How did the USSR have the most aesthetic uniforms of WWII?
Was it something about the brutal simplicity?
post WWII uniforms
How did the USSR have the most aesthetic uniforms of WWII?
Was it something about the brutal simplicity?
post WWII uniforms
late war German uniforms with camo look pretty aesthetic too
Maybe if you like baggy stuff, sure
>How did the USSR have the most aesthetic uniforms of WWII?
They didn't.
Don't wanna sound like a Wehraboo but the German late-war uniforms were the best.
>German late-war uniforms were the best.
What are you smoking? The telogreika and ushanka was the only cool part of Soviet uniforms. The summer uniforms were ugly, baggy, and stood out like a motherfucker
This one
Is polish
Italians tho
Soviets with raincoats are the most easthetic unit
NKVD should get 2nd place
underated, 4 corner hat is /aesthetic/
like this?
shhh. American education.
This. Rogatywka > Ushanka > Horseshit > Gay side caps > Ultra-gay and unaesthetic berets.
Not so fast, commie scum.
>suffers a vastly lower casualty ratio in worst battle of the war than either the Red Army or German armed forces had on a good all while inflicting disproportionate casualties on the Japanese
Kek, am I supposed to be insulted?
my actual hero
did any other army wear shorts during the war?
Didn't know Bryce Harper fought in WW2
>did any other army wear shorts during the war?
Empire strikes back?
Why didn't Soviet Infantry Uniforms really change that much from the end of WW2 to the end of the Cold War?
Whole Nazi clothing line was aesthetic as fuck
Commie here, I'll openly admit I've always loved Nazi aesthetics, especially their uniforms. I really wish contemporary fascists were this Veeky Forums and their attempts at using Nazi paraphernalia wasn't so shitty or coming across as parody.
To be fair, the US infantry uniform was basically the same in 1960 as it was in 1945 with some minor alterations such as replacing gaiters with black combat boots. Even during Vietnam, the only major alteration for the majority of infantry was the issuing of camouflaged helmet covers (ERDL uniforms and flak jackets were only issued on a limited basis to certain units). The US Military didn't start universally issuing camouflage uniforms until 1981 with the adoption of the Battle Dress Uniform, with the PASGT helmet and vest system being adopted the following year. Well into the 80s, it was still common to see US soldiers wearing OD Green and/or M1 helmets (some of which dated back to WW2) across the globe.
pic kinda related, Vietnam era ERDL was issued to the 82nd Airborne for the Invasion of Grenada because of a shortage of BDUs (interestingly enough, they were the first unit to receive the PASGT helmet, while the more elite Army Rangers had to make due with the M1).