>Freedom loving men always tall Chads
>Authoritarian cuck always manlets
What does this mean?
Hitler was 6'1
I'm fairly certain he was 5'9'', since he was barely taller than Mussolini
He was 5'8 (173cm) according to multiple sources. Mussolini was 5'7 (168cm).
Jewish camera trickery
How do we solve the manlet problem?
Dubs speak the truth. He was 5'9
>against the greatest military power at the time
more like with the help of the greatest military power at the time
So the Europeans with balls were manlets while the cucks were tall
It explain why most modern Europeans are so tall and cucked
I'm glad to be 5'8"
>freed the slaves
He thought of blacks as subhumans and didn't like them.
>won the war against the greatest military power in the world at the time
False. France and Russia were arguably the greatest military power, Britain was just the dominant naval power.
>established democracy in South Africa
(((Democracy))) as in ruining the country and sending it back to pre-colonial levels of wealth.
>killed 12 million
Good goy.
Mandela was a fucking commie.
fucking manlets man, they stand on millions of skulls just to appear slightly tall
Exactly, Hitler killed closer to around 15 million
>itt: a bunch of betas praise Chads for creating a social dynamic which makes it much harder to be socially successful as a beta
Цap Дyшaн was said to be over 7 feet tall
nature always finds a way
South Africa has the best economy in sub-Saharan Africa
He said he was a socialist, not communist.
Wait, what the fuck? Stalin was TINY!
Yamna were 5'9/175cm and cucked Nordic lanklets and fucked their women.
Jealous little dwarf, you're so fucking small
You try to make it seem as though it's better to be small
That's like saying your shit smells slightly less bad than the rest in the black pit.
RM-417 Proto Indo-European master race reporting in
t. giant cuckhold who watch 5'5" achmed fucking his wife
I'm so glad to be 5'8"
Also highest AIDS population and faggotory.
>socialist, not communist.
Oh yeah, such big difference.
I also heard he said he's nationalist...
and which makes him what?
I wouldn't call 5'8 ~ 5'9 manlet.
>Child bombing communist
Proof that manlets are better than Mandela at least.
>Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
>Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
>Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
>Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
Alexander the Great was only 5'8"
Black nazi
Hitler was a great man though
Average height in Ancient Greece was around 5'4" so Alexander wouldve been taller than average.
>putting the terrorist murderer Mandela with the greatest US leaders of all time
Pick one