Yo guys, guys.... what if.... bear me with me now... what if.... guys.... what if the Nazis were the good guys after all?
Yo guys, guys.... what if.... bear me with me now... what if.... guys...
Defending nazis for the sake of trolling has gotten very old
What's Himmler doing there? Is he sowing something? Something like the wind?
Am I right here? Is Himmler sowing the wind?
God fucking damnit here they and (((they))) come
They dindu nuffin?
Why is defending Nazis considered trolling?
I believe you're right
Why do anglo countries have the habit of bombing defenceless civilians?
Why are germans under the childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else, and nobody was going to bomb them?
Because it's literally something only trolls or inbred fuckwits do.
germans did it against an equal foe in a 'fair' manner, anglos waited until they were unopposed like cowards.
Why are Germs so sensitive about one dead city when they've destroyed entire empires?
See how the Teuton cries out in pain even as he he strikes you.
>they're good because this picture taken one second among the hundreds of millions of seconds this man in the picture lived shows him doing something that we construe as peaceful!
>Go to war over Danzig
>Danzig ist Polnisch
>this is what the eternal Teuton actually believe6
yes, because the germans conducts such an honorable war, killing millions of civilians, launching barbaric reprisals against civilians way out of proportion to partisan actions. But it's ok; the Germans mostly killed subhuman eastern europeans so honor doesn't have to apply!
fuck off cuck
oh wow you posted a picture of a Negro soldier that was fighting with the rest of the world just to bring down one single country, Germany.... so FKN triggered
>being such a monumental failure at diplomacy that literally the entire world hates you
France took on the whole world twice and won
I'm a non white mongrel and wish the nazis won.
Nazis were civilized to those they considered equal, fellow western europeans and americans.
Meanwhile the nigger and brown rape battalions of France and the USA left a trail of rape, murder and warcrimes across France, Italy and Germany. Not even counting the savagery of the subhuman slavs.
>the only reason i lost is because i declared war on every super power on the planet
shit, can't argue with that
Youre welcome to euthanise yourself
It had nothing to do with diplomacy.
That should've tipped you off that it was bait.
Nazis were not against non-whites, they were allied with muslims and the japs.
But killing leftists like you and jews, that's something I'd happily partake in, alongside the nazis.
Slavs were allied to Hitler, you literal orangutan.
They never were
Bonus: This is "germ" history
>France took on the whole world twice and won
Finally a sensible person in this thread. Fascism has never been about hating the non-white man as the Jew media wants us to believe, just the cultural and racial protection of one's people, much like you would protect your house against strangers. Are you a hapa by any chance?
Epic edgy extermination fantasy user
Call me whenever the natsoc rises again ill be happy to reap the whirlwind
Its more of the 1st and 2nd coalition since Napoleon did eventually lost
Ok, nigger.
ofc. Thanks
god i wish that were me
[spoiler] why is he so perfect [/spoiler]
delete this
>Fascism has never been about hating the non-white man as the Jew media wants us to believe
hmm i find that hard to believe since what im seeing right now is the desire to purge anyone who is considered non-white by any means necessary
btw your culture isn't your house and analogies are for retards - a racemixed person is in fact a member of your race too, unless you subscribe to the one drop rule, which would make you wrong
nobody is raceless, genetically speaking
nobody chooses their race, nor place of birth
Fascism isn't about hating nig nogs, but nazism sure as hell is.
>a racemixed person is in fact a member of your race too
Biologically untrue. Mongrels have a very hard time getting organ transplants because they never get matching donors. Mongrels are identity-less.
You're a dumb phoneposter, that's for certain, but what chinese cartoon is that from?
Nice try Shlomo
nice try cleetus
When this meme will end.
Guys please stop joking about being Nazi sympathizers, it's not funny anymore.
Seriously, that shit peaked in 2011.
You gotta stop.
Yeah man. All the cool kids are LARPing as Chinese Communists.
>Down with the Four Olds!
Yes, culture is my house, it is one I grew up in, one I may perhaps helped to contribute to, not something to be trampled on by some fresh-off-the-boat coon straight out of Africa or Arabia that will barge into my place of employment, throwing a hissy fit because there was some bacon in his pizza (as has happened to me). I don't necessarily believe in the one-drop rule, but having significant non-disqualifies you from being white - you are something else, another 'race' in essence. And whether you have had a choice in the selection of your race does not deter the fact you are not white.
>stop deviating from the Kosher narrative we are being dished out by our masters!
god i wish i had these
Every one I've talked to wants to create/preserve white nations through passive means, like limiting immigration from non-white countries and engaging in white natalism programs.
> germans did it against an equal foe in a 'fair' manner
> equal foe
The combined Dutch armed forces numbered less than 300,000 men. Between them they had 2000 machine guns, 1 Renault FT, and 30 armored cars.
The most numerous fighter of the Dutch airforce was the biplane Fokker D-17 from 1932.
Still the eternal Teuton felt the need to flatten the center of Rotterdam.
This post-irony shit has to stop.
I'm not talking to the kid I linked to. I'm talking to you, the other anons.
What the fuck do we do to make this pedantic bullshit stop?
In what universe did the Germans and Japs think they were going to get away with their shit if they lost?
t. kike
fuck off, rabbi
When stops occuring the meme will end
to the bacon guy, arabs are white
stop denying genes, just because their HLA don't match either group doesn't mean much
HLA are very diverse within races as well
but you don't know any of that because you are retarded
You have no idea what you are supporting. You have no idea what it smells like. You need to stop.
settle down, schlomo
cool it, cleetus
control yourself, hans
remain calm, taneesha
loosen up, igor
How did France win at taking on the world?
Napoleon was crushed twice, notably by the British at Waterloo.
Different user but I second the fact you're a Sephardic cunt, choke on some bacon
Lol this samefag
But the Empire did not last long at all...
It failed to survive, unlike the Roman Empire or the British Empire.
ts not a discourse about how long lasting the empire was
its about a single force taking on the world
France has taken up against every major power (perhaps except the Ottoman) and won guaranteeing the survival of the republics ideal
Except France was not alone, she had the help of Spain, Denmark, Poland...
And it was all for nothing, The French Empire capitulated shortly after..
She carried alot of weight by herself
find another example of a single power truly taking on the brunt of other major powers alone in a war,ill doubt you find another example as big as this
Took me a whole of 5 seconds to come up with Nazi Germany, and I'm sure there are many others.
Plus, France did not necessarily "take the brunt", other powers did help tremendously. Spain for example was no pushover during this period.
Italy was more useful to Germany than Spain was to France.
Spain during the Napoleonic wars was completely useless. It was extremely politically divided, and had significant opposition to Napoleon.
Napoleon got far less out of Spain than what he put into it in terms of troops and money.
Germany had Austria,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria etc during the period where she was at war with the most power
France's situation was much more precarious at that time just reeling in from a civil war
Italy was largely useless in WW2 and provided little in terms of technology.
As for Spain, they contributed a significant portion of the Navy, as much as France's main fleet. However it was defeated at Trafalgar because of French leadership. And to say that Napoleon invested more into Spain than he got out is ridiculous.
And they were not the only allies.
France may have won a couple of battles but they could not keep it up and they lost the war shortly afterwards.
Oh crazy islam troll. In your version of history who is the worst man?
I guarantee you he liked aminals too.
France is the best example,there's no other who matches that performance even if they lost at the end
Italy's best contributions were ferrying German supplies to North Africa and sending a couple hundred thousand men to be destroyed in the East. They were a net drain on resources, which Germany had to invest in for little gain.
Romania is a much better example, without their oil (which the Germans bought on unpaid credit and enforced one sided trade deals to get), the German war machine would be severely handicapped.
>arabs are white
Thanks for the laugh, I needed it
Feels like I'm on reddit.
>Arabs are white
How the fuck do you get to that conclusion? have you ever met an actual arab? jesus christ you amerilards amaze me.
>How the fuck do you get to that conclusion?
there's countless evidence
arab is the new slav, the new irish, the new sicilian - non-white due to culture
Oh lordy. In what fucking world are nomadic arab tribes fucking white?
Does their skin look white to you? does their THOUSANDS OF YEARS WORTH OF CULTURE look white to you?
let me guess you are american 20+ and visit one of these weird unis. Call an actual arab white and see what happens.
t. german guy who lives in a house with 5 arabs.
So you reject genetics?
What's your source for your white supremacy intentions?
>In what fucking world are nomadic arab tribes fucking white?
in this world
>Does their skin look white to you?
race isn't skin deep, skin color is basically 1 gene out of 25k
> does their THOUSANDS OF YEARS WORTH OF CULTURE look white to you?
yes, it actually does look white, especially pre-islam but after that too
arab tribes living in the desert built countries, had civilization with an alphabet (older than the current one) centuries before christ
>Call an actual arab white and see what happens.
they'd disagree, just like you, because you are unaware of genetics
their genes are white, and even the 19th century race classifications based on skulls match and were correct
besides arab doesn't just refer to nomadic arab tribes, highest african admixture is in the yemeni(due to proximity i would presume) with 15%, while it's ~5% north, it disappears in syria and turkey
afro-americans are 20% white
numbers are all there, you do with them as you please, but don't deny racial realities or at least admit race is partly a social construct - you are already there
No you muzzie shit, you are not white, fuck off. All the examples you hAVE enumerated are native to Europe (although sicilians do have significant North African admixture) and their discrimination was due to the WASP elitism and desire to justify their high position in society, while muzzies are legit shitskins. Benjamin Franklin even said germans were not white lmao. I'm sorry but your application to the white boys' club has been denied.
>Neither religion nor race affinity nor diversity of political social institutions availed to save a competitor of England. The list of commercial rivals or would-be rivals is fairly large, and gives the economic key to the reasons for the great wars of Britain. In that list we find Spain, Holland, France, Denmark and now Germany. Britain must rule the waves, and when the continental nations wished to make at the Hague, a law forbidding the capture of merchant vessels during war, Britain refused her assent. Naturally! It is her power to capture merchant ships during war that enables Britain to cut the throat of a commercial rival at her own sweet will.
>If she had not the power she would need to depend upon her superiority in technical equipment and efficiency; and the uprise in other countries of industrial enterprise able to challenge and defeat her in this world market has amply demonstrated hat she has not that superiority and longer.
>The United States and Germany lead in crowding Britain industrially; the former cannot be made a target for the guns of militarist continental Europe, therefore escapes for the time being as Britain never fights a white power single-handed. But Germany is caught within the the ad has to suffer for her industrial achievements.
t. united statian
>Feels like I'm on reddit.
you said that before though, you're still here, so you like the feel don't you?
>native to Europe
armenians are native to europe and they are white
assyrians are white
nah, it's pretty obvious if you look at it objectively, the unbiased computer will cluster middle easterners with europeans racially
islam isn't a race dumb sjw leftist lmao
Arabs are Caucasoid just like Indians, Native Americans, Latinos etc, yet that doesn't make you white, you are part of the Caucasoid family as opposed to the Negroid or Mongoloid family but you're still not white just like a chihuahua is not a German Shepherd despite both being canines, now time to o to your mosque my mudshit friends
>*sips mountain dew*