What have I become

What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end...

And you could have it all

...My Empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

If I could start again

A million miles away

The German (((empire)))


>ruining an excellent thread

Yeah, the guy posting Germany is a piece of shit

What the fuck was I supposed to post after the HRE

>excellent thread

My Swedish friend

The 3rd Rome

Sorry sweetie it was already posted way before x

I tried so hard, and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter


>mfw I just realised Rome was a hypocritical, imperialist superpower fucking over its neighbours and contributing nothing to society just like America is today

Carthage did nothing wrong

Contributing nothing to society? Really? That's some first class shit posting. Take your (you).

>inb4 salty yuropoors

>t. salty Carthaginian

Pistols shots ring out in the bar room night
Enter Patty Valentine from the upper hall
She sees the bartender in a pool of blood
Cries out, "My God, they killed them all!"

Here comes the story of the Hurricane
The man the authorities came to blame
For something that he never done
Put him in a prison cell but one time he could-a been
The champion of the world.

Why does everyone like the Ayleids so much?

GIF of America expanding from Virginian an Massachusetts coast across the continent. Then extend to the 2055 annexation of Canada.

Or show Anglo control flowing across North America, India, Australia, and most of Africa.

wait you're serious


Rome was society.




Geiler Sieg.

seriously seen this gif so mamy times, which movie where was this from

The aqueduct?