for their training and other shit with a number out of 100 that will give only the most accurate results
You mean the training that ensured that both squads immediately lose all rationality and split up during a firefight while assaulting a fixed position?
>Full Plate vs Chainmail
I miss mxc
>woman vs man
He would beat her naked, which saves him the trouble of having to take off his clothes when he starts raping her.
>5'10" swordmaster vs some peasant with really good oration skills
A rare case of the French and English seeing eye to eye.
5'10" was probably giant back then desu. Especially considering Joan would have been a peaseant and therefore been stunted.
height doesnt matter. Bitches cant fight worth a damn, especially before the age of steroids. An adult woman is legitimately less of a threat than a 15 year old boy.
>That episode where a Gatling gun beats a Vickers
I really miss this shows unique brand of Americentrism
Incas were superior to europeans, you don't think an american invention would be superior to a european one? ;)
I'd assume they'd use a M1895 instead of a weapon 30 years obsolete tbqh fampai
kek except this was spot on
vickers a shit
At least it isn't fucking horse drawn, and capable of being moved into position by just 4 men
You are doing it wrong.
that time samuri beat a knight. with their shitty pig iron swords
I dont think knights ever fought samurai on the show. Vikings and samurai fought though
Too stupid to take seriously, not stupid enough to find outrageously entertaining.
Too bad Veeky Forumsfags weren't writing the scripts, we could've come up with some funny shit like a nine month pregnant Anne Frank armed with a Bowie fighting William T. Sherman atop an erupting volcano fueled by the souls of millions of dead Germans sacrificed to please the fire god, Bomber Harris himself.
yeah you're right , realized my mistake. but still vikings with steal weapons and Armour. unless they are a berserk filled with rage, adrenaline and some sort of drugs
stamford bridge viking vs 5 samurai
Who wins? No dickshots allowed.
I just came up with a few more ideas.
Judges Roger Taney and Roland Freisler beat each other to death with gavels
Ulysses S. Grant and Georgy Zhukov fight with broken beer bottles
Obese Bugs Bunny and Max Stirner duel with 12-gauge shotguns
William T. Sherman and Bomber Harris fight with flamethrowers
Colossus of Rhodes and Statue of Liberty fistfight
Nazi Germany in 1941 fights 1914 Soviet Unions
Charles II and Simo Hayha shoot at each other from a mile away with .50 caliber sniper rifles
Anne Frank and Joan of Arc (both nine months pregnant) duel with USMC M1859 NCO Swords
Anaconda Alexander Hamilton fights the Pwease No Steppy Snake on the Gadsen flag
Robert E. Lee and Erwin Rommel duel with sabers
The Romanov sisters (all nine months pregnant) fight the Goebbels children