What kind of cool historical tattoos are available for white people, and which ones are off the table?

What kind of cool historical tattoos are available for white people, and which ones are off the table?

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Medieval imagery. Celtic and Anglo art. Russian mob art if you never plan on going to Russia


Jannisary orta sigils.

Because most of us literally descend from multiple countries. I have an Italian grandparent, an Irish grandparent, A Polish grandparent, and a German grandparent

My rule is to pick one that your last name is. Even if I have Spanish or Cossacks blood in me, I'll use English or Anglo saxon imagery because my surname. My rule, doesn't have to be yours, but I think it's a good idea

>muh heritage muthafucka



>white people


If you're going for something "white", remember that in Europe white people think mostly in ethnic terms. Don't get a Celtic if you're a fucking slav. At the very least, make sure that the symbol you choose is from a culture you are related to by at most, your grandparents. Don't use something because your great grandparents were from that place

*Celtic Cross

I've missed you

It's even worse when every European ethnic category is just chalked down to Anglo, not just White. Anglo is just one group from Europe, and arguably, overseas former colonies.

Well, I think you're whi-


Get out.

If you go by Asian rules, only your patriline has any bearing on your ethnicity.

i am basque then... what exactly basques do?

Any kind of oldschool tattoos, just google it it is a style of its own.
I personaly would do Vlad Tepes in that style, with some turks on stakes behind him.

They commit acts of terror, while wearing berets

Something like this?

More or less, only having his head bit smaller without that fucking playing card look, with blood red sunset behind him and with forest of spikes behind him.

That or some IJN ship with rising sun flag and some Zeros in the air also done in oldschool style.

Fuck meant to reply to you

Sounds interesting. I like military stuff done in the American traditional style.


Also they fuck orcs womenz

Bomb people and spell everything with X and H

Nice, that would explain my childhood attraction to terrorism.
Now how ugly are these orc womans?

race is made up, ethnic lumping will never end, suck it up or start wearing blackface


Not sure who you are talking about but you need to be more specific. This is wrong

Say what you will about Japanese art but it's very well suited to tattoos. The Yakuza have a good thing going there

Great question! I'd like to know too. I don't want to look like a nazi...


Which is funny because East Asian culture detests tattoos since the Sinic-influenced cultures there believed only barbarians and branded criminals had them.

something like this

What would you say about Japanese art other than it being dope as fuck?


Pro-Basque expert.

this mabie?

You're just american. Get a washington tattoo or whatever. Your ancestors betrayed their heritage when they moved to the USA.

You're not basque if you have to ask what basques do.

The japanese used to have tattoos without any stigma. Butbwell japanese are barbarians.

Tattoos are a bit un-white by themselves to be honest.


kill yourself you faggot

don't get a tattoo about your "heritage" if you don't know fuck all about your heritage


That's amazing desu

>getting tattoos
I disapprove but do what you gotta do

Could see if you have a family crest. Youd be surprised how many european names actually do

Shit that is awesome

its not all one family, unless you strongly know your lineage you could be using a completely different family's crest. the only thing in common that you have with them is the same spelling of a last name

Never trust the internet but its alleged from zwolen, which is about 10km from the village my great grandpa came from.

Details were always kind of sketchy since he deserted in ww1, ran away to canada and didnt like to talk about it

It seems plausible at least to me, and worst case ive stolen a minor polish noble families crest and I'm a-ok with that

Just pick any culture you like and get a tattoo about a cultural story/myth/legend that you like.

She can work my forge any day.


Hes right if referring to japan

Go with something Greco-Roman. All Europeans get a claim to it in one way or another.

A gorgoneion tattoo would be sick, if you're man enough.

>Tattooing a child soldier

Africa tier

Congratulations. You're mixed race.

Something based off slavic paganism.



>mfw beaner of the Basque flavor
>mfw terrorism and being a general pain in the ass is prevalent in the Basque

Shit, my great grandfather was on the lam in Central America for something he did in Spain

I do what I want

They think Europeans consider themselves "white" above all else, there is no such thing as a "white" person, it is a meme term made up by Americans because they have no meaningful cultural or historical heritage.

Brits believed in the concept of whiteness as did most europeans when they were colonizing the world in the 19th century.

>All Europeans get a claim to it in one way or another


Is the Chi Rho an acceptable tattoo for white people?

Yeah. And it's cleaner and more subtle compared to the over the top celtic crosses a lot of people get.

Is Sol Invictus good?

check these guys out during your next pilgrimage to Jerusalem razzouktattoo.com they specialize in giving tattoos that were popular among crusaders

I'm a Christian Palestinian, my family came from Ramallah. I have a good idea that I descended from the Ghassinids. any good ideas I can get for a tattoo?

literal fucking mutt

not a chance you're white, nig

I am pretty sure you're a mutt of European cultures aswell you wise ass.

is it pronounced celtic or keltic?

It is important to note that although you will find many shields or blazons with your surname, these shields do not belong to the surnames themselves, they belong to a specific lineage and said shield has been obtained by that lineage, in other words, each shield belongs to a family in particular, not to all who bear that surname.; but wtf nobles have dissappeared so go for it (unless you have a super common lastname in which case lol)

So Americans still haven't cought up to somethink we abandoned in the 19th centaury?

Nice passport OP!

True, this is mine

Then you are a mutt

Hellenic Geometric period.

My dad is full native from guatemala and my mom is mestiza.
>tfw no tattoo designs to choose from

yes first people are nationalistic, but if they have the choice between like a fellow european or an african. they choose the european

I would say the concept of western christian civilization is still alive, i dont feel a connection to german pagan barbars desu

>fucking barbarian thinks true men(whites) can exist outside of the republic

The very notion of "tattoo" is Polynesian and thus no non-Polynesians should get tattoos.


Well Derek Carr has it so that should be an indication, I don't think there is a whiter American living at the moment

Red Bear Infantry

tattoos by default are a trash practice