Historically speaking, why was and is french culture so fucking gay?
Historically speaking, why was and is french culture so fucking gay?
It is too complex and avant-garde for brainlets.
/int/ is trying to edge out /pol/ for most dicks in their mouth today.
give example so we can discuss it more thoroughly
>french are gay
>anglo posters
historically speaking, you are a retard
>french culture is gay xDDDD
Anglo memes. French culture used to be based af. If you say that because of effeminate parisian fags and 'honhonhon I'm eating leuuuuuuu croissaaaaaaaaaaaaant monsieur oui oui' bullshit, then you're an idiot.
Brits are effeminate as FUCK, with all their good manners, their precious fag tea and their thin, slender-ish silouhettes.
Not an Anglo but your language is very fucking gay.
What are you?
Yea, nasal sounds are gay, apparently
(or maybe it's our R...whatever, everything we do is 'gay' according to you non-frenchies, anyway)
desu french sounds gay mostly when spoken by non-french
have you ever heard an anglo try to speak french ? Shit's hilarious
They're just a buncha fags, mate.
>gay = bad
>Anglos = don't like France
>current cultural superpower = former Anglo colony
That's all you need to understand
tbqhwy, we don't even think about anglos
>muh surrender monkeys
>muh stereotypes
>your culture is gay and so is your language...!
It's like they want us to fuck them to prove our faggotry.
A French colony, nearly half(45%) of England is composed of our rapebabies
Created by France to butthurt the Anglos, Americans are great because of their Hugenot/French blood
sissy brit boys are in love with pierres, hence the obsession
>desu french sounds gay mostly when spoken by non-french
It's spelled gay and it sounds gay no matter who speaks it.
Flip btw.
What makes it 'gay'?
Nasal sounds?
Pretty much and the wonky spelling rules.
Don't worry, Vietnamese and Thai is gayer. More nasal you see.
Do you prefer Occitan?
(sorry, I don't really have links where people speak it...)
Lol its just shitposting Pierre. I like French specially in medieval movies where grim knights blab threats with it.
The gay languages are in SEA.
Seriously, tho
Do you guys like Occitan?
No idea. As a Flip I only know Parisian French and Gascon. The latter because I read Three Musketeers once.
Well, Gascon is pretty much an Occitan dialect
Neat. When was that document written and what is it called?