What the fuck was his problem?
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Being too right.
seems like he explained himself pretty well.
Apparently being micro-dosed with LSD while having an underlying genetic predisposition to BPD
He was 100% right.
overdosing on redpills
He never got to be president :,(
For real tho, he was right. The only issue being he was an anprim instead of just a hardcore luddite.
>not posting the whole thing
He took the anprim pill
Letting retards say "XD he was right" when he's clearly retarded in economics.
Why do you think that? He was right about what the problems were, his solutions eh.
Please don't tell me you are a capitalist, otherwise I agree with you.
His hairstyle in the top left picture looks so modern for the 50s. It's like it was taken in the 2000s and given a black and white filter.
The context of this video versus the original context of kaczynski's manifesto is a pragmatic crime.
Fucking retards trying to hijack the unabomber for their identity politics. REEEEEEEEEE
He realized that the Industrial Revolution was a mistake, and he went mad from the revelation. It find it interesting that he criticized liberals for focusing on too many bullshit social issues instead of making environmentalism their focus. At the same time, he criticized conservatives for being so supportive of technology. He argues that true conservatives should be against technological progress because technology inevitably leads to the destruction of the values that conservatives prize so highly.
>identity politics
So you are a REAL lefty then.
Unabomber confirmed time traveler.
I think labels like left and right have been stripped of all meaning. But yes, I am THE TRUE LEFT
being colorblind, took the black pill thinking it was red
Good, so I suppose the whole "class struggle" doesn't fit in identity politics for some reasons, right? I mean you need to wake the "class consciousness" in a similar shape as the Idpol does.
Yeah it's really a functional problem that operates at every scale. I think abstraction into a "class struggle" does a disservice in explaining the problem with capitalism.
Society is the problem
Despite me answering you, I have no idea what in the god damn hell you are talking about. Atleast learn how to effectively communicate you pleb BTFO'er.
Assuming that's what you were trying to accomplish, if you were telling me something sincere then please restate it in clear terms because as I already mentioned, I barely understood what you were trying to get across.
he got psychologically tortured in a shady college experiment and he turned into an anarcho-primitivist.
Ok man, my argument is the whole "class consciousness" is the root of all identity politics. Races and religions are categorized into socioeconomic classes via the postmodern interpretations of "privilege," thus class warfare can becomes race warfare, sex warfare, religious warfare. If it is not the logical conclusion of Marxism that minority races should be incited in violence against the white majority, why should it be a logical conclusion of Marxism that the lower classes should be incited in violence against the middle and upper classes? The end result is the same, turmoil and the death of the nation's essence and sense of self.
It doesn't coz class struggles address the root of the power structure and identity politics is addressing the cosmetics. Demanding more black CEOs and shareholder won't magically make the working own the MOP
>logically valid conclusion
Found your problem.
People need to stand up for themselves when they are oppressed, but more so they should stand up and dissent to the non human actors doing it, systemic problems that give us capitalism and state violence. Our biggest fight is not against each other, there are some schrmishes to be had no doubt. The real goal should be working for a world where there are no means to end in group conflict. Liberty, equality, individualism, and mutual cooperation.
>class struggles address the root of the power structure and identity politics is addressing the cosmetics.
So race, sex, and faith are cosmetic, but the whole economic abstraction of economic classes don't. that sounds very arbitrary.
He was a postmodernist.
Feel free to post an argument anytime. If the top shareholders and oligrachs suddenly became transexual blacks, black/trans privilege would a thing. Class struggle demands that privilege be destroyed regardless of black or white
This was the reply from the person you were talking to. It seems like you are getting into an argument now. I hope it activates your apples.
Man, historically, every socialist revolution that has been successful has always targeted their "oppressors" on some sort arbitrary distinction, an arbitrary distinction that is not related to classical Marxist class struggle (Clergy in Spain, Kulaks in Russia, Four Olds in China). These targeted people are sometimes made up of the very workers you pretend to speak for, but because they preference nationalism, religion, capitalism or traditionalism over your nonsense class struggle, you label them as "reactionaries" or "betrayers of the people" to justify their executions. It's hard to accept that that Marxism has ever been about class struggle, but just a narrative that people of your genetic disposition have used to promote their continual red terrors. And because western countries didn't experience the inevitable proletarian revolutions that Marx had predicted, Marxism needed to reinvent itself to be relevant for the people of your genetic disposition.
did he just want people to live in caves forever, or was he the kind of guy who romanticized medieval times?
Not him but Marx never intended for us to force this shit. He figured that socialism would just be the natural evolution of capitalism just as capitalism evolved from feudalism (which isn't 100% true but I'm not the guy who came up with the theory). In his eyes socialist systems would be inevitable with increase automation. But people don't want to wait, they want it NOW.
Being a part of Henry Murray's experiment probably played a role to be honest.
But the Spanish and Russians didn't set up the revolution to hunt down these groups, only going against them when they went against the revolution. So spare me the "if you kill your enemies, you lose."
I will give you the cultural revolution coz that was one last mad man's gamble for power
But marx wanted a revolution and he wasn't a reformist, marxism visualize a violent conflict where the proletariat assume the control by force.
>It's not wrong because addressing class is right and addressing the rest is wrong
wow, circular logic from a commie?
>If they had not opposed to our violent revolution, we would not have killed them.
No shit, Did they not expect to have any opposition when marxism specifically attacks the fundaments of their society? Marxism is about conflict, of course you can justify spill some blood for a benevolent ideology like the rest of them.
Read up the reply chain coz no where did anyone mention whether class struggle or identity politics is right or wrong but whether the former is latter or not. I don't even think idpol is right when it should be at best playing second fiddle to class struggle
I ain't justifying shit. They died only coz they tried with to fuck with revolution. Was that terrible? Sure. Was it because the revolution demanded their blood? No.
Men's hairstyles change very slowly
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You're slipping Veeky Forums.
Yea nobody is mentioning how he was a victim of an actual MK-Ultra experiment while in college
> It's not a real revolution unless it is led by a vanguard of wheelchair-bound, autistic deaf lesbian schizophrenics guys!
Fuck off porky. Intersectionality both crippled any chance for revolution in the West and continues to be completely embarrassing.
Identity politics and intersectionality are the greatest asset of the modern right wing youth movement. Thank you, feminist scholars!
He was woke af
Saw through the veil way to clearly without being able to comprehend it properly.
Like most mad geniuses
>They died only coz they tried with to fuck with revolution. Was that terrible?Sure.
You talk about "revolution" like it was a inevitable natural force, but you need to understand Marx’s theory of historical development was disproved during Marx’s lifetime and, like the Ptolemaic theory of the universe, ceased to be scientific. History did not progress as predicted by Marxian theory.
>class struggles address the root of the power structure and identity politics is addressing the cosmetics
Careful dude.
I do believe you can get kicked out of ANTIFA for pointing out the obvious.
>Da porkies
What a surprise you need to act like a poltard, but if you Looking at history, it would be foolish and shortsighted not to see that, even in societies divided into classes on the basis of property, the most vicious conflicts sometimes occur not between but within the classes, over a wide variety of issues. (The Wars of the Roses saw feudal lords slaughtering each other. Protestant nobles killed fellow-nobles of the Catholic faith in thousands in the Thirty Years’ War, and vice versa. In the nazi regime Jewish capitalists were persecuted together with their Jewish employees, and East African native ‘bourgeois’ expelled their Indian ‘class’mates, and so on) all this should remind you one of the big role of nationalism and racial identity in human history.
Did he have an answer for the fact that organised, industrialized societies tend to stomp the fuck out of hippie primitivist communes and take all their shit?
Just got through reading a collection of essays he wrote called 'Technological Slavery'. Probably the most influential thing I've ever read apart from Epictetus (lol look how educated I am XD XP).
But seriously, TJK was a master of history, politics, and observation, using all three to realize that the only solution to the invredibly oppressive nature of civilization, technology, and then the Technological Society that emerged from them after the Industrial Revolution, was to destroy technology a la Luddism.
REALLY interesting stuff:
>>Hated Liberals because they were "oversocialized"
>>Hated technology because it replaced humanity
>>Hated people because they're complacent
His answer was to destroy the grid. He theorized that some 'event' might happen which would temporarily slow things down (natural disaster, some economic crisis, etc.) at which time the 'revolutionaries' would step in and ensure that the grid never came back and that people opposed the technocrats who caused the crisis.
Kind-of a pipe-dream, but he was more practical than many give him credit for.
Interesting you should bring that up.
TJK said that LGBT and minority rights actually HELP the system be more efficient by bringing more people into a more equal state so that the best-qualified got the right job to serve the techno-industrial system.
Its not that TJK hated minority / LGBT rights, its that he saw it as a distraction and an aid for efficiency to something he despised
my mom almost died
good riddance
Do you know about the musical unabombers?
Ted and I have an eerily similar political philosophy apart from that while I am still a Luddite, I see that it is the replacement of our ecology with a synthetic ecology(economies) that have detached us from humanity, as they treat the living world we depend on for life as an externality. I don't think utterly destroying technology is possible or beneficial, it should just be used in a way congruent with our ecology. So my solution is basically anarchist economics a la deep ecology.
The way ted and I went crazy and our personalities are insanely similar, although I don't think violent insurgency against the system is a pragmatic action ATM.
He's not wrong.
He was right
I would bother responding but you sound like a borderline retarded first year arts student.
this probably. i had the same kind of thoughts as him on environment when i was on lsd.
Nice argument dude
Can you rec me some Veeky Forums that criticizes the Marxist theory of history? I'm wanting in that section while I read up on leftism more and I like a bit of balancing.
He was a premodernist
"The Open Society and Its Enemies" and "The Poverty of Historicism" by Karl Popper, in both books he criticize dialectical materialism and marxist view of history as historicism.
isn't that the man from the meme infograph
What meme?
Ah yes, but he critize communism too, he was a excomie after all.
When you read his manifesto you don't want him to be right, but there is this creeping feeling that he is. What he says makes sense. Still there is absolutely no way we are ever going back par a apocalyptic like event. You are never going to get people to voluntarily get rid of their modern lifestyle and comforts. So we just have to continue on the path were on, and if it's our doom than so be it.
Missed the social media revolution, thus his only means of self expression was through bombs, alas.
He has a lot of common with my country's eco-edgelord, Pentti Linkola. Also both have pretty much their own ideology without any followers. How alienated they must feel.
Christ he was good looking