Yeah yeah all communists are insane I know, but what in particular made the Chinese communist party do retarded shit like trying to carry out a holocaust against sparrows and having peasants manufacture shit in their back yards?
Why were the Chinese communists so insane?
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The Soviets weren't even better during their early years. It's dangerous to get it in your head that you are 100% correct and that anybody who says otherwise is a reactionary trying to undermine your authority.
This is the nature of "revolutionary" people, at a certain point their desire to change the status quo transcends their actual desire to bring about positive change, which is why you have "progressives" in the first world trying to give hormone blockers to children so they can "choose their gender", because to such people progress, revolution, change, it matters more than what actually produces the best results. They always try to battle nature and they always lose, ultimately.
Yeah but did the Soviets ever get the idea that fucking insects and small animals were reactionaries?
China didn't have the necessary cultural background for Communism. It was a traditional society based on order and obedience, and so when they encountered Marx they started losing their minds, because Marx (and Mao) basically said that the entire way the Chinese people had been doing things for thousands of years was wrong and evil. For Communism to work in China, everything had to be destroyed, because otherwise it would utterly fail.
Because maoism is fanatic as fuck
But the same shit didn't really happen in Korea or Vietnam, did it?
"""""""chinese characteristics""""""""
because communist is a Muhammadist like religion. It does nothing but breed bat shit insane dogmatism and zealous all in the name of achieving the marxist utopia
yes but maoism is more fanatic then the other tendencies of marxism, the third worldism is practically a "jihad" against the "firth world bourgeois".
And this is pretty much why they've totally abandoned communism now, right?
State capitalism is actually a much better economic system for China.
This. Theres almost no real example to compare it to today. It must have been so fucking weird to at least feel like you were literally waking up from the fucking matrix
No, they were busy declaring genetics in agriculture as anti-revolutionary
Chinese characteristics
Because the US would never elect a crazy fascist maniac to lead them haha
Natural communist insanity + Natural Chinese insanity = a bumpy ride
This has nothing to do with the OP at all, /leftypol/. Stop shitting up our board and go back to your containment zone.
Soviets (and chinese in some level) were advised by this jackass in "revolutionary agriculture techniques".
Change of social composition as a result of the KMT purges, long march, and Mao's rectification movement. It went from urban workers and intelligentsia to peasants and impoverished petty nobles.
Afterwards, during the really horrible policies, Mao was insecure about receiving criticism or bad news so no one was willing to deliver it, lest they find themselves lacking their head. This was double whammy, as it meant *no one* actually told Mao his policies were hot garbage, and when he went touring the country they set up potemkin villages. Not for tourists, but their national leader.
The worst part is that the party officials who said "this stuff is hot garbage" ended up getting lynched during the cultural revolution.
Pol Pot was not a Maoist. Tell a khmer nationalist that he's a maoist and he'll execute you, if he can.
>The Khmer Rouge were heavily influenced by Maoism,[18] the French Communist Party and the writings of Marx and Lenin.
>The Khmer Rouge of Cambodia is said to have been a replica of the Maoist regime.
>Unitary agrarian-socialist Maoist one-party totalitarian dictatorship
>“To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss.”
Welll...out of al socialist experiments chinese is thecmost succsesful
N-no they weren't REAL maoists th-though
So the REAL maoism happened just in China, right?
>abandon socialism, saying "yeah we'll figure it out later we're not ready any time soon"
>a successful experiment in socialism
>heavily influenced by maoism
insofar as every asian nationalist without yet control of a state took mao's concept of peoples war ad verbatim
>The Khmer Rouge of Cambodia is said to have been a replica of the Maoist regime.
on the grounds that the BBC called it maoist in passing.
"real" maoism is for actually maoists, the guys who are very explicit in just how maoist they are.
I mean. what exactly do you think maoism is, compared to other political forms?
This, basically. The Chinese were stupidly authoritarian to begin with, and then they were hit by a dogmatic ideology that didn't really work.
Man, maoism is about agrarian rebirth and constant revolution, Pol pol's regime tried to imitate mao's cultural revolution (with a more extreme fanatism) and even had China support until they realized about the disaster this asshole did in his country.
This. They literally thought that if they needed rice, an existing field of corn would immediately evolve into rice to meet the needs of the Soviet people.
>With no personal knowledge of metallurgy, Mao encouraged the establishment of small backyard steel furnaces in every commune and in each urban neighborhood.
>Huge efforts on the part of peasants and other workers were made to produce steel out of scrap metal. To fuel the furnaces, the local environment was denuded of trees and wood taken from the doors and furniture of peasants' houses. Pots, pans, and other metal artifacts were requisitioned to supply the "scrap" for the furnaces so that the wildly optimistic production targets could be met. Many of the male agricultural workers were diverted from the harvest to help the iron production as were the workers at many factories, schools, and even hospitals. Although the output consisted of low quality lumps of pig iron which was of negligible economic worth, Mao had a deep distrust of intellectuals who could have pointed this out and placed his faith in the power of the mass mobilization of the peasants.
>Moreover, the experience of the intellectual classes following the Hundred Flowers Campaign silenced those aware of the folly of such a plan. According to his private doctor, Li Zhisui, Mao and his entourage visited traditional steel works in Manchuria in January 1959 where he found out that high quality steel could only be produced in large-scale factories using reliable fuel such as coal. However, he decided not to order a halt to the backyard steel furnaces so as not to dampen the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses. The program was only quietly abandoned much later in that year.
Can someone explain this to me? I'm flabbergasted every time I read it. You don't have to be some fancy imperialist pigdog intellectual to realise you can't get good steel from reclaimed low grade iron. Why didn't he just ask peasants if this would work, if he trusted them so much?
>executed for crying over a dead friend
How do the Nazis even compare?
All chinese are insane as well.
>gazillion civilians eaten.jpg
this sort of stuff convinces me that China is still falsifying a lot of markers of economic progress and will never overtake the West. Paper tiger
>human bonding is a spook comrade.
I am not sure one who is sane can find much logic in Mao's actions, he really was just plain nuts. That's totalitarian commie dictators for ya.
But, if I had to guess I'd say it could be his ego was too big/fragile/both that he didn't want to be seen as needing help. If you notice, he was satisfied that the peasants were "enthusastically" working. Doesn't seem he cared whether or not what they were doing would actually be viable, he was just exerting his power.
The Chinese in general are just insane.
That sounds like counter-revolutionary talk comrade. Please report to the nearest police station for re-education.
It's not a spook if it's in your self-interest
He needs to put himself the hat of shame
But we haven't yet so...
Also Mao wasn't elected. He just killed the competition.
>Abandoning socialism for capitalism is successful socialism
Really makes you think.
The chinese are not people.
Commies citing Stirner is sort of ironic tbqh.
Socialism is a mental illness.
Then what is people
Truly deserving of physical removal.
fuck the book written by his doctor is so good
Trump isn't even fascist, he's just retarded
M8 if you say hello to a khmer nationalist there's a good chance he'll fucking behead you
sure is 1984 in here, holy shit. Also, why are they quoting stirner? Isn't he the biggest ancap on the face of the earth?
I'd say Stirner is in a world of his own, he's neither commie, nor capitalist, or ancap. That or perhaps I'm misunderstanding what he means by "Union of Egoists", might wanna read up on that
Stirner didn't want legal constraints so shit like the NAP and whatnot don't go well with him.
what the heck does this mean
>Lysenko: just freeze your seeds to achieve frost resistance. Evolution is a bourgeois concept.
>Stalin: makes sense to me, you are in charge now.
It did
>collecting those quotes
>not collecting the one where he said he was against scared socialism, not socialism
The entire reason why he distanced himself from those Hegelians and Marx coz they were speaking and arguing like right wingers, not coz he disargee with him per se
>“Egoism, as Stirner uses it, is not opposed to love nor to thought; it is no enemy of the sweet life of love, nor of devotion and sacrifice; it is no enemy of intimate warmth, but it is also no enemy of critique, nor of socialism, nor, in short, of any actual interest. It doesn’t exclude any interest. It is directed against only disinterestedness and the uninteresting; not against love, but against sacred love, not against thought, but against sacred thought, not against socialists, but against sacred socialists, etc.” – Stirner’s Critics
Huh, you're probably too stupid to understand marxism :)
>treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity
Wait, what? Was /pol/ right? I thought this kind of people were meme inventions
Those beings really exists, man
They exist, it's just no one gives a shit about them, their forums are basically LARP clubs
marxism really is a mental poison that causes people to disappear up their own ass
These "revolutionaries" don't realize that any actual Marxist would execute them, right?
The gay left is one of the most unique and fascinating political movements I've ever seen. They're so radicalized that they think gay marriage should be banned for being a bourgeois construct.
They served well their purpose.
Taiwan is decent.