>threaten to tear your country apart with independence movements and revolutions
>wonder why things like this happen
Why do certain minorities insist on being a problem? Are they too racist to live in peace with others?
Threaten to tear your country apart with independence movements and revolutions
Other urls found in this thread:
What is the point of your question, other than baiting people, what joy do you get from that? How long does the thrill last anyway, seconds? But let's focus on few points here
>threaten to tear your country apart with independence movements and revolutions
Assuming "your country" is Turkey/Ottoman Empire, what makes it "their" country for Greeks and Armenians. They have been subjugated and ill treated for centuries and made second class citizens. It is not 'their' country they are trying to gain independence from, they were fighting the Ottoman yoke.
>wonder why things like this happen
So genocide is all good provided someone wages a war of independence? Kill everyone indiscriminately? That is your logic?
Armenians legit didn't do anything wrong though. They were scale goats for the retard Pasha.
>your country
Ill treated? They would be either Muslim or dead if they were ill treated, just take a look at Africa and the Americas, that's how you treat people the wrong way. Paying extra taxes was the only thing they had had to endure from the Ottoman government(I'm not talking about random people who decided to shed some blood).
>invades another country
>Kill large portion of indigenous population for "reasons"
You're as fucking whiny as spoiled brat that didn't get a PS4 for his birthday. I fucking wish Anatolia was bathed in nuclear fire, so I wouldn't have to deal with faggots like you.
user, pls. tax in blood was a common occurance around the Ottoman Empire where they would just show up at your village and take away your children, cattle, grain and you were suppposed to thank them for the service.
I am actually curious why you didn't respond to all those other points I made.
I'm on my way home, texting on mobiles is pretty annoying imo. We can discuss that topic for a bit when I'm back in 30 minutes or so. I'm not taking a side and I'm not OP, but I think the way how things are getting portrayed about the Ottomans are extremely one sided. Cya in a bit.
Armenians and Greeks played their cards and lost. Hate the game not the player
Whjy do Turks become so assblasted over the genocides their state commited? It's not like they themselves did it. Germany manned up and admmited, I don't see why Turkey can't admit something that happened almost a century ago.
The eternal roach will get their share yet
all is fair in love and war, faggots
if you didn't have bigger guns or more men, then the other owns you now. that's how it works
morality is made by weak people because they can't defend themselves.
rape is bad if you're threatened of being raped or getting someone close to you raped. that's why you pull the morality card. if you would have a bigger gun, you wouldn't play on morality because you would be raping others yourself
stop finding moral high ground
right of the strongest
Are you twelve?
Well let's hope that you get raped then. Also, just because you have no sense of morality, and you would rape if you could, does not mean that everyone is like you.
what for? people keep crying when something bad happens to them but they deny when it happens to them.
there's holocaust deniers who get pissed over something like dresden or terrorist attacks but won't mention their own atrocities
also, nice adhominem/ignoring the central point
There was a point there?
Asians dont like to lose face so they cant admit wrongdoing
Not familiar with those countries but usually goverments pander to the majority. Dictatorships or democracies, doesent matter. If the minorites get the short stick then theyll probably see it in their intrest to either leave or rebel
everyone is like me.
we're all animals. why do you think people speak of "power getting to your head"
that's what happens. some people have God that they are afraid off, people with bad faith or weak faith or no faith at all find it easier to cross this line.
how could the holocaust have happened? do you know what's going on in Liberia?
given enough time and enough power, anyone will get corrupted.
do you think Superman would be vigilant? hell no. he would commit atrocities and become a villain. there's a reason villains only reform to their better self when they are defeated or put in doubt/danger of their capabilities
"why are fascists so bad"
when people get their egos inflated you get ISIL and Nazis and Liberia
>I dont know anything about the outside world so I'll just project what its like in America
So all people in all situations ever where they've had some amount of power over another individual. Every world leader ever, was based and prone to committing genocide. Not everyone is abusive, manipulative and/or destructive.
not everyone, just people with absolute power.
some countries' leaders can be overthrown
obviously there's good leaders but eventually personal desires always succeed.
if someone can get away with it, he/she will do it.
trust me.
a country leader with absolute power will be relentless and instead of wasting his time with other's opinions he will do what pleases him.
when did a democratic country ever commit genocide? Rome vs the gauls/helvetti? Fascist. Literally entire medieval europe? Feudal. Nazis? Fascism. Communist genocide? Totalitarianism. Belgian Congo? Colonialism.
I do believe there can be good in a human, but I also believe that given the opportunity, most will become hedonistic. it's in our nature.
there's a lot less angels than demons. demons have a more satisfying job.
call me edgy, but if you thought about the perfect crime or living as a good cop, what would you choose?
after the first five good emperors, it was only horror and sin
there is good, but it is harder to find than evil, since evil is tempting and good is difficult
Yes, all humans have certain tendencies, but you're undermining the significance of choice and personal values. Sure a lot might choose the perfect crime, but a lot might not. Most people do have a general sense of upholding the values of their society.
The emperors weren't outstanding after Diocletian, but there's none I can think of that were particularly abusive or insane.
I think that very few people would actually act altruistic. Most people are just afraid that they aren't strong enough.
I ofcourse believe in angels and demons. in humans, there's a lot few angels than demons. the kingdom of heaven vs the realm of hell
>none I can think of that were particularly abusive or insane.
look at that pic.
Ceasar and Augustus despite them being excellent men and commanders were harsh and used the sword to cut down whoever disagreed with them.
emperors afterwards were hedonists. Caligula, hello? nero castrated a boy after killing his wife to death and made the boy his new wife. he tried killing his mother numerous times. one emperor would let tigers loose in bedrooms to his party visitors. caligula would send out people to look for huge dongs and then let them fuck him in ass in public.
take a look at that pic, that's just one of the horrors. nero burned rome for the most egomaniac reason. gladiator fights weren't evil right? people enjoying the gutting of slaves.
christians would be dumped to be fed to the lions, unarmed. the crucifix isn't horrendous punishment?
what about the germans who had horrifying rituals after the battle of teutoburg forest.
what about the prophet Abraham who had no problem decapitating his son for God. if he was truly a good person he wouldn't listen to God because it is against his morality.
imo God should've punished Abraham for listening to such a ludicrous request. He should know that people should have defiance in them, otherwise all religious people are just afraid of God which is why they behave
You must have missed "after Diocletian."
During the nazi occupation of Denmark the entire police force was thrown in prison and unsurprisingly economic crime like robberies and burglary skyrocketed, but the statistics on sexual crimes, assault and murder were basically unchanged. People don't just start raping and murdering if the juridical consequenses are removed you edgelord. I bet you think The Purge is a realistic movie as well.
If I was Turk I would honestly just keep quiet. Not only are most Turks literally descendants of Turkified converts, their only relevant achievment in history was after a short time the worst state ever in human history.
Like, name 1 (one) important contribution to humanity that came from Ottoman Empire. It was literally the shittiest state ever and only thing they managed was hold power, they never did shit with it.
Ceasar and Augustus did kill their enemies, but I wouldn't say it was unwarranted, the preservation of the Roman state needed strong rulers capable of crushing dissent.
>don't just start raping and murdering
maybe not instantly, faggot
it would take time, and the place would have to be in total anarchy. Germans wouldn't let total anarchy happen in denmark, they would still punish degeneracy.
you wanna know a better example? Berlin, 1945. Sovjets were tired after long fighting and their morals had been broken, the things they had experienced were enough to set them over, and considering their country doesn't educate that many of them and that many of them were just farmers from the land, they made the people of Berlin despair.
when a place is besieged and the people give the soldiers a hard time, they become hateful, they would have killed before and grown bloodlust. they would have seen and done atrocities before.
that's why when the walls come down, women prefer to strangle their children and jump in fires (see: Saguntum and Masada) while the men jump onto the spears rather than face the bewildered soldiers that finally got what they wanted and now have complete freedom and power in a settlement thrown to anarchy.
they rape, kill and cannibalise as they please.
does it matter? fact is there were horrid emperors
Civil unrest and will win out in the short term but ultimately all people move towards bettering themselves and society. It's just as much a natural human state as violence. That's why all people eventually organize themselves into a civilization.
But, unlike the implication that the humans naturally degenerate morally in the absence of authority, those soldiers were shaped by a brutal conflict. They didn't degenerate the world around them degenerated.
The fact is there were great and mediocore ones.
>That's why all people eventually organize themselves into a civilization.
civilization is farily recent though
they basically were reaching when they declared on Carthage. they said anything beneath the Ebro was Punic territory and then they made friensd with Saguntum, beneath the Ebro.
Hannibal hating the Romans didn't take this and besieged the place. Now Rome claimed it was Carthage breaking the treaty. can you see the double standards?
Caesar didn't have to conquest in Gaul.
Augustus didn't have to attack the Ptolemy
Untrue, expansion into Gaul would have happened anyway in order for security against migrating Germanic tribes and Gallic tribes. Egypt provided massive amounts of grain and thus food to a massive empire, things don't happen in a vacuum. A series of political reforms that moved towards a centralized power was necessary to preserve a decaying state.
Tribes and clans aren't though, which is ultimately a form of organizing oneself into a governed society.
No hes just a t**k which is the same mentaly
we lived in complete anarchy for about 250k years. eventually people wanted to settle because they couldn't stand up against themselves and figured "apes alone weak, apes together strong"
then there was civilisation, and as soon as that started, otehrs made their own to kill the existing civs. wars are earlier than the invention of prostitution.
if what you said was true, then we wouldn't have warred after civilisation came to be. nothing changed in fact, we just moved from families bashing skulls in, to communities doing so
>those soldiers were shaped by a brutal conflict
yes, but don't you think in the absence of German interfering, the danish would've moved from plundering and thievery, to robbery to murder and organised gangs, eventually becoming like Liberia?
Hell isn't bad because of "le based demons and fire," hell is hell because God has abandoned it. there's no supreme authority to be afraid of.
in fact, i can't recall the humans that stayed after rapture being displaced somewhere else. if i'm right, they are left alone, to create their own hell.
there's no descent, only degeneracy
Just look at Issei Sagawa. he brutally murdered and ate a dutch girl, but got scot free due to a loop hole in the law.
imagine what's possible if people are bold enough...
I don't even understand half the shit you just wrote, learn english please.
I picked Denmark as an example because during the nazi occupation Denmark was still a relatively well functioning society. The real war never came to Denmark. Of course a country torn apart by war for 6 years like Germany in 1945 will have people behaving irrationally. It's all about environment, not some basic human will to kill and rape you edgy faggot.
The point is people always gather in groups and shun the individual that doesn't adhere to a general sense of values that are shared by members of the group.
Denmark may have had a spike in rape and other such crimes, but only a certain few prone to those types of crimes due to mental weakness or illness would mostly likely do such a thing.
Ever heard of Hasdrubal the Fair? through diplomacy and gifts he conquered a lot of Iberian lands, and built the prosperous city of Cartagena.
you can actually prosper without jumping at each others throat... Carthage did it, Rome can do it too
tribes and clans only stick together because survival is easier that way, there's a reason tigers don't hunt in packs but let's say wolves do.
there's a reason blue whales aren't accompanied by other adult blue whales all that often...
nice intellectual argument, i don't know what to say. you've beaten me, humans are inherently good and nobody will ever rape someone else if he could do it and get away with it because this is a happy fantasy world :D
>Ever heard of Hasdrubal the Fair? through diplomacy and gifts he conquered a lot of Iberian lands, and built the prosperous city of Cartagena.
you can actually prosper without jumping at each others throat... Carthage did it, Rome can do it too
Not saying it was the only way, but it certainly happened for reason and the outcome was necessary.
>tribes and clans only stick together because survival is easier that way, there's a reason tigers don't hunt in packs but let's say wolves do.
Which proves my point exactly, comiting acts of rape and violence on your own is self-destructive to the group, and will ultimately result in you being outcast.
Denmark would descent into increasingly more depraved criminal activities. If left alone by the Germans, organised crime would skyrocket.
scavenging > thieving > robbery > gangs > anarchy and rape
also, to emphasize how bleak the situation in Berlin was, every time a german woman would great another one, they would ask "how many" referencing how many times they had been raped since their last meeting...
also, my english is flawless, go fuck yourself
Denmark if left alone for long enough
you can go watch a documentary on aleppo if you wish, i'm sure everyone there is 100% mentally ill...
Also will everyone stop calling me an edgelord. I'm not promoting this, i'm only criticising a flaw in human morality and how it breaks apart in anarchy.
Denmark if left alone for long enough
you can go watch a documentary on aleppo if you wish, i'm sure everyone there is 100% mentally ill...
Also will everyone stop calling me an edgelord. I'm not promoting this, i'm only criticising a flaw in human morality and how it breaks apart in anarchy.
Criminal activity is more normalized there since a strong government, sense of national identity over religious identity, and other factors that bind there society are weak. It's a different situation where people are still trying to establish order and unify under a common ideology. Islamism and Democracy and Ethnic Nationalism are at odds with each other there.
people will stick together because they are weaker than their adversaries. a group with "morality" will make sure that anybody who crosses it gets outcasted.
however, if someone would be strong enough to survive on his own or even become the new patriarch/matriarch of the group - things would get out of hand.
>Not saying it was the only way, but it certainly happened for reason and the outcome was necessary.
I agree, however don't you think that it sometimes was a bit overkill?
don't get me wrong, I support Caesar and Rome however i'm just saying that while Hamilcar was effective at his campaigns, Hasdrubal was better.
look at two examples of getting Jerusalem:
you could A) spend money, time, resources and lives fighting a mighty sultanate or B) have small talk about birds and get it for free because the sultan likes you
option B offers least resistance, it must be considered.
Forgot to put the >youtube.com
>Denmark if left alone for long enough
you can go watch a documentary on aleppo if you wish, i'm sure everyone there is 100% mentally ill...
Also will everyone stop calling me an edgelord. I'm not promoting this, i'm only criticising a flaw in human morality and how it breaks apart in anarchy.
>Denmark would descent into increasingly more depraved criminal activities. If left alone by the Germans, organised crime would skyrocket.
But literally the opposite happened. I don't care about the opinions about some edgy turk om Veeky Forums. The statistics say that the levels of murder and rape were virtually unchanged. Normal people don't walk around surpressing urges to kill and rape in a well functioning society. Maybe you do, but not me. Edgelord.
Aleppo and Libera are different but there's a similar footnote, in a powervaccuum/anarchy anyone will do anything.
>some edgy turk om Veeky Forums
stopped reading there.
How many people can live an adequate life off the grid though.
The patriarch/matriarch needs the support of some group of followers who agree with him/her though. You can't rule or change things without someone's backing.
aaah, slavery, where the small majority can punish the large majority to be their bitch.
ever wondered why Spartans were so elite? hint: it has to do with slaves
And what did their subjects except the Greeks,Levantines and Iraqis accomplish before or during the ottoman empire?
Only certain people will do anything in the absence of power, and it could be argued that insurgents are just attempting to establish there own form of order.
a system of allies and backers as well as an imperial system are not the same thing as slavery.
ISIS has done a lot of unnecessary evil and unnecessary gruesome executions, just as any insurgent party without good command.
>a system of allies and backers as well as an imperial system are not the same thing as slavery
yes, but it's easy to have slaves when your group is in command
Well it's a good thing ISIS has more or less failed as an insurgent group and is on the verge of defeat.
Don't really see what that has to do when anything, Yes many societies had and have slaves, but only a few societies have ever had a majority composed of slaves.
Fuck me. I keep clicking the wrong number.
There are reasons you guys always lose in the movies.
Because the common man does not wish to be ruled by the guy that killed his father and took his children.
Because roaches are highly nationalistic over their artificial state which came into being 700 years ago from nomads who migated into the region. they dont want to admit anything which puts their nations history in a bad light
So... Why don't most people act like psychopaths in video games? Their acts are bereft of consequence, yet they don't act as you would expect them to?
Do not presume you know anything of humans. Social contact would serve to dispel much of your misconceptions and edginess.
>They would be either Muslim or dead if they were ill treated
So essentially the exact implication brought up in the OP image?