Do Ethiopians differ genetically from the rest of sub-Saharan Africa?
Do Ethiopians differ genetically from the rest of sub-Saharan Africa?
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Yes, they're heavily Caucasoid admixed. pic related should explain everything you need to know.
Its more than that they are a different ethnic group all together with admixture from outside sources as well
Its pretty obvious that in the 2nd biggest continent on the planet people will look different as they adapt to different environments like they did to the highlands
That's interesting to note considering how successful of a nation Ethiopia is
It doesn't matter at all really though lol.
I always wondered why they were a landlocked country. They're surrounded by countries with extensive coasts, why didn't they ever try to carve themselves a corridor to the ocean? Can someone with a better knowledge of african geopolitics explain it for me?
They weren't that successful until really recently.
Somalia is also genetically close to Ethiopia, and look where they are. Also, not all Ethiopians are Cushites.
They did have a coast at many times, but thanks to Italian colonialism and a little thing called nationalism what was now ethiopia's coast is now Eritrea. Also note that Ethiopia was never a truly unified state until later on in Menelik II's rule (iirc). The Somalis are Muslim and also speak a different language, while the Tigray in the north like to flip around between being loyal to the Amhara or to themselves.
Eritrea used to be Ethiopian clay, but they seceded, fought a 30-year war with Ethiopia, won, and now Ethiopia is land-locked.
Thanks, I kinda suspected colonialism had a hand in it. Does being landlocked affect their economy much? I don't really know anything about how well Eritrea is doing.
Both Eritrea and Ethiopia's GDPs are pretty abysmal. Their economies are both growing, but they've got a long hurdle to go. Having access to the sea only matters if you've got the infrastructure to do something meaningful with it.
Eritrea is a literal military state. They really haven't been hit too hard, since Djibouti is more than willing to be Ethiopia's gateway to the Indian Ocean. Ethiopia is an emerging regional power, while Eritrea is just kind of... there. The Eritreans are incredibly fierce and intelligent fighters though.
you just know your country is beyond shit when you cant into coastline and become landcucked
TL;DR Populations of the Horn of Africa are a mix of a currently extinct African race and waves of Eurasians. This would have happen in the very distant, prehistoric past. Possibly Neolithic or even earlier.
Now while the vast majority of our mixture is prehistoric and shared with other Horn populations, Habeshas (Tigrayna + Amharas) do have an extra 8-15% more mixture owed to a more recent wave of Sabaeans migrants that arrived around 2.8k years ago. This was the same time that language shift to Semitic happened.
They're actually relative to Somalis and other North and East Africans and would have been called black Berbers by classical historians like Herodotus.
No you don't get it, Berber was originally the term.for Somali because of Berbera the port city. Ibn Battuta from North Africa even referred to Somali as Berber because Berber in North Africa were called Amazegh.
They are christians so they are cool
people from all over africa genetically differ from each other but i get that this is a very sly /pol/ thread in disguise.
pretty much..
plus I find it extremely cringe to refer to Ethiopia as one homogenous nation, when it encompasses many tribes, from the Mursi, to Oromo
No such thing. Ethiopia is an empire and rules over a dozen peoples.
And no, they aren't romans or greeks or whatever.
Arab admixture
1. Horn of Africa civilization predates Arabia civilization.
2. The Somalians, a very different ethnic group, are on the coast and thus a shield from the Arabs. Ethiopia is a mountain fortress with no access to the sea.
Opinions on Rwanda ?
Sucks that it took so long for someone tot say, but indeed, retarded /Pol/ thread
Ethiopia is a big place
Ehtiopians are negroized Eurasian
That goes without saying but I'm pretty sure when people say Ethiopians they just mean Oromo people. they're the most representative ethnic group by far.
They are 1/3 of the population, its like saying when people say American they mean Mexican.
That's a Togruta
That still makes them the largest ethnic group.
This is not history or humanities
Does anyone have any good books or resources for learning more about Ethiopia? I honestly only just got into them by playing them in EU4 and seeing them as a purple Coptic blob surrounded by Muslim lands. Any pointers would be cool.
Its interesting to see how people who know talk so confidently about things they know nothing about
Ethiopia was most successful when it wasn't Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a new state it is a mix of people. The Aksumites are were Eritrea and Northern Ethiopians. This was by far the most successful HOA civ and was primarily Natives with some minor Sabeaan Influence.
The east is the Somali territory and the south is Oromo and Nilotes, all were recently incorporated. The Ottomans, French and Italians took the coastline.
The Ethiopian, Eritrean and Somali people are primarily what people a native Horn group that adapted to the highlands and branched out. They mixed with West Eurasians from Levant migrations. The idea that they are just Ugandans + arabs or Nilotes + arabs is a common easily retorted false narrative.
There are still people in the Horn with little Eurasian admixture that look like this. But then again I know this is a crypto /pol/ thread and few people care about facts or answers but pushing their narrative.