How did the golden age of porn begin in 1972 with pornos being released in theaters all over the US when just 13 years earlier it was the 50s and even mentioning sex was unacceptable? How did porn become acceptable in society so fast
How did the golden age of porn begin in 1972 with pornos being released in theaters all over the US when just 13 years...
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>when just 13 years earlier it was the 50s and even mentioning sex was unacceptable
Don't make me post my 1950s porn folder.
Didn't know that 1959 was the most representative year of the 50s
Would you kindly?
>when you realize we're aren't the first ones to have pregnant Anne Frank fantasies
I'll have nothing to do with your pregnant kike fantasies.
The Jewish-led Frankfurt school was very aggressive with pushing cultural Marxist degeneracy back in the 60s. That's how.
>implying nine month pregnant Anne Frank isn't the official fetish of Veeky Forums
Charles of House Habsburg, Second of his name, King of the Admins and the First Memes, Lord of the Seven Boards, and Protector of Veeky Forums would have something to say about that... If he could talk coherently that is.
>Theyre using fluoride to make the frogs GAY omg!
Shut the fuck up you know-nothing fagboy
looks like a pussy
jeez, stormshits are really out in force this week
"the sexual revolution"
Jewish interest group lobbying.
Its called atrazine retard
Not Frankfurt school, but Jewish/Hollywood interest groups lobbying Congress.
Why would anyone go see porn in a movie theater? Can you imagine how awkward that would be? I wonder if people just whipped their dicks out and started fapping on the spot. I feel bad for the people who had to clean it up. Also, just think. Those porn stars are great grandmas now. Tell me more about this ancient porn.
>Israeli citizens and Holocaust survivors make porn about there experiences
What the fuck is wrong with jews?
The Jews
They got rid of the Hayes Code that had prevented it around that time. I swear, Veeky Forums must be retarded.
>>Why would anyone go see porn in a movie theater?
even today teen boys watch porn together
>lel nobody had sex in the 50s, they were all stuck up no fun prudes before us Jews came and liberated you!
Good goy
This is a bit of a meme. In late 1950s the movies were already becoming more risky.
>Your typical Simpsons bedroom scene would have been banned
Do it faggot
>couples sleeping in separate beds, in the same room
For what purpose? You can't even use the snoring or the sleeping schedule excuse at that point.
Sleeping together (not even necessarily fucking, just sleeping) was half the reason why I went to live with the gf straight out high school. For a married couple not to do it feels obscene.
>the 50s and even mentioning sex was unacceptable
Incredible some people actually believe this. It was only weird because they were not used to see other people fucking on a daily basis like we are now, but it wasn't "unacceptable"
>"official" fetish
Oh gee, I must have missed that sticky.
Not everybody needs to sexualize their hobbies like some affection-deprived permavirgin
even worse
The code was simply wicked.
i've only watched gay porn with friends ironically
>just 13 years earlier it was the 50s
The 60s had dissolved that
lol yeah me too haha
Would I be mistaken in my belief that their was a moral collapse after the 50s?
I don't want to wear nostalgia goggles, but it seems like overarching personal morals took a hit in the last few decades.
Presley's suggestive dance moves, Kennedy's assassination, the defeat in Vietnam, the hippie/free sex/drugs movement, the coke/crack epidemics, the emergence of gangsta rap and punk rock, Clinton's sexual affairs, 9/11, 2008, more recently the well-publicized "twerking" fad.
It's the post-WWII media industry that helped spread all that. The 20s were pretty degenerate from what I hear but back then i doubt the average joe cared or knew
You will be wrong. Most of what we are talking about applies only to the USA. There were tits in sex in European and Asian movies from the period. And even American entertainment wasn't that innocent (especially pre-Code Hollywood).
For some reason white people in the 1930s were obsessed with the idea of women mating with apes.
The Hays Code goddammit
>For some reason white people in the 1930s were obsessed with the idea of women mating with apes.
Is this why we have
Ok, but are you telling me that there was no way to depict that couple (I don't even know what movie that is) in the same bed, when the code specifically allows it so long as it's tasteful and in no way suggestive of "lecherous" behaviour?
>it seems like overarching personal morals took a hit in the last few decades.
This is wrong tho. Even by conservative standard. Young people in the Western world smoke less, drink less, eat healthier and have fewer sexual partner than their parent generation. Don't believe what /pol/ tells you. Ever.
Also the term "degeneracy" is right-wing bullshit that no serious historian uses.
>Why would anyone go see porn in a movie theater?
Because there literally is no other way to watch porn?
>For some reason white people in the 1930s were obsessed with the idea of women mating with apes.
'Miscegenation' making people mad is universal. Jews and blacks are well known for getting obsessively butthurt about dating out too.
>Young people in the Western world smoke less, drink less, eat healthier and have fewer sexual partner
That's the generation that came of age during the 00s and 10s. But judging from the media environment which is still at least engineered by their parent generation, there's still much more sex and "degeneracy" than there used to be. The only thing where I noticed a decrease is that there were a lot of tit shots in mainstream movies of the 70s. This completely stopped in the late 80s.
Even being in the same bed in a non-sexual way would fall under "lecherous" behaviour because it suggests they could have sex if they wanted to.
>making people mad
Well, they were fascinated by this idea. It was obviously outrageous but also very attractive. There are apes kidnapping women in Tarzan, King Kong, Wild Woman series, Murders in the Rue Morgue is about an evil scientist trying to create a human-ape hybrid.
There was also this bizarre thing:
>Love Life of a Gorilla (1937)
>This little-seen compilation 'educational' documentary from producer Samuel Cummins was an independently-produced jungle exploitation film typical of the 30s. It was inspired after the success of the pre-Code exploitation film Ingagi (1931) about gorilla-worshipping Congolese native women, and after the success of RKO's King Kong (1933).
>The film speculated that there was social/sexual intercourse or matings between African women and gorillas, after a Ubangi maiden was abducted by a gorilla and carried off into the jungle. It was considered scandalous and "off-color" by the Board of Review because of the theme of "the mating of women with wild animals and because of nude figures in the picture."
>Even being in the same bed in a non-sexual way would fall under "lecherous" behaviour because it suggests they could have sex if they wanted to.
Then why is "man and woman in bed together" listed under "special care be exercised in the manner in which the following subjects are treated" and not under "shall not appear in pictures produced by the members of this Association, irrespective of the manner in which they are treated"?
It was allowed, just not done. I don't know if they just didn't want to bother walking too fine a line, I'm just hoping it wasn't actually common IRL at the time.
Go back to /pol/
Holy shit you meant actual bestiality. I thought you were just talking about interracial relations, my bad.
Aren't gorillas relatively small dicked anyway? Why would it be a particularly titillating subject?
>Young people in the Western world smoke less, drink less, eat healthier and have fewer sexual partner than their parent generation. Don't believe what /pol/ tells you. Ever.
Yes, and our parent's generation is post-50s and all but invented modern liberalism.
>Also the term "degeneracy" is right-wing bullshit that no serious historian uses.
Obviously it's subjective and not concrete, but you're either being purposefully obtuse or disingenuous if you don't know exactly what folks are getting at when they say it.
For the most part miscegnation wasn't shown in pictures back then and when it rarely was it was usually white sailor and tropical native or Chinese woman.
Even the Nazis had their nudist 'documentaries'.
If "Gb2Rdt" marks your post as spam, so should "go back to pol"
Holy shit, it actually does mark the full sentence as spam. Let's try something else:
[synapses firing]
Why would Cthulhu be more powerful then galactus?
How does a thread about porn on Veeky Forums have the most down to earth and civil debate?
If this were a thread about literally anything else on the board it would have 10 times the autistic screeching
nwoga'th umim ogth
Because unlike the average history thread, where half the posters are partecipating for the political shitflinging, this is a Porn thread. We're actually all here for the porn aspect of it.
We're all in concert in our lecherousness.
Why not?
Normally I'd be autistically screeching for Bomber Harris to do it again, but I'm enjoying pregnant Anne Frank fantasies like the rest of us instead.
>le Jews xd
This is such a dumb and simplistic explanation only a dumb /pol/tard can believe it.
>1972 with pornos being released in theaters all over the US when just 13 years earlier it was the 50s and even mentioning sex was unacceptable?
This is where you're wrong. In 1950s nudity was already generally accepted. In 1959/1960 The Immoral Mr Teas was released which started a genre of sexy comedies with nudity. In Europe scenes with sex and nudity were already quite common (for example Bergman's Summer with Monika is from 1953).
Like with everything it was a slow evolution, not some sudden change that came right after the so-called sexual revolution.
This is from 1961:
>This is such a dumb and simplistic explanation only a dumb /pol/tard can believe it.
>Proceeds to post (((Berg)))man
If you say so, /leftypol/
>Purported to be translations of English-language books by prisoners in concentration camps, these books were highly pornographic accounts of imprisonment, generally of Allied soldiers, sexual brutalization by female SS guards, and the prisoners' eventual revenge, which usually consisted of the rape and murder of their tormentors.
Cthulhu is just a bitch/minion, most overrated lovecraftian monster
Op of the post you quote here
I think it should be reversed because Veeky Forums software shouldn't even know what Reddit is
suggesting pol is a containment board is immoral as pol is a beacon of Hope for degenerates to reverse their ways
I was half kidding but seriously OP is baiting kinda hard
>sexual brutalization by female SS guards
this is not unheard of at all with female prison guards in general
Charles II is definitely my guy but never saw the appeal of these Anne Frank posts. It was never funny.
You want people to beg, don't you?
you're not allowed to masturbate in porno theatres
this is how pee wee herman got arrested, ruining his career.
>ruining his career
He reprised Pee-Wee just last year for a Netflix movie
>peewee herman collected vintage homosexual erotica
Guess I have something in common with peewee herman then
maybe some other punctuation would be more appropriate
>Young people in the Western world smoke less, drink less, eat healthier and have fewer sexual partner than their parent generation
Tfw you realise it's because they spend too much time on the internet
Old porn is fucking weird. I remember as a kid finding one of my dads porn mags from when he was a teenager and there was an advertisement for some womans pussy juice kept in small tin cans that you could buy. Even now to this day I try to figure out why the fuck?
Anyone have memories of old porn?
oh man, must be nice being this naive and brainwashed. That frog gay thing was turned completly in its meaning and how he said it.
It does make amphibians sexless or asexual or just plain crazy "fuck everything"
This is not some conspiracy shit but a proven scientific fact. Stop regurgitating everything you hear Colbert say.
t. German who is sick and tired of these extremly brainwashed yankee lefties, youre even worse than our greens or linke. Its crazy.
"let me tell you why im the peaceful protester and how im right while smacking you over head with a bikelock from behind"
It's newfaggots who think they're being provocative and edgy but fail to realise shit like this is old hat.
>sexless or asexual
These are different.
Yes I know.
>tfw endocrinal disruptors are a serious enviromental threat but American conspiracy theorists make it sound like another crazy illuminati plan
>tfw now you have to explain you are not a tinfoil when you lecture people on the effects of soy or estrogen contamination of water